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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. Well I had an interesting interaction with my Father at lunch today. He turns to me and says, "Hey, that Guardians of the Galaxy movie comes out Friday!" I say, "but you don't like Comic Book Movies." To which he replied, "this is different." Maybe I was wrong about people outside of comic fandom being interested in this one. On the other hand pretty much anything he finds funny is terrible. Like, Larry The Cable Guy film terrible.
  2. Holy crap!!! It sags THAT much???
  3. Hikaru and Roy flew 1J and 1S, respectively, and people like to buy the hero valk.
  4. I'm glad to hear we've steered you in a direction you're pleased with. That 25F has been restocking everywhere. Maybe it's time to nab one of those as well? The finish on the Bandai Valks is different, though. Very shiny and lots of Tampo. They look/feel different from an Arcadia Valk. Personally I'm a fan of the matte, then again I think you should look into one of the Yamato VF-19 releases as well but they're shiny like the Bandai Valks are too.
  5. Even with all of my bitching about Bandai laziness I want this thing so bad. That fighter mode is sweet.
  6. It certainly doesn't match the blue of the anime, but I thought it was an attractive shade and looked good on the 0D's frame.
  7. Really, the Battroid and Gerwalk modes were from the original Macross? Because that's what I'm getting at. It's not that awkward. No more so then the VF-1-like VF-4 transformation from that Macross Video Game. I didn't think about the "derivative" in animation part of the equation, however. I'm keeping my $20.
  8. How about that, the one guy who gave Guardians a poor review has pretty much given every single Comic Book movie a poor review as well. The only one that is apparently watchable in his eyes is Winter Soldier and that only manages to be as tolerable as the Katy Perry film was.
  9. Yeah, that's why I never bought one. Unfortunately. I've wanted one for forever but... I don't like any of the options.
  10. To be honest, it's mostly just the designs for me. I like the concept of the story but I feel like, for me personally, whether it's Macross or Robotech it's a missed opportunity for more. The one thing that purely stood out in my mind was the VF-1 and the SDF-1 and have stuck with me... well, that's not true. The Hover Tanks and all of the Mospeada designs were really awesome as well, just not as awesome as what Kawamori came up with. You're right, that's what EVERYBODY remembers. But they can't design or add to that. HUGE problem. Funny thing is if they were smart they'd have tried to put that V-4 design they've added to the RPG Tactics Kickstarter to use in this "new" animation (say what you will about the design, it's the best new thing they've ever come up with. $20 says it was actually a Palladium/Ninja Division invention.) Then at least they would have been leveraging both "new" transforming Mecha with new merchandise all at the same time and it wouldn't have looked like as much of a half-assed mess.
  11. So how are those wing hinges feeling in Battroid without the extra missile pods and attachments for the intakes?
  12. I think it's interesting Tenjin was even bothering to look to comment on the color, unless he's also personally a fan of the 0D and was interested in having one of these as well.
  13. I hope you're right. But I doubt it. Two-ish weeks we'll know.
  14. I can tell you that, while I enjoyed the story for what it was when I was a kid, my primary motivating factor in liking the series was the aesthetic. I did enjoy all of it, but I let's face, I'm hanging out at MacrossWorld because I like Kawamori's designs. Loved the VF-1, love the YF-30 now. And I think, given how much favoritism is shown to the Macross Saga in the Robotech fandom you'll find they cannot separate that aesthetic from the story either. I know it's hard for me to. Hell, how many Robotech fans have tried to argue they should fold in Plus, Zero and Frontier into Robotech? That really tells you something, they're into Kawamori design as well. Something that Robotech cannot hope to achieve. Nobody else is like him, certainly nobody HG could ever hope to hire would be.
  15. Considering everything about the V2's was designed after all of these expansion parts were revealed there should have been zero surprise for things they took into account and it looks like they still didn't.
  16. I guess in San Francisco that might be okay. Being from New Mexico my first thought was "GOD NO, the HEAT!" (and we can get pretty damn cold around here too...) I still wouldn't personally do it but if you have no other option your location might make it more okay then where I live.
  17. I'm contemplating various methods to "fix" the goofy brace they have for Gerwalk/Battroid.
  18. We've seen a clamp and the continually floppy nose cone. What exactly do you think is going to change in less than two weeks?
  19. That one one of a few things I was considering trying when my two come in.
  20. I agree, just a pink colored Delta wing 11 would have been good enough. I grew up in New Mexico, she would have to be under 11 to not have at least a C-cup.
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