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Everything posted by Graham

  1. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Because as nice as the pics are, Masterfiles, is still basically unofficial fanfic.
  2. I really liked Ikenae Borderline and one or two other Walkure songs, but overall I thought the music in Delta was no where near as good as Frontier and I didn't like the songs enough to want to buy any Walkure albums. As well as so many awesome songs, Frontier also had great BGM as well (Private Army, Tally Ho, The Target etc), something Delta sorely lacked. About the only song in Frontier that I got sick of was Aimo, the rest of the songs I loved. I bought every Frontier CD released.
  3. I've got faith in Ryan Gosling. Ridley Scott..........not so much any more.....LOL
  4. It must have been a sparse year for good new albums. But yeah, in the overall grand scheme of things, it's probably good a Macross album won, even if it's the weakest Macross album I can think of since the pretty dire Mac Zero OST.
  5. He will be missed. So many memorable roles.
  6. Yeah, I'd love to see the VF-25 in the Gimix line in plain, Super and Armored.
  7. In that above fighter mode pic, it looks like the rear landing gear wheels are not even touching the ground and it's actually resting on the rear landing gear door tips.
  8. It's awesome on the PSTV.
  9. Actually, can say two video games now. As well as the PS3 Macross 30 game, it's also featured in the PS Vita game Macross Delta Scramble.
  10. Still on the fence about this, I didn't buy any of the Arcadia VF-0 toys, so I don't really feel a need to be a completist and buy the Arcadia Sv-51, especially as I still have my Yamato versions on display. Haven't touched them in years though, so no idea how froppy they may have become. I do remember the missiles drop off the wings if you even look at them the wrong way though.
  11. I really love the VF-2SS design, especially with SAP, so I so wanted these toys to be good. But after being extremely frustrated and disappointed by the standalone Sylvie VF-2SS, there was no way I was going to spend money on the SAP versions. I just hope the Bandai HMR doesn't turn out to be vaporwear.
  12. Graham

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It's a wireless charger for the multi-drones. It was never shown in use in the TV series, but was shown in the preview version of episode one, which aired several months before the TV series. That episode is available on the Blu-ray and DVD. In the preview episodes, the multi-drones protect Walkure from a micro-missile strike using their pin-point barriers and then fall to the ground as their power is drained. One of Delta Platoon is then shown using the wireless charger to almost instantly recharge the drones. Unfortunately, they cut that scene in the final release version of episode 1. And yes, there are several scenes in the TV series where some of the characters detached the beam gunpod and used it handheld. Hayate, Messer and maybe Mirage all did IIRC.
  13. No, no, no Gamlin and Mylene are the true stars of the show.
  14. Graham

    Macross figures

    Me too and I'm usually not a fan of character figures.
  15. It's the Low-Vis version, don't you know!
  16. Easy pass for me, it's never been a design that has really appealed to me.
  17. The cockpit is traditionally located in the nose (forward fuselage) because it gives the pilot a larger field of view and generally better all-round visibility (depending on canopy design), which is important so the pilot has good visibility for landings and also good situational awareness in air combat. If a traditional cockpit was located towards the middle of rear of the plane, the pilot would find the structure of the plane blocked large parts of his/her field of view. However, as you mentioned, with virtual cockpits that rely on multiple external cameras and other sensors to provide the pilot with his view, the cockpit location doesn't really matter too much.
  18. Hmm.........old cast vs new cast. I certainly know which looks more manly and badass! Perhaps the new movie will be a Homealone style Predator, hence the kid!
  19. I have a couple of questions that I hope somebody can help me with, relating to playing Macross Delta Scramble using a PSTV with Dualshock 3 controller:. (1) I noticed in the Hangar where you tune your VFs and weapons using TP that most VFs are shown as having 5 weapons in total (1 x main weapon, 3 x sub weapons & 1 x melee attack). However, using the Dualshock 3 controller, I only can switch between two of the sub weapons during missions using the right D-pad key. I cannot access the third sub weapon at all. I've noticed that if I press the right D-pad key and Select at the same time it will eject Super Parts if they are equipped (but that is all it does). So is their really a third sub-weapon? And if yes, how do I switch to it using the Dual shock 3 controller? I've tried going into the menu to configure the controls, but the menu control config is set around the handheld Vita, not the Dual Shock 3,so I don't seem to be able to reassign any controls. (2) I noticed in Zoroastres menu translations, there is a "Command Ally" function button on the Vita, but again using the Dual Shock 3 controller, I don't seem to have access to this at all. Anybody know if their is a combination of buttons on the Dualshock 3 controller that will allow me to access it?
  20. Wow, these are still a thing! After so long with no news, I thought they were vaporware.
  21. I called it right right with the Sv-51. But more cool at least for me is the Battle 7.
  22. Maybe Evolution bought the tooling from CMs' when they went bust.
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