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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. Bolt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Kinda. They’ve been at it a while. Arcadia is just getting their steam.
  2. Bolt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Absolutely. Although I already have an Advanced 19. Im planning on the YF, of course . . so the answer would be BOTH! I think 19’s are my most collected vak aside from the VF-1’s. Counting models.
  3. I slogged thru those novels back in the day. Needed massive decompression afterwards. Even back then I wrote them off , as much as I really liked the idea of what they represented.
  4. Bolt

    Bandai DX VF-31

    But they only limited release the VF-19Advanced right? my point my being Bandai has been known to hold back on the cash cow.. As much as I want a squadron of VF 31-A kairos , I cant hold my breadth for the re release ..the prices on them now borders on ridiculous
  5. I agree with the not having Snoke at all. Unless there is some twist in episode 9, Snoke was wasted potential or a redundant shadow of Palpatine. Yet another model JJ aped from the original trilogy.
  6. Yes , yes. It was way too rushed onscreen. Hardly the proper(ish) training Luke received on Degobah. IIRC Luke said something about the last rime he saw that kind of power he wasn’t scared enough but he is now. He was referring to Rey in the present instance but I’m not sure if he was referring to Kylo about the past. Based on her rapidly evolving force powers, Rey could be the most powerful force user yet.. just wish it could have been portrayed better..
  7. Jango actually did pretty good against Obi Wan. On the ground and in space. Mace Windu was one of the greatest and most deadly Jedi. Even invented his own saber style. It’s no wonder Jango or even Palpatine, for that matter, could not beat him. (And I think he would have made Dooku dooki..) The stories about Boba Fett didn’t “turn him into a bad ass” - those stories were written BECAUSE he was a. Bad ass. Wheather you like him or not, there’s a reason people wanted more fett. I don’t think people are going to want as much Phasma . Which is too bad,as she could have been much more interesting than what we got. ( though I’m sure she’s being pumped in the comics)
  8. Except he manages to track down and capture Han Solo. As one of ,arguably, the most deadly non force users around. He also goes toe to toe with Luke But only gets defeated, comically, by accident. ( not to mention his lineage) There’s also been decades of books and comics to further bolster his bad a$$ ness a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.. i say this because theirs simply way more material and depth with the Great Mandolore than phasma will ever have. (And Boba Fet is the man) Comparing the two can only go so far.
  9. Not sure if the update changed anything significantly..
  10. I’m inclined to agree. Darth Cadius was much more of cunning and interesting bad guy , whom you could relate to . And the “Sword Of The Jedi” Jaina would have made mincemeat of Kylo emo.
  11. They’ll all be dead.. Trying to make coherent sense of the political and military landscape in the new movies is all summed up in that statement. The EU got flushed with these new movies. Canon balled..
  12. Ok I’m expecting some REAL info about this new ,let’s call it, “project “ any day now..
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