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Everything posted by Vepariga

  1. My favorites are as follows.. VF-1J - Classic design,versitle and well rounded for all the dirty jobs. VF-4 - Awesome craft,just wish we saw it in action. VF-11B - Like a little powerhouse on its own,smooth design and can take it to the best. SV-51 - Love the rough exterior design,Its a pure combat machine all over. VF-27 - Quick as hell,Badass design and with the weaponry to back it up.
  2. I love the TV fight but I really love the close quarters fire fight in DYRL?
  3. I remember being interested in this when it was in early stages. Trailer is alil different to what I expected from Nightwish but looks entertaining enough with some interesting visuals.
  4. Still no Aussie robot slammin. Are they gonna bring him out in the end and tear crap up. looks awesome,cant wait to see it. even if they do spam the US one abit.
  5. So are you saying that the Minmay left looking at the Megaroad leaving was a clone Minmay? ..All this time I thought it was Minmay looking at 'herself',like leaving her old life behind to start a new.
  6. Saw it today. Not bad...not bad..enjoyable like the others but not as good. first half of the film is fantastic,second half kind of wobbles abit and depending o your mood or zelousness of Marvel characters the twist may leave you abit disappointed. I left the cinema with a happy yet meh feeling.
  7. dunno why some people get bent out of shape becuase the show differs alittle. the damn author is on set with the series so if anyone knows what to do with the characters its him,if hes cool with it why isnt everyone else.
  8. Yeah first episode was ok, characters are average so far but its just the first ep so its nothing to brag about yet. Mechs look decent enough.
  9. whats this negative stuff in a Minmay thread? Minmay,shower these people with love power! "You got it!"
  10. had a crack at the Injustice Gods Among Us demo. Pretty awesome,cant wait till its out gonna be a fun title. other then that I just been playing Macross 30,doing all I can in it and just exploring.
  11. im so pumped for this,the screenshots that been released look awesome! going to be another solid title,love'em
  12. I think so lol But Minmay is still single so Shes welcome in my house any time.
  13. Minmay thought she had a good thing and didnt realize what she had before it was gone,she took the relationship for granted and when she stopped being the reckless girl and looked at herself and wanted to be serious it was too late. Misa had the right mind from the get go.
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