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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. I have a small collection of Macross resin kits and Mokoto Kobayashi Dragons Heavens (some Chinese recasts), as well. And I love them! I do consider any resin kits to be somewhat rare in that they require a lot of love , usually, and patience. And also because they're not really main stream. I too prefer well designed, well built toys as they can handle repeated handling and showing off. But the modeler in me just loves the resin stuff!
  2. That follows a certain logic , no doubt. Maybe , one day . We will find out.. I'm glad you liked Delta!
  3. Very descriptive, I can hear it! But! Certainly doesn't qualify as MACROSS. (Hence the capital letters) bastardizations don't count So I'll stick to my earlier statement.
  4. Haha! Ya, I think I know who you mean.. How could Kawamori San possible write something even remotely about transforming jet robots and not feel the tug of Macross destiny!? I don't think either, as well..but I'm very curious.
  5. Gonna try to cover two birds with one stone here. Concerning Macross Plus and Macross Zero, did either one of those OVAs have a pre existing manga or hobby magazine story or feature? I'm pretty familiar with all of the content and merchandise after the fact, but what (if any) stiories or , specific mecha designs were out there before these became animation magic?
  6. I'd like to borrow that term for a different context please..
  7. If any version of MACROSS makes it to Netflix, that would be something!
  8. Makes me wonder how well Plus and zero did in Japan. Would something like we're suggesting go over well..?
  9. Hah! Or they would be like "wow, these NUNs are F'd up and what went wrong??" then they would promptly leave their vacation wonderland to come kick some a$$. And show them how one idol can rock it! I do like the mystery of The Megaroad-01 , if they can throw out little teasers and Easter eggs every so often , without having to go there, that's ok!
  10. I suspect Macross these days is a big, fat, stinky success in Japan. Though I would love to know how Japanese viewers are critiquing Delta, compared to most moacross world members, whom , I assume , are not mostly Japanese. I'm really hoping for a side story or an in between short series ( as I've said many times) . But if it's more of the same a la Delta sing along with weak writing, then I'll pray for bad ass mecha , at least. Macross is firmly rooted in my heart, but my enthusiasm waxes and wanes based on their tried (tired?) and true formula. It all remains to be seen , eh?
  11. Abrams has gone down hill , I believe. I don't feel he did anything very original with TFA. Played it too safe and it all just played out like a different version of ANH with elements of ESB and ROTJ . As a die hard fan I still enjoyed it for what it was. But as the saying goes ," it is what it is , and it ain't what it ain't.." Improper English but still captured everything I feel about these new SW movies. not holding my breadth for episode IX.
  12. Sorry you guys got screwed over on that one. I played cyber punk back in the day with paper , pencil and dice, like others. This would be cool to check out when it comes to PS4.
  13. Live action version much scarier than anime version..
  14. Have the Reactive, Want the Minmey guard!
  15. Nice! Good job on the panels and paint!
  16. I'll definitely check it out when it comes to Netflix. And definitely won't be holding my breadth for an amazing anime..
  17. Compared to Frontier, Does anyone know how well Delta was received in Japan? The Walküre , I imagine, was a massive hit, but what about the show? im trying to glean what direction might now be taken based on how well Delta did or didn't do.. Although I still think the 35 Th anniversary is a great opportunity to do something in between ( like M the Ride..).
  18. I have bothe of the visual guide volumes to Macross the Ride. Would love an English translation of the novelization.
  19. Haah! That whole protoculture "sub plot" will come back to haunt you! just watch the scene where max and Miira fight in DYRL. That's just one of the many bad ass mecha action scenes. And considering when it was made, DYRL is STILL killer animation! I would never say it was flawless, but pretty close! I loved Macross Pluss too and Zero. Seto is right . "Short, controlled bursts" (killing a horde of aliens style) when watching M7. I had to do it twice to love it. With all of the Macross content so far, I would love the next story to cover something in between or on the side of an existing time line/story.
  20. Apologies are never gonna happen, y'all.. I can find something I like about EVERY Macross series and movie. Truly! And even if I'm not super stoked on certain features or projects, the mechs have been consistently awesome! The problem with those of us that harken back to DYRL is that it had awesome mecha action AND a great story. So did a few other Macross projects..IMO But I applaud SK San's efforts to carry on, I would be bummed if there were NO further Macross stories to look forward to. And maybe I'm being starry eyed , but I do believe the Macross story will eventually circle back round , as it occasionally hints at from time to time. Regardless of what's been said . Nevertheless it doesn't hurt to keep your cards close to your chest. but if it doesn't , and just continues to throw out confusing dead end , tid bits, I'm sure we'll all live.. and continue to watch.
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