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Everything posted by Thom

  1. The Queen thought a Raptor would make a good home! Also glad to hear they took care of it without harm to the bees. From what it says, they think the Queen may have stopped for a rest and the others just gathered. Pretty sweet.
  2. Especially not since the American audience is being shafted and charged extra, while every other country with Netflix will get it without any extra fees. Plus being charged for commercials. It's total bullshit.
  3. That's all it is. Speculations and daydreams. If some people want to fit Snyder's movies onto the end of Nolans, I say have at it. The DVDs are on their shelves after all. This doesn't change the actual discontinuity between the two separate franchises, it's just someone saying, 'hey, what if..?'
  4. The very last EP of TOS, Turnabout Intruder. A woman denied captaincy because of gender forces a body-swap with Kirk. Personally, I think this is a big of canon that can be forgotten. On another note, does anyone who not like diversity not want aliens on the show? Aliens are pretty divers already, but if nobody wants that, I guess they can do a Star Trek series without any.
  5. A very good thought. It ties it in very nicely to the Nolan movies. It would explain why Robin's suit was enshrined, as in the Bats memorializing not just a friend, but also when he let down his guard. In this connection he was not there to help or save Robin. Selina not being there could be explained in that she didn't want to return to that life. In TDKR her character is all about getting a fresh, new start. Going back to Gotham would not be something she would want. Although, I would certainly love for her to make an appearance!
  6. I'm just guessing, but that must then mean that BvS was the first of the Justice League movies, as in Dawn of... Which then probably should have had more WW. We should always have more WW. Because c'mon.... WW! It's a good bet then, that the Rebirth story line may be in MoS 2, which would allow Superman to then be in the next JL movie. I'm happy for it. Bring it on!
  7. Plastic allows for all possibilities...
  8. I see my corner condo is almost ready. Packing my bags!
  9. Please tell me they're making that AEW!! Please tell me they're making that AEW!! Please tell me they're making that AEW!! Please tell me they're making that AEW!!
  10. Why does only Optimus and a few now dead Autobots even slightly resemble their cartoon counterparts? And will Hot Rod be anything like his namesake!? I ask those questions not really expecting an answer, as it is clear Bay is making these for himself and not for us. One major reason why I am not giving him any more money...
  11. I think that may have been me. I hit the Report button rather than the MultiQuote. but since I cancelled it, I assumed nothing happened with it. My apologies. Although, in 'our' defense it is right next to an often used 'button' and nearly invisible until the cursor gets to it.
  12. Tail 'boom' is in place! I'm dreading the primer coat for all the sins sure to be revealed! And all the blisters! Also finished the wing tips lights. Took a few tries on one where the first went perfect. They are very small and made from clear sprue.
  13. Thanks! Hopefully I won't need that technique!! And there are already plugs in the canopies, so half done there already if I need to! And... work on the fuselage isn't done just yet. Looking at it, I decided that this area need a little somethin... So, back to the old faithful Gundam parts and I found these. Which, after a little cutting and sanding and shaping, will end up like this. It's a little wider than the tail of the plane, but after being blended in, and I think it'll look good.
  14. Thanks, and I'm glad you like it! I'm certainly having fun putting it together. In fact, I had little more fun today, as the diminishing number of parts will attest! I did some work on the chin pod, which was basically sawing it in threes and throwing out the middle section. Now there are two sensor-pack-thingys. The larger one is staying in the original position, and the second is going on the back behind the RIO. The red spru will be the NAV lights that will be under the nose and atop the ECM pod on the tail. Like so... I also put a little device extending down from under the nose as an extra sensor type thing-a-ma-bob. Now I have to do the wing tip lights and the pilots, and then the canopy.. Please don't let me mess up the canopy...
  15. I might have this done by then. Time to start squirreling some more funds into Paypal is now! Did some pinning on the current Cat's Eye. This time the canards to give them a little more strength. I also neatened up the join between the tail and the ECM pod. Just a dab of Mr. Dissolved Putty and then a finger wipe to get the excess off. + Then I need to do the nav lights and then hit the canopies. I'll have to be real careful there, otherwise I'll be buying another set from Blap!
  16. Yeah, my funds for another one are diminishing as we speak...
  17. Nother small update. Filled some unneeded peg holes on the engine nacelles. And set a few pins, one for the ECM, + And a couple for the tripod mount for the radar dish.
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