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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. "Yes, I'd like a VF-1 Valkyrie Value meal, supersized!"
  2. UPDATE: Some refinements, the gunpod, and gerwalk mode:
  3. Thanks MT! In developing this, I wanted to go with something believable in both shape as well as function. Also, I didn't want a transformation that would take 3 weeks, 24 engineers and 5 supercomputers to figure out! Glad you like it! I've done more since the last pics; I'll try to get some tonight to show the latest progress. Thanks Arbit! Bit it's gonna get a lot smoother when you see the next pics, trust me!
  4. I would have thought that a Destroid would have to have better radiation shielding at least, given that it cannot maneuver like a Variable Fighter as to get out of a situation where high radiation was an issue. Also, wouldn't high-winds make flying impossible for VF's but not inhibit ops so much for a Destroid on the ground (blowing them all over the place)?
  5. What is Macross II? It would have to be a unique situation that would call for the particular strength and talents of the Destroids over those of the Variable Fighters. I personally think it would have to be a kind of environment where flight would be all but impossible, maneuverability would be limited across the board, tremendous endurance, armor and high firepower were required, and it would be specifically land-based. A possible situation would be a planet where high winds and a particular radiation made current propulsion technology for fighters inoperable, relegating any mech to land ops. High armor would be needed as would endurance, and enemies in this world would require high amounts of ordnance to combat successfully.
  6. Well, it was more united that they had previously been, to be certain. That said, the fact that Anti-UN got their hands on the tech demonstrates the human propensity to get into trouble without any assistance as well.
  7. UPDATE: still trying to develop a backpanel for the mech. Otherwise, refined paintjob a bit with an over-tint of purple and applied some markings: I finally settled on a name I like for the craft: "Valkren". The designation for it is SVF-74R. The "Omega" symbol indicates its' air callsign, taking after the original "Omega One" for the Yf-21 ( As a point in the story for the Macross RPG I'm a part of, General Galaxy is developing this particular fighter in competition to the Three Star heavy Industry VF-113 within the Macross 14th Colonization Fleet. Both will take part in a multi-fleet stealth fighter contest that the Unity Government has going, with finals to be conducted at New Edwards on Eden). Also, this needs a gunpod; gotta work that up soon... Stay tuned...
  8. So you agree with my eye roll at you then? No, you don't "agree with everyone here". If you did, you wouldn't keep trying to push intellectually dishonest garbage. I mean, seriously: what is it you're hoping to gain with all of this nonsense, especially when it's clear that it's all just the thoughts of others mashed into a pastiche that is pure gibberish. Your thoughts mirror my own on this topic: humans are capable of figuring things out and didn't "need extraterrestrial help". The idea that "only Western culture was capable of (insert feat here)" is pretty insulting to humanity as a whole, and ends up painting them in a negative light that is undeserved. If I may also add: it tries to negate the efforts and accomplishments of individuals who innovated ideas and inventions, instead crediting them to "another race" (though I may be saying the same thing in simply a different way). My attraction to Macross as a story stems in part ti the fact that although an alien vessel crashed on Earth, the answers weren't "given" to mankind, but instead, they had to work for it via research and effort. And that was a united effort with minds from across the globe that resulted in the Destroids, Valkyries and ultimately, the rebuilt ASS-1/SDF-1. Man made mistakes along the way and didn't get everything 100 percent right, but he didn't rely on "aliens" to do it for him.
  9. UPDATE: while not finished just yet, I felt it was time for "first colors" (pre-paint to check overall concept workability and preview final look): The paint scheme is a bit rough at this point and I'll probably revise it a bit as I get near the end. But here it is in color! Stay tuned...
  10. Maybe he could put it on a steel rod connected to a motor, so it circles the lighthouse!
  11. UPDATE: Just a minor one this time, but I finally got to working on the head and did some improvements: Before: After: After trimming down the sides of the chest (will be doing more work on the chest soon!), I used the head that was there as a placeholder for a central "core" to build up the final structure. Originally, I was going to go with something like a "hood" (a la YF-21), but I felt this already borrowed heavily from that mech. So, I went with something a bit unusual that I can later "layer" the rear plane sections over to give a kind of hooded appearance without directly copying the 21. Stay tuned...
  12. AKA being stunningly and embarrassingly full of crap. If HG could make money on that, they'd have no need of RT. Come to think of it... them "promoting" RT was exactly that all along, right?
  13. I would scuff-sand it with 0000 grade steel wool, then wash the plastic with a mild detergent solution and rinse it really well; like you're doing a model kit. Plastics being molded are notorious for oils (mold release from initial molding as well as skin oils from years of handling/play as well as natural leeching due to age I suspect). I would also use either a flat black, flat/primer grey or primer white as a primer coat before any color coats (depending on the colors you want to use). This is especially important if you're using acrylics, but take note of "paint rub" where transforming parts would meet (such as the swing bars and nose, the chest and the back plate sliding together, as a few examples); you may need to take the thickness of the paint into consideration and either omit paint from where those parts would meet, or sand them gently so that the paint would not rub. Some of this may be overkill; folks here who have done this more may know more / better than I do. But these are just off the top of my head, given what I already know. Good luck on the paint!
  14. Actually, with the way my arms and hands are, the keyboard helps greatly when typing.
  15. UPDATE: Repositioned the arms on a swing-plate so they aren't so "up-front" and throwing off everything: I still need to address the covering for the head turret, a "midships' section cover and then start developing the "outer skin" of the mech overall. Battroid mode is coming along fairly well: Right after photographing this, I realized the sides of the chestplate are interfering with the head, so I trimmed them off. The head also needs articulation, but running low on Plastic Welder is putting the brakes on that until I can work a few issues out. Needs a backplate to cover all the mechanisms and whatnot, then once I have some stuff in place, I can start thinking about a gunpod for this one. Stay tuned...
  16. So I wonder what the bottom limit is to demonstrate sales that assert trademark use? I suspect even one comic book title, crappy collectible or whatnot is enough.
  17. So I assume that unless something drastically changed with copyright law (since BW didn't unveil Macross first in the US), HG losing the rights in North America simply isn't going to happen? I had been wondering if BW was trying to build some kind of legal precedent in other courts worldwide, but I doubt it would apply in the US anyways. Guess a lot of us still hope for the day when Macross would flow freely in the US....
  18. I would get the casing from an old printer or stereo (if available); PVC and ABS are not exactly the same thing (ABS is used for stuff like 1/55 Chunky's).
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