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Everything posted by Vepariga

  1. Yeah I didnt mind the film, decent watch,good action. That south african guy is abit hard to understand at times but he plays a good villian.
  2. Loved seeing McGann again. I loved the Eighth doctor got all the audio dramas and movie he done, so it was a real surprise to see him here. Really made my day. I had a hunch that Hurt would be the Eigth as his doctor was in alot of warzones and the last time he went back to Gallifrey before Ninth.
  3. Went to a friends BBQ and one of the guests had a U.N Spacy tattoo on his wrist, I felt a sudden "finally!" feeling. and commented on it,the remainder of the night was Mecha talk. the following morning on my way to work I saw a Tuna head as a tow ball cover.
  4. Looks great,its just a teaser guys,take what you can from it but dont run the film down without seeing it first. The trailer did its purpose and i am teased and excited. looks great, and Days of Future Past is one of my fav x-men stories so im glad to see it get the film treatment.
  5. For Aussie TF collectors, Big W has Metroplex on special for $98 bucks which is a steal,Toys'R'Us is selling him for $199. So if your keen for the 'plex go snatch it from Big W before the sale ends.
  6. Gundam build fighters,been pretty cool so far and I'm going to start watching Arpeggio of Blue Steel,looks awesome.
  7. Holy....dude that Zero setup is insanely awesome!!
  8. Fantastic stuff guys,some really wonderful artwork here. I'll share some of mine, I usually only work in pen and I dont really colour because I'd love to use copic markers or a tablet and I have niether. So I'll have to invest in some markers at some stage as I prefer the traditional methods. I also might dive into some of the mecha stuff myself later on. anyway,hope you enjoy these few from my DA.
  9. I'm going to throw Benedict from The Last Action Hero in the mix Great Villian
  10. Im still not completely sold on this show. seems like its just a reference party and the putty to just fill the spaces not really providing any substance. Its corny,but not good corny,borderline to cringe worthy. Coulson repeativly saying Taihiti is a magical place,hes probably a robot,LMD or something. I'm not feeling any chemistry between the characters either. Its entertaining but thats all I feel it has going for it,few people probably just watch it to see who the next cameo is going to be.
  11. That the stupid big floating bug that shoots missles everywhere,then when it opens up it spawns heaps of little bugs and has a one hit kill laser? lol...yeah hate that bastard. causes me much pain and frustration.
  12. Some parts look cool,but overall it just feels like its...trying to hard. I think its a bluray rental at the very least. I do like that they kept the same classic lines but eh.
  13. D-Deculture! the guest list is amazing. Lucky sods, I wish I could attend but its a whole country away. Maybe 2014-15 lol
  14. the Base sticker is amazing,I'd get that one for sure. Might just wait till I get some new wheels, might sell my current car soon.
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