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Everything posted by Graham

  1. Haven't seen it, but it would be a great reveal at the end if the Alien is actually Deadpool, what with Ryan Reynolds being in the movie........LOL
  2. Unboxed and played with mine in fighter mode last night. No attempt made to transform it yet. That will wait until the weekend when I have more time. I kinda want a second one to display in battroid mode with the sword when the Lil'Draken set is released. But whether I actually order a second one will depend on how frustrating I find the transfomation process
  3. I have a bad feeling the line didn't sell as well as they hoped, so they have stopped it, which would be a real shame.
  4. Can we see a pic of the underside of the radar pod please? Interested to see how it looks.
  5. Liking Iron Fist mainly for Colleen Wing, she's awesome and the best part of the show. She seriously needs her own show!!! Iron Fist also seems to share many story beats with Arrow season 1.
  6. Mine just arrived at the office. Quickly opened the box to check the wing tampo. Thankfully it's OK. after peeling off the protective plastic....phew!! Won't have time to handle it until late tonight. It felt much lighter than I was expecting.
  7. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Arad, was a really lazy, hands-off, do what the feck you like, I don't give a shit type leader, who typically disappeared from most combat. But as demonstrated from two scenes in the TV series, he was an accomplished knife fighter. That is when he could actually be bothered to engage the enemy in combat, rather than vanishing off screen and letting his subordinates do whatever they like, without any orders or guidance.
  8. Got shipping notice yesterday from AmiAmi.
  9. Got payment request from AmiAmi
  10. Ordered one set of the Lil Drakens.
  11. Well, that transformation looks insanely complicated. I think I gonna transform it to all modes once only and then put it back into fighter mode and keep it that way.
  12. If it is an all new series and not a continuation of Delta, I'm hoping it's a completely different team working on it.
  13. So which day is this supposed to be released on?
  14. Given the short development time between this and Delta, I'm still thinking this will be a direct Delta sequel. Unless the 2018 series has already been in development for quite a while already and it was kept secret, I doubt they had time to develop something completely new in the short time available. But what do I know, I could be wrong.
  15. Yep I love the EE Lightning, but your pic is not showing up
  16. Was that pic taken by a traffic camera?
  17. Yeah, I've seen it for HKD 880 (USD 113) in a toy shop near my work recently, which is crazy for such a small toy. I'm sure it's a nice toy and all and I've no idea what the MSRP is supposed to be, but for the size, I wouldn't pay more than HKD 350 (USD 45) for something this size. Probably why I've never gotten into the Hi-Metal R series, I think they are way overpriced for what you get.
  18. I'll probably eventually get the Delta Discs but maybe just up to the series halfway point (discs 1 - 5?) + maybe the final disc and skip the filler second half of the show. But yeah, if Frontier TV series was released on Blu-ray with English subs, I'd be all over that.
  19. Love the level of detail in this game. Was flying my VF-31A in a mission and decided to use the right stick to pan the camera around the fighter mode. Was looking at the underside of the plane and switched to the Beamgun pod and the barrel shroud opens up and slides forward to clear the groin piece, just like it does in fighter mode in the anime (if like me you slow mo the action scenes in the anime you'll have noticed this)
  20. From what I understand, if you are using a memory card in a PSTV, it's just swapping the memory card to switch between accounts, but I'm not 100% sure. I just use the internal memory on my PSTV, I didn't even bother getting a memory card for mine. But I'm not planning to play any other games on it anyway. So I guess for me, as I use internal memory, I may need to reformat, if I ever wanted to change accounts.
  21. Here in Hong Kong, Netflix just got all the Star Trek shows and many of the Star Trek movies a few months ago. Dunno about Netflix in other countries.
  22. It's just the Macross 35th anniversary logo, that's all. Don't read too much into it. Just because there is a VF-25 in the logo, it doesn't`mean the coming 2018 TV series will be based on Frontier. The Logo has VFs from all eras.............VF-1, YF-19, VF-19, VF-25, VF-31 and is just meant to show representative VFs from the past 35 years of Macross.
  23. Just ordered Keith's Sv-262 fighter mode.
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