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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. Well. It's always good when we get more Macross, of course. I imagine this is going to be Delta related. I can't imagine them taking any chances and going in a different direction with the new series. Oh well. Speculate..speculate .. Those of us that have been at this for decades often fantasize about all the overturned stones left along the way . Oh, the thinks you can think ! But the series deals with the current fan base usually. Which perpetually hovers in the tween/teen market.. That's why I love Plus and Zero. And so, every series and OVA can be picked apart all day, but it just comes down to opinions . Let the party begin!
  2. Haha Boba Fett is the best! Any how, I own TFA and I'll definitely be owning R1. As much as we debate and split hairs, we're all slurping it up. I saw TFA 3 times in the theater and R1 twice already..
  3. I did enjoy TFA for its quality action and sci-fi. Great visuals. But yes I was disappointed by the obvious rehashing that it was. I do think that it could become a better movie with the showing of episodes 8&9 filling in the obvious holes. And I do expect episodes 8&9 to be better. One other reason I'll mention TFA was a disappointing chapter is because it completely killed and voided the expanded universe without any doubts. For anyone who's been reeding the tales of Star Wars for the last 20 years, say good by.. I think R1 comes across as made by someone who wanted to tell a good Star Wars story focused on the ones that didn't get away and didn't get to watch the rebel fleet ride off into the pink nebula... i think they did a pretty good job.
  4. It was definitely better than TFA. But truthfully JJ ,or anyone for that matter , would've had a hard time picking up after ROTJ. We all had so many expectations and JJ just cobbled a tribute together. Whereas R1 is a stand alone and what ever expectations anyone had , they weren't necessarily linked to 30 years of Star Wars movies. Not like the the 7 episodes..we all enjoyed watching another Star Wars movie with another perspective. Granted , it can be criticized but ..it stand alone and still ties into aNH.the best of both worlds.. Also, I think Vader was hot on PL's tail but it could have been days before he actually caught up with her(or longer?). She was planning on hand delivering to Obi Wan. Until it was obvious that wasn't gonna happen...
  5. Bolt

    Hi-Metal R

    Ya the 1limit per sucks. But I do remember how many people stocked up when these first premiered and many lost out while others collected.. 🤔
  6. What??! You know I'd love some zen's w my Glaug dude!😜
  7. Things are getting pretty interesting now..😉
  8. Haha..yoda getting down with Dooku was cool Also windu taking down Jango.. And NO JarJar!😜 Truth is they all fell short of episodes 4,5&6..it's a debate on which one sucked more..🤔 Ep. 1 Battle of the fates was awesome..!
  9. Bolt

    Hi-Metal R

    What really surprised me is that I am now looking forward to Bandai's HM-R announcements more so than Arcadia's announcements... Same same!
  10. Bolt

    Hi-Metal R

    Why would they stop there??
  11. I have a feeling R1 is gonna come out way ahead of episode 7..at least for me Let's face it. JJ played it safe and basically recycled the other movies into episode 7..
  12. When they say "based on the book.." That gives them a lot of liberties to make it more "movie friendly" And with the second installment , this is going to go beyond the chronology of the book which gives them free reign to be creative and hopefully not mess it up fubar..
  13. I'm realizing you said ABOVE the $350-mark..
  14. Bolt

    Hi-Metal R

    Might as well get it on eBay at that price😕
  15. Ah..so Harrison Ford is reprising his role..awesome. Although it's gonna be tough to even match the original film considering its groundbreaking performance decades ago. Relying on Special effects and action sequences will surely send it down the tubes.
  16. Haha that would be awesome!..if I never wanted the vf-0 to see the light of day again..or transform it🤓 No, I was thinking dremnel and adding tabs( to the armor) Should be a fun experiment.
  17. I'm planning on being the first one to hack up a set..I mean "modify" for my Yammy VS-0 Because I'm perfectly happy with the Yammy and have to give all my money to Bandai for the high metals and the DX's..
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