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Everything posted by Graham

  1. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    In the below screen shots from episode 6, you can see the beam-gunpod is somehow still mounted between the legs of the VF-31, even with the Speaker Pack in the deployed position. I'm guessing some sort of mounting bracket that attaches to the inner legs.
  2. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Actually, while the show was airing we had a big debate about whether the beamgun pod can still be attached at an alternate location while the speaker packs are equipped, as IIRC, Mirage or maybe one of the other Delta members is shown using the beamgun pod in that asteroid battle episode with the Speaker Pack attached.
  3. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I really hope they do the Sound Booster pod from the asteroid battle episode.
  4. Unfortunately, he's gonna be busy for the foreseeable future making 4 Avatar sequels that nobody asked for or wants
  5. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Same happened to me, they didn't use enough glue. Easy fix with a couple of dabs of superglue.
  6. One should never pay attention to anything in the Guardian anyway...........hahaha
  7. Nah, Zentradi are all played out IMO, just like space bugs Vajura. Time for something new I reckon. I'd still liek to see more VF vs VF combat, just better done than in Delta.
  8. As much as I disliked so much of this movie, I'll probably still go and see 'Idiots in Space 3', if or when it gets made by Ridley, just for the pretty cinematography and cool spaceship designs.
  9. Nothing good will come of this. It's an idea who's time has long past IMO. And also while he still looks good for his age, Tom Cruise is 54 now. I can't believe him as a front line naval aviator at his age. Command position maybe, but not still flying fighter jets. Reflexes, eyesight, hearing all start to diminish in the 40s, let alone 50s.
  10. Personally, I like the VF-31 as is. It's one of my favorite looking VF designs, maybe even my new favorite.
  11. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yay, my first set of Super Parts just arrived from NY at my office. I'm happy I'll be able to play with them over the weekend
  12. Grew up watching Roger Moore's James Bond movies. He will be missed.
  13. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yay, just got shipping notice from NY for my 1st set of Super Parts.
  14. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Got the invoice from NY for the extra shipping charges yesterday. So I guess I ain't gonna be receiving my Super Packs this week
  15. I really want them to announce the VF-31A DX. And also that 1/35 scale VF-1J they showed a while back. Although I'd personally prefer Hikaru's DYRL VF-1S Strike Valk in that scale. But I'm sure they'll release more than one variant if they ever release it.
  16. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I haven't received any email from NY asking me to pay more. But maybe it's bcause I'm in HK, so it's a fairly short journey for the parcel anyway.
  17. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Damn, the Super Packs look good in that video review.
  18. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, I also just got a preparation in progress email from NY for the super parts
  19. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So I guess the VF-31J super packs were not released on schedule yesterday (18th May)? Seems no news anywhere
  20. to be honest, I have little interest in a remake of the SDFM TV series with updated animation. The original series is still good enough, wonky animation and all. I would however be OK with a side-story OVA set in the same period. Anyway, we already have a reamake of SDFM with superior animation, it's called DYRL
  21. An a Space adventure Cobra watching binge, starting with the original 1982 TV series.
  22. It was pretty good and I enjoyed it well enough, but obviously as it's a sequel, it's no longer as fresh or original as the first GotG movie, just more of the same but with more humor and prettier landscapes this time. Will I go see it a second time at the cinema...........no. Will I buy the blu-ray later..........no. I did buy the first movie on blu-ray, as it was something new and fresh, but no burning desire to get this one.
  23. For some reason when I see that, the name "Elvis Valk" comes to mind
  24. Nice, VF-31A Kairos
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