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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Thanks, and I'm glad you like it! I'm certainly having fun putting it together. In fact, I had little more fun today, as the diminishing number of parts will attest! I did some work on the chin pod, which was basically sawing it in threes and throwing out the middle section. Now there are two sensor-pack-thingys. The larger one is staying in the original position, and the second is going on the back behind the RIO. The red spru will be the NAV lights that will be under the nose and atop the ECM pod on the tail. Like so... I also put a little device extending down from under the nose as an extra sensor type thing-a-ma-bob. Now I have to do the wing tip lights and the pilots, and then the canopy.. Please don't let me mess up the canopy...
  2. I might have this done by then. Time to start squirreling some more funds into Paypal is now! Did some pinning on the current Cat's Eye. This time the canards to give them a little more strength. I also neatened up the join between the tail and the ECM pod. Just a dab of Mr. Dissolved Putty and then a finger wipe to get the excess off. + Then I need to do the nav lights and then hit the canopies. I'll have to be real careful there, otherwise I'll be buying another set from Blap!
  3. Yeah, my funds for another one are diminishing as we speak...
  4. Nother small update. Filled some unneeded peg holes on the engine nacelles. And set a few pins, one for the ECM, + And a couple for the tripod mount for the radar dish.
  5. Looks like it's time to by another Superbug model...
  6. That is looking so great. And I was about to ask, where are all the people! I'd love to see Hikaru and Misa having their fight outside the theatre!
  7. Yeah, a big can do! Nose to Tail - Call it a little over at 11 inches. Wing tip to wing tip - Call it a little over at 10 1/2 inches. Belly to radome (which just squeaks a smidgen higher) - Call it a little more than 3 inches. With the radome not seated yet and needing some adjustments, it'll probably sit a tiny bit lower. Hope those help!
  8. Never even heard of the Killing Joke, as I'm just getting into comics and not so much Batman - as yet. Haven't seen it, and hearing reviews I more than likely won't. I can understand them wanting to give Batgirl some backstory, especially if in the novel she doesn't have much.(?) It would certainly help garnering more sympathy for what eventually happens to her. But a sex story line...? With Batman..? Batman..?! A whole half hour would give time for her to triumph over some villain, a serial killer of young women or some sadist, and then at the end of that mini-arc, Batman's like 'yo Batgirl, great job!' It could even have been interspersed as backstory throughout the entire movie, rather than a thirty minute tack-on at the beginning. Then when Joker attacks her, then there's a whiplash of emotion, as she's brought from this tremendous high from Batman's praise and having her own victory over the Darkness, to the Joker just ripping that all away. That would have been so much better! But instead, 'hey, sex!' With Batman. Really!? Sex is really just a tired trope that too many people fall back on when they can't think of anything else. Let pornos use sex as a plot point from now on! If I'm ever interested in seeing it, I'll probably get the novel instead. Or watch the movie - if someone would be so kind as to chop off the first thirty minutes! And maybe that's the way to go. Give us Batman, the Killing Joke - The Ultimate Edition! (Now with thirty less minutes!)
  9. Why is the shark trying to head-butt his crotch? It's a shark. Open your mouth shark! Easy meal.
  10. !!NOT MINE!! But this a ship that Andrew C put together and put on Resin Illuminati If it looks like it may belong in Macross, that's because it uses Macross parts!! http://resinilluminati.com/showthread.php?t=16964
  11. Aah, it's lineage is clear! Although Blappy has the molds now.
  12. No, this is the Neptune Models KAA 'TSAI Lecon Prane... I bought it from the Starship Modeler store. From what Blappy is saying, they should be back in stock at some point soon. https://starshipmodeler.biz/shop/index.cfm/product/2920_61/172-es-11d-cats-eye-reconnaissance-spaceplane.html Slightly more progress. I put the reaction engines together and test mounted them as well as the wings. I did have to drill out the mounting holes in the nacelles so the wing pegs could fully seat. The sensor blister atop the tail started out as the foot of a Gundam kit. I have a lot of Gundam kits in the parts bins... That's it for tonight. Carrying on!
  13. A minor update. I redid the consoles, updating them to show newer avionics and radar systems. The pilot's is from a 1/72 F-117 and the RIO's is a piece of bisected styrene to create two big MFDs rather the original, tiny scope. . . Now I'm putting the reaction engines together and creating a 'top' for the tail. It's still in the shaping stage...
  14. Are there any recent pictures of any Iranian F-14s in the air?
  15. Don't forget, it was a way to get around a hokey TNG episode that limited ward speeds and enforced a 'speed limit' all across the Federation. Somehow, elevating the nacelles was supposed to get around the disruptive effect. But then again, if all they had to do was lift the nacelles above the centerline of the hull, then most of Starfleet was alright anyway... Probably should have just ignored that episode...
  16. Awesome!! It can't come soon enough! She's going to look great in the costume.
  17. Saw in on Sunday, and it was great, I liked the first two, although the second really has its problems.But this held together all the way through. It didn't feel like it dragged to me, and in fact kept my interest throughout. Keep it up!
  18. Fugly. Simple word for a simple looking ship. It has no style and no grace and no 'personality.' They can go with a TOS Reliant, they can go with a 'modernized' Daedalus, heck even a Stargazer! But no, let's go with a rejected design for a rejected show for the most 'modern' Star Trek show in years. The checks keep stacking against this show...
  19. So freaking awesome!! And Amazons kicking ass! That shot of the archer flying backward and setting up her shot was just great!
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