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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. If you ever get the chance , please do more! I'm planning on a 1/72 "Phantom Sword " squad. The Vaks look killer (no pun intended) and the SVF 440 emblems look awesomeness. Love to gather more details.
  2. Wow. I'm surprised , I thought I was missing an obvious detail laid out somewhere in the story line.. another question. i know I'm obsessed with Operation "Phantom Sword" from the Variable Fighter Master File VF-19 Excalibur book (can't find any translation on the event!) but why do the VF-19's depicted have an additional fold booster under slung ,as well as the fold booster mounted on top? Is this because each fold booster is a one way ticket? I'm assuming the obvious answer has something to do with multiple fold jumps..
  3. I'm sure this has been covered , did do a search but too many topics with these words.. what info specifically led Megaroad-01 towards the Galactic core? Maybe I need to revisit the SDF series..
  4. Or buy a Lego mellenium Falcon from Denmark..
  5. I'm not sure the western market is going to support $200 plus dollar DX's on an acceptable scale , beyond those of us that already do. more like Hasbro will try to get the rights and sell CHEAP Mac-crap.. i know there's been some licensing of toys from the show that must not be named, and I have no idea what state any of it is in (nor do I really care) or what any of it woukd entail. But I feel the Walmart economy drives a lot . At least hear in the surreal US..
  6. http://www.macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/variant-vf-1j-mtf.htm wow! Epic rendition!
  7. Well, I will admit I don't even bother with Gundam much anymore either.. I'm a bit older , never watched Gundam wing or the myriad of others since. I stumbled onto Thunderbolt and was pleasantly surprised. But I still don't bother trying to keep up with any of it. I'm not Gundam bashing , it's just reality. Macross has held my interest and , though it's had different styles , it's remained consistent for me. I find the common , in universe , thread in them all. And I too have found something about them all that I appreciated.
  8. Great stuff! Still I very much appreciate the sparsity of Macross because there's more to Love and less to hate. I recognize your going with the cup would be half full point of view. pairently waiting over here across the Pacific for more forthcoming info..
  9. Certainly. I'm just trying to come up with a plausible explanation, as it seems to me dog fighting might be the best possible use.
  10. Honestly were all pretty lucky with what we've gotten out of Macross , so far. I woukd think (hope) the powers that be want to continue to distinguish themselves from (read Gundam) over doing it and flooding the market with every angle just to capture every marketable age group and genre. As well as selling A LOT of models.. I love me some Gundam . But hate some too. Don't hate any Macross...
  11. I've always taken it for granted that Macross would not follow the shmaltzy Gundam route..
  12. I'm not sure if this has been covered before.. Any more info on the Variable Fighter Master File VF-19 Excalibur Operation "Phantom Sword"?
  13. Perhaps an SV style ..taking out other VF's..? without much consideration for improved armor, of course..
  14. Just an interesting note. In the final battle of the False Songstress, Brera operating the VF-27 does have Alto (in the VF-29) dead in his sights. He's locked on but doesn't fire as Rankas song is affecting him. He then breaks the implant hold (with the help of Rankas song) on himself and busts into Battle Frontier whereupon he blasts the crap out of the cyber humans(??) controlling Battle Frontier and merging it with the Queen Vajra..also killing himself..
  15. Ah so.. From that standpoint, it seems the VF-25 could simply have been upgraded a la.. And had a much longer service life , like the F-14 Tomcat of our yesteryears. (A great fighter is hard to retire!) Just add on the ordinance container to the Messiah!
  16. This leaves me with the impression that the VF-31 is not phenomenally better in performance than the VF-25 and only out classes it in armaments and control systems. Better fold capabilities too.
  17. Reading from Sketchley's translations (an invaluable resource !) came acemrosd this in the description of the YF-30 Chronos development.. "At the time of this aircraft's development, in addition to existing technology, it's said that parts collected from the Protoculture ruins on the planet(Ouroboros?), and the protective weapons that guard the ruins, were also inserted into the YF-30." do we know which "parts" and "protective" weapons being spoken of?
  18. Ah so.. That's theRod version , I believe. Lovely machine. Mans so the VF-27 doesn't come close to the YF-29? also , what about the Spectacular VF-19EF/A "Isamu special"? It (he) seemed to be ripping it up in the final frontier battle and it also apparently outmaneuver the VF-25 Messiah. Pitted against the YF-29? Bear in mind not all pilots are equal ..
  19. So the VF-27 (with cyborg pilot) isn't in there? Interesting. I don't think I've seen the YF-29B variant.. i also assumed that the YF-30 was the direct parent of the VF-31. And therefore also assumed it was up to par(or close) with the YF-29..
  20. Ultimately , it's probably best the fate of Megaroad-01 is a mystery. It's fun to conjecture and as long as we get the occasional clue or teaser, than would be just fine. I do see the benefits of tying the threads together in Macross. All these stand alone stories are somewhat well connected. Aside from the "Lady M" bomb (dud) that got dropped in Delta, the threads in that particular story were pretty thin..
  21. Based on how poorly the crew of SD-F1 was treated, (specifically the governing councils refusal to follow Misa and Glovals requests following their report at Alaska base, amongst other instances ). I can't help but wonder how she would have handled governing or influencing what would eventually become NUNS. How would certain protocols and agendas be different..? Like I've joked before, I'm sure if Megaroad-01 suddenly showed up, they'd be cleaning house.
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