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Everything posted by Beltane70

  1. Tranzor Z was out in '85? I could have sworn that I remember seeing it a few years earlier than that. Guess my memory is flawed.
  2. I just recently picked up a GTX 660 for my PC. Despite the fact that it's a PCI-E 3.0 card while my motherboard is only PCI-E 2.0, I still notice a pretty decent performance increase over my GTX 460 card.
  3. Which no one even counts as part of the Macross continuity, so my point stands. However, unlike the AP stuff, Macross 2 and the two PC Engine games at least had Mikimoto, who worked on the original series involved.
  4. They may be third parties, but every Macross story had Kawamori involved with it, unlike the Antarctic Press, etc. stuff which had no input or hand in creating Robotech stories from the original Robotech staff.
  5. I know that the hot water and hair-dryer worked on vinyl kits. Didn't have any idea that it applied to resin kits as well, as I thought they were less prone to problems like that.
  6. I lost my membership card, but it was through Books Nippan that I got my very first Macross book, the DYRL Gold Book. I was really sad when they closed the NYC store. It may have been small, but it had a pretty good selection of anime books and magazines. Even Mitsuwa is a shell of its former self. I miss Pony Toys and the Kinokuniya that was there. Back in the 90s my friends and I would make monthly trips up there to get our magazines and manga volumes. The bookstore that's there now has nowhere near the selection that Kinokuniya had. And don't even get me started on how much the one store there charges for its models and toys. You could easily pay $100 for a 3000-yen kit.
  7. Most of those weren't even Harmony Gold produced projects, so I wouldn't even count them.
  8. He was also previously Captain of an Oberth-class destroyer, so he already had the experience of operating a warship in space. Add to that the fact that he also had actual space combat experience during his time as Captain of said destroyer since he was the one that faced and defeated the hijacked destroyer during the Unification Wars. Also, a submarine operates in a more 3-D environment than regular surface ships, so that could also be a contributing factor in Global's qualifications to command the Macross
  9. Beltane70

    Macross 30

    I should be playing it by this time tomorrow!
  10. My only real guilty pleasure is disco. Yes, I admit it, I like disco music!!
  11. I had no issues with my PG 00 Raiser, but I also never took it off of the display stand. I bought the HGUC Kshatriya since there isn't an MG version. I just tend to like my Gundam models to be the same scale if possible, but if necessary, I will get other scales if 1/100 isn't available.
  12. I'll give you my thanks, slaginpit, for biting the bullet for the rest of us! It's such a shame, too because the kit looked really promising. As much as I love a challenge, I think I'll save myself $300 and pray that maybe, some day, Bandai will release a Master Grade kit of the Kshatriya.
  13. Beltane70

    Macross 30

    While it may be 6 months late, I'm finally getting the game!
  14. The more important question.. How much did the kit wind up costing?
  15. I actually have this release! The very first time that I watched that initial US Renditions tape and saw that subtitle, I screamed at my TV, "It's psychic wave!! How the hell could you get that wrong?!". I may be nowhere near fluent in Japanese, but I could definitely tell the difference between psychic and side kick.
  16. I had to keep reminding myself that it was a R/C model and not a full-size aircraft! With the incredible detail, you'd almost swear that they somehow just shrank a real plane instead of building a model.
  17. I would definitely say that South Ataria Island was internationally populated considering that the restoration of the Macross was a multi-national project. I think we can safely say that English was the main language everyone involved was speaking.
  18. I'm finally playing Final Fantasy IX. I'm only 13 years late, but hey, other than me, who's counting?
  19. I have to wonder, though, what are the chances of Hasbro's original rights to distribute the VF-1 as Jetfire still being valid?
  20. Hell, I'm almost willing to bet that WB has seen just how unpopular Robotech is and is totally unwilling to fork out the money to actually produce a film!
  21. If I recall correctly, there was supposed to be a few more volumes that got cancelled, hence the ending that we got. I personally, loved Dangaioh, which was the third anime that I ever watched! DYRL and Flashback 2012 were the first and second. In fact, I learned of Dangaioh through a preview that was on the tape that had FB 2012 on it.
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