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Of course you're right!

But let me counter with the argument that Transformers The Movie from 1986 was only 84 minutes long and clearly the best Transformers movie ever. This indicates: the shorter a transformers movie runs the better it gets. This would lead to an infinitely awesome movie if we could reach a near zero seconds long movie. However since the 1986 movie was magnitudes better than the first Bay movie we could see an exponentially grow in awesomeness in relation to the run time thus resulting in an adequately awesome movie in the interval from 20 to 60 minutes run time. Thus I conclude that the golden lagoon is the best Transformers "movie".


Of course! How could I have missed it? No wonder the animation in the old toy ads is so much better than the actual cartoon was!

Your point is well-taken. I see now flaws in the argument.

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If you indiscriminately cut all the crap bits out of films you are left with about 30 mins of footage each, ergo by calculations made in previous posts makes them darn near perfect if you don't count the adverts as films.

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And IMNSHO, the most egregious product placement mark went completely un-noted. Drift the japanese fanboy samurai turns into a Bugatti. He SHOULD have been a Honda or a Toyota or... you know, ANYTHING japanese.

But he's french. Because... because... ummm... hang on, it'll come to me... Yeah, I got nothin'. I can only assume France is known for their samurai warriors, but it sounds wrong somehow.

He even wears not just the Bugatti logo in the very center of his chest, but the entire grill. And they make sure to give us a closeup.

You don't comment on io9/Sploid/Gawker, do you? Someone going by SeventhReign was going on about the same "why is the samurai a Bugatti?" thing.

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You don't comment on io9/Sploid/Gawker, do you? Someone going by SeventhReign was going on about the same "why is the samurai a Bugatti?" thing.

Nope. Not me.

It seems an obvious complaint, though. I mean, I know Japan doesn't make a lot of cars, but there must be SOMETHING thematically appropriate for him.

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it's also an ugly, shitty car that nobody likes.

This, pretty much. I think the best choices for a Japanese sports car would have been a Nissan GT-R, a Subaru Imprezza WRX, or a Mitsubsishi Lancer Evolution.

It seems an obvious complaint, though.

It is, in a way. It's just that, for all the awful in that movie, it seems like a small thing to fixate on. It's like saying you think the Nazis were bad, then cite the fact that they burned Helen Keller's books. It's like, sure, that's bad, but you really can't think of anything else that bothers you more?
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This, pretty much. I think the best choices for a Japanese sports car would have been a Nissan GT-R, a Subaru Imprezza WRX, or a Mitsubsishi Lancer Evolution.


A GT-R would have been awesome, I love seeing them on the road. But his robot mode was pretty stupid too, so unless that changed along with the brand of car I would still have a strong dislike for the character.


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It is, in a way. It's just that, for all the awful in that movie, it seems like a small thing to fixate on. It's like saying you think the Nazis were bad, then cite the fact that they burned Helen Keller's books. It's like, sure, that's bad, but you really can't think of anything else that bothers you more?

Because daishogun Durifuto-san is chou very sugoi! He deserved better!

Or something.

Naw, the big stuff's already been beaten to death. This is just the most blatant of the small stuff.

Like Grimlock having horns, only less awesome.

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Because daishogun Durifuto-san is chou very sugoi! He deserved better!

Or something.

Naw, the big stuff's already been beaten to death. This is just the most blatant of the small stuff.

Like Grimlock having horns, only less awesome.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO don't let Bay ruin my Alternity Super Black Convoy. :(:(:(:(

Edited by Scyla
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no love for the LF-A?

Lots of love for it, actually, but I don't really think about it when I think of Japanese sports cars. Partly because, despite being an offshoot of Toyota, the brand was launched in America and, in some ways, feels more American than Japanese (until about 10 years ago, most of the cars sold with the Lexus badge in the States were rebranded as Toyotas in Japan). Partly because, in terms of both price and performance, it doesn't fit with the GT-Rs, Evos, and Imprezzas that immediately spring to mind when I think of Japanese sports cars. Edited by mikeszekely
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Other dumb places to take a stand in this movie: Galvatron. If he has no spark, he shouldn't be sentient.

Though he was right when he said "that is why I have no fear", it should also preclude a whole host of other things he has in spades.

Lump that right in the same pile as the inconsistencies with how the Allspark, Matrix, Spark and any other "core" Transformer movie lore has been handled.

One thing that can be said w/out little argument is that the writers have shown that they really don't put much stock in creating a consistent mythos across these movies.


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There was ever a consistent mythos in transformers? :huh:

Well...kinda...when you think about G1, TF:TM and Beast Wars.

But that doesn't mean that the movie makers shouldn't have put forth a little (more) effort to be consistent across the live-action movies.


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They're movie sequels. It only makes sense for the writers to have seen the preceding movies. The "dumb popcorn movie" excuse has always been thin. When you create a fictional story, you make your own rules. Orci & Kurtzman gave them alot to build on. I'm sure Bay wanted to leave his mark, but it becomes blatantly obvious when a writer/creator is attempting to break or rewrite already established rules. Perfect example: By the middle of season 1, the Autobots could no longer fly.

Edited by RD Blade
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Don't the Cosntructicons have three conflicting origin stories in the cartoon?

I'm sure that they did have some conflicting story, it's been a while since I watched them all. They were by far not the only ones though.

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There are at least two. One where Megatron builds them and another where they build Megatron. Not sure what the third one could be.

Just looked it up.

The evil Constructicons built Megatron.

Megatron then brainwashed the good Constructicons to be evil.

And then Megatron et al traveled to Earth and built the Constructicons.

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So I guess we can conclude that Transformers fans are the most loyal. No matter what kind of crap they get, they will still go watch it. Michael Bay, you are one lucky MF.

If only a TF movie could be as much fun as Guardians of the Galaxy was...

one can only dream...

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