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  1. Apparently after the Robotech RPG Tactics debacle and subsequent loss of the Robotech/Macross IP from HG, Strange Machine Games now has the SDF-M/RT IP and has released a new RPG using their Advantage 6 (AD6) system. I have a copy and so far I like it. It isn't hard to make adjustments to run SDF Macross games, just change some terminology. An ebook copy can bought at RPG DriveThru. I'm strongly thinking of making some fan supplements for the RPG so GMs and Players can run games within other eras of the Macross canon (yes even the alternate universe of Macross II). Of course none of the RPGs mechanics or components can be published in the fan supplement except for stats and components not in the core book. Robotech RPG by SMG So what do you guys think? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Edit] General Review: I've analyzed the game after a run and mostly theory play, the game works mostly on the narrative style rather then simulation. Although there are various optional rule that allow for more simulation style play and high legality modes. The general mechanics are: Narrative > Conflict > Resolve > Narrative. Most RPGs operate or are supposed to operate in this fashion. Robotech by Palladium attempts to use a more direct direct approach to Simulation leaving the Narrative to abstract conflicts with some conflict resolution conducted with the use of skills. Much like how D&D works, the characters have stats that represent the physical and mental capabilities of the character. Skills and combat are derived off of those stats. This a stat derivative simulation where the data drives the character. When is comes to combat everything has a large number of damage points to represent the material health of an object. Although in Palladium there are some system consistency issues, largely it is ruled by the Mega Damage system and concept where a certain material cannot be damaged unless the weapon also deals mega damage. This, although not ideal, is fine for simulation of large advanced vehicles and assets. The biggest complaint with the mega damage system is number bloat for damage which tends to bog down the flow of game play. The other complaint I often hear is that Palladium is that resolution of conflict, especially in combat in where large numbers of combatants are present, aren't handled too well. The refers to swarms, as seen with tens of battle pods. This leads to numbers bloat and upkeep bog down during combat. Many shortcuts have to be created by the GM to resolve such battles. In Robotech by SMG, the system is much different. The game is described as a hybrid of narrative and simulation conflict resolution. There isn't any attribute stats to generate, as it is assumed that you are generally competent in the role you are playing. You are a hero after all. Instead of a series of derived stats there is a skill system. These skills are derived by the role the player has selected. Level of competency with in skills are regulated by a simple priority system. This ranges from Specialized, Focused, to Versatile. These skills are used for all conflict resolution. The two types of conflict are Social and Combative. The system, at first glance, seems very simple, especially to those who are used to such systems as D20 and Mega Damage systems which are very simulation based. The system is designed to handle conflict resolution at a quick pace preventing choke points where upkeep bogs things down. This accomplishes many things: allows players who aren't familiar with the system to quickly generate a character, prevent people from becoming disinterested when bog down occurs while waiting for their turn, and maintain flow of the story and game. Combat in A6 Robotech is much like how the narrative role play works. Damage is more system function oriented and complete destruction of vehicles don't always happen. It comes down to what the character is doing or how they are behaving that dictates if they parish or not. This is the narrative aspect. Where as the system damage and structure points are a set of indicators to dictate the condition of the vehicle before it can no longer engage in the conflict and limps away damaged. The combat system has a few optional rules to increase and decrease lethality and also rules to make the game more narrative or more simulation based. You can pretty much say that SMG's A6 system is a middle ground between Palladium's simulation style Mega Damage system, and Mongoose Publishing's Paranoia which is solely a narrative system. I often compare A6 Robotech (A6 being the system that Strange Machine Games [SMG] uses) to Paranoia because of the narrative element and conflict resolution. Although, Paranoia's conflict resolution is handled by the whims of the GM and dice rolls are largely superficial. A6 Robotech keeps structured elements as seen in simulation based systems and unites it with narrative role playing. I have game-mastered many games in Palladium's system and in Paranoia. I personally like how this game works. It can feel over simplified at first, but the depth is created by the players though the system of skills, traits, career, nature, and stress which all guide its narrative play. I feel the system really fits with the Macross story narrative, and beside the nomenclature difference which is easily corrected by a GM that knows the pure Macross canon, can easily run games that have a genuine Macross feel. Overall, it doesn't matter what system you use whether it is Palladium, Advantage 6 [A6], or whatever system you want to run your game in, how well your game is played is up to the GM.
  2. Hi! here is my build of the bandai 1/200 kit (re-release of vintage imai kit) I am planning to make a diorama base for this one, still not decided if it will be an interior or exterior scene. I remember some time ago I saw a pic of one of these on a diorama base standing near a cliff with trees around preparing to shoot aiming high, but never found the pic again.
  3. Hi folks ! Just passing by to introduce you a very ambitious mod called "MACROSS Univers" which is supposed to cover every opus of the franchise at its term. For now, it is still a WIP status and the first part of the mod is progressing very well, but let's take a step further into details if you don't mind ^^ First of all, I'm not the original modder, that guy is named "cooper59" on this forum, and you can contact him for more informations or simply use this thread just as we will do to keep you informed about how the mod is progressing. The mod is planned to be released by generation, the first one is almost done and right now cooper59 is having a hard time with A.I coding and I'd like to take the opportunity to ask the community for help. If someone skilled enough with coding and with plenty of time and passion for the Macross universe like us, might be up to give some advices or even be recruited to help us to achieve this project, he/she would be welcomed onboard. A good understanding/speaking of French would be a bonus ^^ MACROSS Univers is available on steam workshop, you can find it here : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=581220784 The first part of the mod will cover both the serie and the movie "Do you remember love" KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS MOD IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. IT HAS BEEN RELEASED FOR TESTING PURPOSES. A lot of units are missing, only a few are available in deathmatch mode, no skirmish vs CPU support yet. Here's a little trailer to give you an idea of what it looks like, have fun and see you soon ! Edit : As you may have noticed, there is no description for the first updates within the logs, but it is about to change. First, I would like to detail how we are going to proceed. So, each update will start by a "0" and thus, until the final release which will most likely be "1.0" and should change again after that... The second digit represents the generation being developed at the moment, and the last part of the designation is the step-by-step evolution for the generation being developed. For instance, right now the mod has the current status "0.1.10", so this is the 10th update for the 1st generation. Here's the mini roadmap (subject to changes) 0.1.xx => Macross TV show & movie 0.2.xx => Macross+ & Macross7 0.3.xx => Macross Frontier 0.4 is under discussion for Macross Delta implementation 0.5 Going to BETA 0.X Fixing bugs/balancing > 0.1.10 - Fixed an issue with "ARMD cruiser" and "Oberth destroyer" building process > 0.1.09 - Added the ARMD class for carrier and cruiser > 0.1.01 => 0.1.08 - release of the mod under testing protocol - Add various units without A.I for deathmatch *SDF1 version TV show *Spider Bug *Lockhee SF-3A Lancer II *Northrom QF-3000E Ghost *Stonewell Bellcom VF-4 Lightning III *Shinnakasu VF-1J Super Valkyrie *Nupetiet-Vergnitzs *Quiltra Queleual And here's a little sum up of the situation : To make it short, cooper is definitely the brain of this project, he manages the models rendering, scripts edition, animations and FX/SFX integration all that kind of stuff that make my eyes crossing in only few hours On my side, I'm an "Ad Hoc" paintbrush and as it, I take care of movie making and test the mod before any update on steam (that's right I've got units to play with that you don't ^^). I also try to save cooper some time, for instance right now I'm isolating and gathering the maximum of sounds from the Macross series to build a sound data bank for him to quickly integrate SFX. The sad part is that both of us aren't skilled enough in coding for now and from here we have two options...either we can get into it, but not now because of the models priority, or, and it would be the better, we can find a nice and AI-skilled person already used to deal with those problematics. In the first case, it might grealty increase the delay since cooper would have to start coding from scratch :/ He is already in contact with people who might be helpful but beyond that I'm afraid I don't know that much about where it goes, I guess we'll see. See you guys !
  4. Share 'em! (I feel like laughing).
  5. There have been so many Macross fleets to leave earth and colonize other areas of the galaxy. so the question is which fleet would you have chosen and why?. Me personally it would have been the 7th fleet, cause Fire Bomber rocks
  6. Torrance Cultural Arts Center October 3, 2020 10 am to 7:30 pm https://facebook.com/SuperDimensionConvention/photos/gm.4085241801501748/1222525664608949/?type=3&source=44 https://superdimensioncon.com/index.html?fbclid=IwAR0C2yjCZiBurM3nbYSfIiaJES2Yi-QZie6Uq5oMDvkh0Wj83g-aLtc6dDs
  7. Alguien que quiera vender su woodland color 1:48 aun usado pero en buen estado? vivo en Monterrey, México saludos!!!
  8. Hi! just made a video review about my build and mods to improve the kit. I hope you like it!
  9. Super Dimension Convention Saturday, October 5, 2019 Torrance Cultural Arts Center http://superdimensioncon.wixsite.com/deculture/register https://facebook.com/SuperDimensionConvention/
  10. A few pages of Macross Perfect Memory (pp. 299~232) are given over to the episode-by-episode summaries of the series when it was in the early planning stages. It should be well-known by now that the original plan was for 52 episodes, then down to 48, then to 39, and finally down to 26 (before getting expanded to 36 after the series had started). The 52, 48, and 39-episode synopses are included in the book. The first two are very, VERY brief. The 39-episode one is much fuller. A lot of the info here was referred to by Egan Loo in both the Macross Compendium and the AnimEigo liner notes, but I don't think the complete synopses have ever been translated. So here's the 52-episode version (and yes, Ep. 31 is indeed left blank in the original). I'll be adding the other two over the next week or so. And hey... gotta love that ten-episode run from 34 to 43... Shoji Kawamori's 52-Episode Macross Synopsis #1 The Main Cannon fires #2 The Barrier is opened #3 The Megaroad launches #4 Warp #5 Pluto / Construction on the city begins #6 Transformation --> Robot #7 The birth of "Megaroadians" / The robot enters battle #8 A team infiltrates the enemy ship / They learn about the size difference #9 The battle in Saturn's orbit / The train line opens #10 Asteroid Cracker(1) / Transformation --> Battleship / Transformation warning #11 Mars Base / Female Miclone spy infiltrates #12 Spy Missile #13 Atmospheric re-entry / Brake-Parachute(2) #14 Resupplying at the undersea city #15 Sinking. Transformation --> Robot / The Megaroad floods / Rescue #16 Ground battle. Devil machine No. 2 #17 The group of three Miclones infiltrates #18 The Battle of the Grand Canyon #19 Japan completely annihilated by the Sunriser(3) #20 Transformation --> Battleship / Leaving for outer space #21 Near Venus / The enemy completes its Battlesuits / Battle operation of the new transformable robots #22 The Captain is kidnapped #23 Transformation --> Robot. Tentative rescue operation / The enemy missile counterattack (the right arm is lost) #24 Search for a deputy Captain #25 Great defensive battle at the Sun #26 Rescue operation for the Captain #27 The operation fails / Wandering inside the enemy ship #28 The Captain's special attack #29 The Chinese girl becomes a singer / The people from the beginning growing apart #30 The enemy's new troops / The man who controls a 200m robot by himself #31 #32 Back to the earth / Resupplying from the earth's surface. Population increase / A feeling like Noah's Ark #33 The Sunriser activates / Certain death plate tectonics(4) #34 America is completely destroyed / The secret of the Supervisor #35 Husband and wife crisis (The Captain married couple) / The Panama Canal ruined #36 Fake kidnapping / Machu Picchu destroyed(5) / The heroine changes assignments #37 The Pyramids smashed #38 Macropolis destroyed #39 The Arc du Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower pulverized #40 England vaporized #41 The Caspian Sea evaporated #42 Everest collapses #43 Complete destruction of Earth / The heroine returns #44 The enemy's main fleet draws near / To space #45 The right-arm capture operation #46 The city region of destiny #47 Unrequited love. Devil machine No. 2 #48 The genius. Wedding ceremony #49 The Supervisor and the female captain get married #50 The genius falls #51 The civilian escape operation #52 The final city. To Earth (1) The anchor rockets from both of the Macross's arms smash into asteroids, and the fragments destroy the enemy ships. (2) The soften the shock of re-entering the atmosphere, the Macross deploys a parachute 10km in diameter. (3) A weapon which destroys everything surrounding the Macross, making no distinction between friend and foe. (4) As a result of the Macross's crash into the face of the planet, the earth's crust has to be defended against the enemy's attack. (5) The Mayan holy place, located in South America Shoji Kawamori's 48-Episode Macross Synopsis #1 And after 10 years, the Megaroad is activated #2 The Barrier is opened #3 The Megaroad launches / Aircraft carrier cruise #4 Warp. Warp engine vanishes #5 Pluto orbit / Construction on the city begins #6 The ramen restaurant comes to the bridge / The birth of "Megaroadians." Meeting with the heroine #7 Transformation --> Robot / Some houses get sucked outside #8 The robot enters battle / Rebuilding of the Megaroad City / Battroids become more energetic due to rewiring #9 Battle operation breaking into the enemy ship / They learn about the size difference / The woman gets rescued on Titan #10 The battle in Saturn's orbit / Asteroid Cracker #11 Transformation: Robot to Battleship / Transformation warning. To the Transformation Team. #12 Spy missile operation / The main characters visit the Chinese girl's home #13 The infiltration of the enemy's main fleet operation. A battroid in disguise / Harnessing the technology of the warp system equipment. #14 An escapee without a space suit blows up / The Miclone operation commences / Miss Megaroad #15 Atmospheric re-entry. Brake-Parachute / A detached part of the city lands in the water / Sinking. The inside of the Megaroad floods #16 The deep sea rescue operation / Transformation --> Robot #17 The Chinese girl becomes a singer / Resupplying at the undersea city / The female Miclone spy sneaks aboard #18 Megaroad battle athletic meet #19 Date in Chinatown / A small enemy force spends the night not fighting #20 Real ground battle. Devil machine No. 2 PART 1 / The group of three Miclones infiltrates #21 New recruits / New training #22 Christmas #23 New Year's Eve / The movie premiere #24 The new model robot is deployed #25 Japan completely annihilated by the Sunriser / Devil machine No. 2 PART 2. The secret of the Supervisor #26 The Captain is kidnapped / In the confusion, transformation --> Battleship #27 Rescue operation for the Captain fails / The enemy missile counterattack #28 Search for a deputy Captain / The enemy attack en masse #29 Rescue operation for the Captain / Use of the Jump Door #30 The rescue of the Captain fixes the enemy's stance #31 The Supervisor arrives #32 Valentine's Day operation / Transformation warning / The hero and heroine return #33 The Captain's special attack / The man who controls a 2000 ton robot by himself #34 Unrequited love. TV aboard ship is broadcast / The Chinese girl and her cousin make their relationship public #35 Earth, again / Resupplying from the earth's surface / The heroine changes assignments #36 The Sunriser is activated / Certain death plate tectonics restored #37 The Pyramids smashed #38 New York demolished #39 Battle to the death at the Grand Canyon #40 Complete destruction of Earth. Underground cave base / The heroine returns #41 Fake kidnapping #42 [it says "32" in the book, but I think that's a typo] The right-arm capture. The Captain, again / The Titan Tribe. A battroid in disguise #43 The battle in the city region of destiny #44 The genius's wedding of duty / Wedding space suits #45 The universe draws near / The Supervisor gets report of the main body of the army #46 The genius falls / Defensive battle at the Sun #47 The civilian escape operation #48 And after 10 years, humanity again / The final Sunriser inside the enemy ship
  11. https://kawamoriexpo.jp/s/ex01/ https://mobile.twitter.com/kawamoriexpo
  12. Super Dimension Foto's Patreon Page Photography is a hobby of mine. Doing Macross themed Cosplay photo shoots seems like a good idea to me. I'm starting things off with a series dedicated to Misa. This project will emulate classic imagery of character in photographs (and possible video). I picked Misa because she’s a strong female character that doesn’t get that much attention. In the future I'd like to include more characters from the series or pop culture. I've already did the first shoot. You should be able to match most of the poses up with the line art. It was simple shoot with a real model. Her name is Lee and has agreed to portay Misa for several shoots. You will see more of her and hopefully others. I ask that you don't say anything disrespectful about her/them or attempt to contact them in private with the intent to harass. I will take steps to remove you from Macross World if you do. This thread will be periodically cleaned up. Why focus on one character? It is simple economics. I like to include more characters but resources are limited. I'm going to stretch my dollar by getting the most mileage out of each character. These shoots will be primarily self-funded. On my own I can afford a modest monthly/bimonthly photo shoot. I know people that will want to see the pictures will also want to see more elaborate photo shoots with more extras like new characters. If you're willing to be a patron in supporting this project we can increase the production value. Here are 2 sample pictures. I will share 1 more every other day for a total of 5 freebies. If you want to see rest of this photo set click on the link above. (Click to see bigger) (Click to see bigger) For those that don't want to sign up for a Patreon account I will accept direct donations for each set. I can also arrange things by private request for very generous patrons. Cosplay photography isn't cheap. If you're willing to donate more to help fund things we can include your requests in a future photoset to be shared with the rest of the patrons. If you don't want to share and willing to pay for everything that can be arranged as well. Special Note: None these photo sets will be pornographic or show extreme violence. This includes private commissions. I photograph clients of all ages and that is not the type of photographer I want them to see me as. Some of the photos will be very SFW and others may border on being NSFW. If is it acceptable to a museum than it is acceptable to me.
  13. Anyone else see this? https://www.nhk.or.jp/anime/macross/ NHK is running a full Macross series poll for favourite: Series, Character, Mecha and Song The halfway announcement has Nekki Basara as 2nd most popular character which was actually a pleasant surprise for me.
  14. hachi

    HMR VF4

    From the album: Macross Stuff

    HMR VF-4 Lightning III
  15. Welcome to the Macross Delta Mecha/Technology Thread Guildlines Please limit your discussion of mecha and technology to this thread. This thread is not for discussing individual episodes or the story. Do not cross post. Please limit your discussion to mecha and technology seen in Macross Delta. Do not post any links to episodes or full soundtracks anywhere in the forum. This thread contains spoilers about mecha. Don't say we didn't warn you.
  16. Good day. I present this first issue in this glorious community, hoping it will be as clear as possible. We all know that in macross VF's use the technology of miniaturized thermonuclear reaction turbines that was created from the technology of ASS-1. Thanks to the OTEC it was possible to create these turbines applied from Valkyrie VF-1, the doubt that stands out is, if the turbines without taking into account the model of VF need to use external fuel, or is the power of the turbines themselves more than enough to not recharge anything else. I have seen some scenes in macross 7 and macross delta that recharge fuel to the VF I have that doubt. I hope it has been as clear as possible. greetings to all.
  17. New Third party company I suppose just reeeased this I guess. Looks like the PF VF-1S Hikaru heres the link to buy and a review but not by me https://showzstore.com/valkyrie-factory-vf-1-60-vf-1s-vf1s-strike-valkyrie-macross-hikaru-ichijo-style-w-super-space-part-upgrade-kit_p1125.html https://youtu.be/lu5PbtIuqZ8
  18. Greetings from new community. I bother them with another question regarding the fleets of colonization, launched in the universe of macross. we all know the first fleet that left the earth in September 2012 the famous SDF-02 Megaroad-01. the question I have is, does anyone know where to consult the list of full releases or some similar data. I have some personal doubts about the data that I know, if they can illuminate this personal doubt. Thank you. Greetings and success to all of you.
  19. In order to vent my excitement for Delta just around the corner I put together these Valk Replicas in KSP. Tell me what you guys think, did I even come close? Sorry for the potato like quality my computer is crap. VF-31F Siegfried old version VF-31A Kairos SV-262Hs Drakken III old version, new one TBA SV-51y old version VF-0B Phoenix VF-0D Phoenix SV-51y w/Boosters VF-0 Phoenix "Angel" QF-2200D-A Ghost VF-1J Valkyrie VF-4G Lightning III VA-3C Invader VB-6 König Monster VF-5000 Star Mirage VF-9 Cutlass VF-11C Thunderbolt VF-14 Vampire (Macross7 P*L*U*S* Version) YF-19 Alpha1 YF-21 Omega1 X-9 Ghost VF-19ACTIVE Nothung SV-52 Oryol QF-4000 Ghost VF-171 Nightmare Plus VF-25F Messiah VF-27y Lucifer AIF-9V Ghost YF-29 Durandal YF-30 Chronos old version (Heres a couple of the old albums with more pics) http://imgur.com/a/a3laY http://imgur.com/a/IL2LO http://imgur.com/a/d39cL Heres my Steam Screenshot page for a good portion of my KSP creations ranging from WWII prop planes and bombers to F-15's and the superplanes from the Ace Combat universe to of course Macross Valkyries. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198074068035/screenshots/?appid=220200 Just updated with new Pics
  20. Super Dimension Convention Saturday, September 15, 2018 11 am to 7 pm Torrance Cultural Arts Center https://facebook.com/events/205355943354013?acontext={"ref"%3A"98"%2C"action_history"%3A"null"}&aref=98 http://superdimensioncon.wixsite.com/deculture
  21. Hello everyone, After 10 years, some friends want me to publish my free game about Macross. Never too late to have fun Just hit the link and BEAT THE ZENTRADI FLAGSHIP BOSS!! MACROSS - THE TOWER - FREE GAME Totally free, made by love for MACROSS! By a huge fan who is now graphist artist because of the show. I love Macross about the start, i am creating now a new video game "Dogfight style" and it is on the good way! Contact me if you want to become a test pilote! (When ready to test.) This offer is only for macross lovers over the world! I really want you to get back the good feelings we have long time ago when we watch the tv show and we see varitechs fighting pods. We will win!
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