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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Kinda behind a bit and finally watched last weeks episode of the Clem show. Kinda dull and a bit emo. It seemed like more of a tease for action to come. Didn’t really think about it the first time I saw him, but is tattoo guy the one from the punisher?
  2. I think he could still pull it off, but I do get that Al Simmons should probably be a bit younger.
  3. Now I’m curious as to which one of the 30 that you skipped?
  4. Nice job on the kit. These are actually good subjects for a contest dice they’re so simple that any little thing that you do extra can really add to it. Love the eye and the tiny chipping. The weathering looks very in scale as well
  5. I was just reading that article a little bit ago. I hope that this thing finally gets to full production before Jamie Fox gets too old
  6. It depends on where you live. If you’re in Japan, you should be able to order from all the old regulars. If outside Japan then Hlj is pretty much the only Japanese site that can sell it. There are also local options. Here in the U.S. there’s USA gundam store and newtype hobbies and quite a few others. If you’re in another country then I would check local sites
  7. The movie is really about a plumber that was offered some pizza at one of his customers homes that had been using the wrong kinda shrooms as a topping. Now he thinks every pipe is a warp gate that leads to early retirement. along the way he’s fighting with dead turtles children had flushed while believing he was responsible for their deaths and their all led by his boss who in his mind is now some messed up cross between a turtle and a dragon and thinks his hot wife needs to be rescued from him and somehow his brother is trying to help him in his adventures. The whole time his brother is really trying to get him clean and it’s really a redemption story dealing with heavy addiction
  8. Yeah, I saw the original release in 3D and was absolutely amazed. I kinda thought every movie after that would try to be that immersive. Unfortunately that didn’t really happen. I still wasn’t that happy with the movie on home video. I couldn’t afford a 3D tv and that gimmick is really the big thing for it.
  9. There’s a lot about this design that I really like and a chest that I really hate. I’d almost like to get it and see if I could find another kit to kitbash it.
  10. Rammstein definitely are the kings of fire. If you get a chance look up some of the recent tour videos on YouTube. Mein teil was one of the highlights. I don’t know how the guy on keyboards survived without serious burns. Definitely one of the most dangerous displays I’ve ever seen at a show. Du Hast had an amazing fireworks ricochet to flaming tower explody awesomeness. And this tour they had a smaller stage set up shaped like a ship with cannons in the back about midway into the arena where they all gathered up to do a softer piano version of Engel while climbing on little inflatable rafts that the floor crowd carried back to the mainstage. It was fun watching them ride those little rafts over the crowd, leading into Auslander back at that massive stage.
  11. Some more web exclusive temptation found these pics on tag hobby and I guess if you have the reboot barzam there’s a Frankenstein option.
  12. While I really never liked the band, I think it was a great idea to post the tour dates for those that are fans. I’m sure there are some here that would greatly appreciate that info and I think it would be cool to have tour dates for other bands posted as well. We’re finally finishing up the postponed tours from 2020 and there’s some good acts setting up new tours for 2023.
  13. I think that unfortunately wouldn’t mesh well. The scale aside, Hasegawa tends to try to be more real world in detail and Bandai tends to be more anime simplistic. It’s too bad wave didn’t do a 1/100 YF-19 since they also tend to be more anime simple.
  14. I don’t think the front of the foot looks bad, the heel is a bit big looking, but I’m having a hard time finding references for the back side in battroid. Maybe even keep it simple with a 3D printed replacement for the fighter. Or possibly just for the heel, but I think a full replacement for the fighter would look great
  15. Honestly I don’t know the absolute criteria for the U.S. stores in Macross plus. Bandai was able to allow stuff for delta, frontier and zero and American theaters were allowed to show the movie
  16. No, it’s a mix of two issues. Bandai doesn’t Allow sellers to even sell gundam kits outside of Japan unless they have an American website like hlj and amiami. And then American stores have to deal with harmony gold not allowing certain items in their stores. Amiami didn’t have this kit listed last night, but may have it showing soon or just not at all. The situation for both Bandai kits and Macross licensing are what led to hlj possibly being the only one showing this item. Hobbysearch hasn’t even been able to show gundam kits in their gundam kits section for a while now. It’s the fact that this particular item falls under two difficult categories. One, it’s a Bandai model kit and two, it’s not a wwm release. due to the restrictions on the first by Bandai you are only allowed one purchase of the kit and decals for the kit which adds to the complication for my plans of buying two or three of these to have displayed in each mode
  17. I know it’s in the character design, but the little wingy feet look super silly in live action.
  18. The more I see of that hg Vifam, the more I want it. Hope they do new versions of some of the other ones from this show. Re releasing those old ones does bring back memories. I used to have a little hobby shop around the late 80’s early 90’s called Tomcat hobbies and the owner would sometimes find these as well as some other older anime kits. He would buy them off of sellers that were often military that were based overseas and he’d resell those in the shop. Pre internet was really a different time for buying mecha kits.
  19. The difficulty isn’t as much this being a Macross item as much as it is a Bandai kit. They still have an issue with allowing other sites to sell their kits outside of Japan. That’s really the main issue here. The secondary one is that I don’t think that this will be a world wide release. That may make hlj the only place that I’ve found to get these. This doesn’t seem to be a super hot item like a dx toy, and they do get regular shipments of kits so they may have quite a few extras at day of sale or at least will do more orders after the initial preorders are filled. Unfortunately that probably means no discount for extras. I do hope I’m wrong and U.S. stores are allowed to carry these kits and decals, but I haven’t seen any yet. U.S.A. Gundam Store already had preorders for the new gundam and kyoukai senki along with all the other standard releases earlier this weekend before hlj even listed them. The only items they didn’t list were the decals and YF-19 kit.
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