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Destiny, new game from Bungie

Mr March

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I love the Story missions on the moon, but I hate the patrol. The area is just too sprawling and not enough stuff spawns on the surface. Venus has been great too, The first encounter with the vex was way scarier than The hive.

As for gear, I got my first two legendary weapons from FFA Crucible wins last night. ^_^

Edited by anime52k8
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So, maybe an hour ago, I got a special bounty lead in the mail. I take it to the bounty rep, and he gives me 3 exotic bounties to choose from. I pick the first one, which requires me to go and complete the moon strike mission (you know the one). upon completion, the bounty reveals that it's for an Exotic weapon described as "depleted hand cannon" and apparently it needs to feed on the souls of dead Hive, which means I need murder 500 points worth of Hive on the moon (no idea how they're calculating these points, because it's not just one point per kill). So 3 and a half playthroughs of the mission The World's Grave later, and it rolls over again. Now it want's me to get 500 points worth of kills on guardians with void damage (I really wish I was a warlock right now). I have no idea what the hell kind of gun this is, but it had better be supremely badass and evil.


so 20 kills with a void fusion rifle equals 80 points. that means about 105 more kills, I'm going to be at this for a while.

it takes away points when you die... frakk me. :wacko:

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Sounds like your standard assignment/mission/achievement. Games have plenty of those. Do something really stupid, get a trillion kills with this gun/gun type, kill people this certain way, or my personal favorite, do something or all of it in 1 match. And just when you're about to complete it, something happens and you have to start all over. All for some prize.


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Sounds like your standard assignment/mission/achievement. Games have plenty of those. Do something really stupid, get a trillion kills with this gun/gun type, kill people this certain way, or my personal favorite, do something or all of it in 1 match. And just when you're about to complete it, something happens and you have to start all over. All for some prize.


Except Exotic stuff is stupid rare and stupid powerful.

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I'm having a blast. All are welcome to add me on XBone.

Death By Benson

solo/co-op is fun, PVP can be hell.

Except Exotic stuff is stupid rare and stupid powerful.

It had better be. I think I finally figured out how it works though. It needs 500 points to finish and it gives 5 points for every kill, but it takes away 1 point every time you die. But only kills caused by void damage count positively, while all deaths count negatively, so you have to maintain a minimum of a k/d over .2 for void weapons versus all deaths in order to make any progress at all. Again, this would be so much easier for Warklock since their super, special melee, and grenade all do void damage. it would also help if hunter didn't suck in PVP and if I actually had half decent weapons that dealt void damage.

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Does light infused armor drop the same as all other armor?

Hit level 20 with one character and wanting to go to the next level.

I've gotten armor with light from the fallowing: random reward after a crucible match, random reward for harder difficulty missions, ocasionally dropped by mobs (look for blue in rare-tier engram's and randomly sent to me in the mail for other tasks. basically, anything that normally yields gear can drop stuff with light, it's just rarer than armor of the same rarity-tier without light (for rare class armor, legendary always has light as far as I can tell).

I strongly recommend against focusing on that goal. Just play as you like, and it'll unlock naturally at some point.

My general rule for "kill x, get y" quests.

but... it's a gun made of pure evil and I want it. :( (it's that Thorn hand cannon from all the pre-release promo material).

Really though, I'm gonna need to get much better gear either way, so I'm just gonna focus on that for a while. but at least this seams like the last stage of this challenge.

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but... it's a gun made of pure evil and I want it. :( (it's that Thorn hand cannon from all the pre-release promo material).

And that's awesome, but grinding is horrible beyond all comprehension if you focus on it. By the time you have the gun, you will hate it's very existence.
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I strongly recommend against focusing on that goal. Just play as you like, and it'll unlock naturally at some point.

My general rule for "kill x, get y" quests.

That doesn't always work. Sometimes, these goals require you to play certain matches (damn devs) or play a certain way (CURSE YOU DEVS!!!!). I can recall too many instances where I have to be a douche to my team just to complete achievement, or wait at a spot just cuz this vehicle doesn't spawn anywhere else on the frakkin map, or snipe at an exposed area on a certain map like a moron.

but... it's a gun made of pure evil and I want it. :( (it's that Thorn hand cannon from all the pre-release promo material).

Really though, I'm gonna need to get much better gear either way, so I'm just gonna focus on that for a while. but at least this seams like the last stage of this challenge.

Yeah, it's always 1 part of the achievement that drives everyone bat-sh*t crazy.

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Truthfully, the only part of this exotic weapon challenge that's been legitimately unfair or frustrating has been the pvp challenge. the first two parts took a little while but where actually pretty easy to do, and this final part is hard, but a legitimate part of high level gameplay It's something I know I can put on the shelf and in time, through natural gameplay progression, I'll be ready to tackle eventually. but the PvP challenge requires a specific type of play that isn't just outside of something I usually do, but something I'm completely ill-equipped to do based on the class I chose and the way I've kitted out my character over tens of hours of gameplay.

I'm gonna be playing strike missions for a while (maxed out on crucible marks), anyone on XB1 think they'll be up for some lvl 22 strike missions tonight or this weekend?

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titans dominate at PvP, to an utterly unfair degree.

Hunters are the best at PvE, and look the best in all game modes.

Warlock... Well, I'm sorry for your unfortunate life choice, but I don't judge you as a person for it.


seriously, Titan with Barrier shield is the cheapest thing in the world in PvP. Not only is the the bubble shield itself 100% impenetrable to everything, the overshield you get from it is so strong it takes all three shots from the golden gun to kill a titan with it. Also, the defender Titan melee can 1 shot hunters and warlocks full health AND gives them an overshield on impact that completely negates 1 golden gun shot.

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titans dominate at PvP, to an utterly unfair degree.

Hunters are the best at PvE, and look the best in all game modes.

Warlock... Well, I'm sorry for your unfortunate life choice, but I don't judge you as a person for it.


seriously, Titan with Barrier shield is the cheapest thing in the world in PvP. Not only is the the bubble shield itself 100% impenetrable to everything, the overshield you get from it is so strong it takes all three shots from the golden gun to kill a titan with it. Also, the defender Titan melee can 1 shot hunters and warlocks full health AND gives them an overshield on impact that completely negates 1 golden gun shot.

LOL - thanks for not judging me. :lol:

I did create a Hunter to play as well, but I'm partial to the Warlock class. I don't do much player vs. player in shooters, mostly because I'm so bad at it, and the sh!t talk from the kids drives me crazy.

Good tips though based on your experience, it's good to know once/if I do jump into Crucible.

i just got another Exotic weapon bounty. I'm sad because of it.

How? Are they Crucible bounties?

Yeah, I'd like to know as well.


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How? Are they Crucible bounties?

You have a random chance of getting them every time you turn in a bounty. The first one I got was from a Vanguard bounty, this second one was from a Crucible bounty so all bounty types seem to work. Also, the second time it came up, I could only choose between the two remaining ones left over from the first time.

good news though, I should be able to have full legendary armor as early as Tuesday night.


This new one, "Toland's Legacy," sounds a bit easier, but more of a grind than the other one. I need to complete 1 heroic strike, complete 25 regular strikes, and kill 10,000 points worth of people in PvP. and I'll get this sucker:


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I just thought I'd note that I REALLY appreciate how the game, on booting, goes straight to the Bungie logo and then the title screen instead of throwing up thirty minutes of copyright notices, legal disclaimers, and license announcements first. It's greatly appreciated, Bungie.

And that I find it very easy to get outside of a map in the process of just trying to explore. I'm actually a bit nervous about rummaging around in the corners after falling off the edges a few times. And jumping off to a ledge four feet below and dying in one case.

So yeah... fun game, but the map boundaries need some work.

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To add to your first point, I really appreciate how when it shows the bungie logo and title screen, it does it in a way that doesn't involve audio playing 100 times louder than the rest of the game, trying to obliterate my eardrums because I'm on headphones.

Also, guess who has all legendary gear now? that's right.

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You have a random chance of getting them every time you turn in a bounty. The first one I got was from a Vanguard bounty, this second one was from a Crucible bounty so all bounty types seem to work. Also, the second time it came up, I could only choose between the two remaining ones left over from the first time.

Thought you were referring to this challenge Also what am I supposed to do with glimmer B/c I maxed out how much I can carry

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1. ten rare fusion rifles isn't all that hard, that's like an afternoon of grinding at best.

2. I didn't even realize you could max out on glimmer (turns out I have, hurdur). in that case go spend it frivolously on crap. buy a few ammo synthesis packs, you can never have too many on high difficulty strike missions, and they'll eat up that money quick, or buy a snazzy clock or something.

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