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Everything posted by Graham

  1. I seldom display my toys in Gerwalk mode, just not really a fan of the look. Oh, I understand the practicality of the mode in certain scenarios, such as for urban combat, and rescuing idols......LOL, but I far prefer the look of fighter and battroid modes. I'd say 60% of my VF toys are displayed in fighter mode, 30% in battroid mode and only 10% in Gerwalk mode.
  2. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Damn, Wednesday night and my first VF-31F has still not arrived from Japan Japan and Hong Kong are close in terms of distance, shouldn't take this long........sad panda
  3. I count myself lucky, in 30 years of collecting VF toys, I've never had a VF toy break or have missing parts right out of the box. Sure I've had VF toys break after owning them for a while, but I've also been comparatively lucky with that I guess and not had too many breakages. Just going from memory the only breakages I can remember having are: One Tab B on the first release Yamato 1/72 YF-19. Both Head lasers on a Bandai 1/55 VF-1J Chunky reissue that was crammed loose into a toy box. One broken hip joint on a Yamato 1/72 VF-11B. Disintegrating biceps on two or three Yamato 1/60 VF-0A and VF-0S. Two or three cracked shoulder hinges on Yamato v2 1/60 VF-1s, which is not really many, considering I have 30 or 40 of them. Cracked black triangles on a Bandai DX 1/60 VF-171 and a 171EX. So I've never really considered Valk toys to be particularly fragile and I don't handle them too gently.
  4. Thta's one reason why i decided not to start collecting the HMR line. While they are nice toys, the price is way too high for what they are IMO.
  5. Whether something is worth it is always going to be a highly subjective question and vary from person to person.
  6. As much as I want to support Arcadia and as much as I love the v2 VF-1 design, I just can't bring myself to pay this price for what is in effect a 9 year old toy design, for which I already own multiple Yamato v2 Roy Focker versions. Knock 10,000 Yen off the price and I'd consider it.
  7. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Somebody actually did it Or is it photoshopped?
  8. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The Kairos is gonna be damn tempting to buy multiples.
  9. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm sticking to 2 for Messer, one in Fighter and one in Gerwalk, I don't like the F head, so no battroid mode for me. For my two VF-31J, one is in Fighter and will have the Super Parts added once they are released, The other J is displayed in Battroid. May add the Super Parts, haven't decided yet.
  10. What are everybody's 3 favorite & 3 least favorite Macross toys? Here's the rules: 1) You can list up to a maximum of 3 toys in both the "favorite" category and 3 toys in the "least favorite" category. 2) They have to be toys that you actually own or have owned at some time. 3) State the reason(s) why they are your favorite or least favorite toy. 4) No Robotech toys! Macross toys only please. Here's my list.............. My 3 Favourite Macross Toys: Bandai 1/65 VF-17D/S - I’m a big fan of the VF-17D/S design, it’s one of my all-time favorite VFs. Although the Bandai is chunky and has limited articulation, it’s a fun, simple and quick toy to transform. The older I get the more I appreciate simple fun toys. Also the Bandai VF-17D/S is nearly indestructible, being stronger even than the fabled 1/55 VF-1 Chunky Monkey. In 22 years I have yet to have a 1/65 VF-17D/S break on me, despite them being dropped, thrown against walls, beat against the ground (by my son), crammed into packed toy drawers etc., whereas 1/55 VF-1 toys have broken in similar circumstances. Also, the detail on these is not bad (apart from the terrible landing gear), all the panel lines from the detail-up drawing in TIAS Mac 7 are there and in some angles such as top down view in fighter mode, I even think it looks better than the Yamato version. Bandai 1/60 DX VF-31J/F - I love the look of the VF-31. Although this is a relative newcomer to the Macross toy lineup, it looks absolutely awesome. It’s a pleasure to transform and the engineering and overall design of the toy are top-notch. The only minor niggles with this toy are the frosted finish on the canopy and the gap behind the cockpit, but I can live with those as the toy is overall so amazing. Yamato 1/60 VF-19F/S – The pinnacle of Yamato’s Macross achievements as far as I’m concerned. I’m a big Macross 7 fan and have always loved the look of the VF-19F/S. When I look up at the clear blue sky on sunny days, it’s always a VF-19F/S I imagine myself flying through the sky in. Great toy, loaded with gimmicks, easy to transform and looks fantastic in all three modes. (Honourable runner-up status goes to the Yamato 1/60 v2 VF-1 series and the Takatoku/Bandai 1/55 VF-1 series). My 3 Least Favourite Macross Toys: Bandai 1/60 DX YF-29 series – While it looks good in all three modes, the frustration factor with this toy is just too high for me. Every time I try to transform back to Fighter mode, the bloody shoulder armour pops off multiple times and getting it to stay on is a real pain in the ass. I have nearly thrown my YF-29 toys at the wall hard, multiple times in frustration. The older I get the less I enjoy being frustrated by a toy. With the YF-29, the frustration factor far outweighs any fun factor for me. These days I never try to transform them anymore. Also, as with many Frontier era Bandai DX toys, they suffer from loose hip joint and/or loose shoulder joint syndrome. Bandai 1/60 DX v1 VF-25 series - Hugely disappointing. Thankfully, Bandai realised how popular Frontier was and how disappointed people were with the v1s and decided to up their game with the hugely improved v2 VF-25. Banpresto VF-1 toys - Thankfully short lived series of horrible little toys…..urghhhh
  11. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm gonna stick to 1 x Mirage, 1 x Chuck, possibly 2 x Arad, 2 x Kairos and 2 x 262 Ba. I'll likely pass on the 171 and white 262 if they release them.
  12. At Some stage in the near future I'm gonna have to examine all my old Yamato VF-1 v2, Mac 7, Mac Plus and Mac Zero toys that have been sitting untouched in my display cabinet for many years, to check for any cracked or broken joints.
  13. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    After seeing all the pics, I just broke down and ordered a second VF-31F from NY, even though my first one from AmiAmi is still on the way...............I'm weak, I know. Gonna keep one in Fighter mode and the other in GERWALK. The VF-31F is definitely my favorite colour scheme from the show, with the possible expection of the VF-31A. #valkoholicsanonymous
  14. I stopped trying to be a completest about 5 years or so ago. It's just become too unaffordable, especially if you like to own multiples of each VF. Now I just buy designs I like, which at the moment happen to be the Macross Delta toys. I skipped several of the Bandai Frontier and Mac 30 DXs. I skipped most Arcadia releases apart from the YF-19 and 30th Anniversary VF-1J. I skipped all the Bandai HMR toys.
  15. Even if Last Jedi is largely a re-hash of Empire Strikes Back (which I suspect it will be), I'll still be happy. The new characters/actors are likable enough and the visuals are bound to be great.
  16. Yeah, seriously, need some wing weapons for the VF-19Advance.
  17. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Haven't received my payment request from AmiAmi Just received my payment request from AmiAmi
  18. Although I liked the first GotG movie, I'm just worrying that this one seems to be trying a bit too hard and may end up being too similar to the first.. After finally watching the GotG2 and Thor Ragnarok trailers yesterday, I find myself looking forward to Thor more. I'll still go to see both at the cinema though
  19. They should really remove the brackets, so that it says "This is not a toy for the Adult Collector"
  20. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    VF-31F Super parts ordered No pay later option (as expected).
  21. Yeah, I really wanted Chuck's one, preferably with the radome in the open position.
  22. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Was hoping we might start getting requests for payment today for the VF-31F, as it's already 20th April, just 2 days to go until release.
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