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Macross General SCOOPUDA thread


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I think over that person. Who's it?

It's the head of the company. The implication is that it's Big West real-life chief Ohnishi-san's alter-ego.

So if you look at the website carefully, you see that its mostly a big in-joke. The year is set to 2062 and the idea is that there is a company trying to organize the 30th anniversary celebrations. Even the photograph that they use for the office is in actual fact a photo of the building where the BigWest office is in Tokyo. And the other "staff" are kind of spitting images of BW employees. So they're just having a bit of fun...

EDIT -- Just to clarify, yes, the head of the company is female. She is the daughter of Yoshimasa Ohnishi, the founder (I'm sure you've seen his name in the English credits of MacPlus and MacII).

Edited by Renato
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Finally managed to find a copy of the Tsutaya only 999yen Mari Iijima best of album.

This is what the cover looks like, if anyone else has been trying to track it down:

Trivia time: That cover is a scan from older published photos -- the record company threw away all of the old materials, so even if there were unreleased promo shots (which there must have been), they're all gone now. Oh Japan and your disposable culture.

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Trivia time: That cover is a scan from older published photos -- the record company threw away all of the old materials, so even if there were unreleased promo shots (which there must have been), they're all gone now. Oh Japan and your disposable culture.

Ah interesting! Mari has said that she chose that cover picture herself - I wonder what on earth the other options were?

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何をいっとる!リン・ミンメイ以来、マクロス船団では「ミス・マクロス コンテスト」が伝統になっとるの!






Miss Macross 29!!!

Edited by MacrossCN
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・創刊号は特製バインダー付で290円(笑) →デアゴスティーニ製です



・表紙の号数表示横のロゴが「30th ANIVERSARY MACROSS」になってる






・河森監督「30周年を迎えました」 ←新規コメント?





NEW Macross Chronicle


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This is odd... there's nothing on the net indicating anything about it, aside from this:


which indicates:

a) Hiroshima City Edition

b) released January 16th

The post almost sounds like they're gonna reprint the original for the 30th Anniversary (with the corrections on the sheets this time), with some slightly updated graphics, and updates since the last set (i.e. the Frontier movies). Anyways, discuss in the Chronicle thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32805

Yah...I'm confused.

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Dengeki Hobby 2012.03 issue is out.

Macross content... limited. Though, there is a 3 page making of the 1/72 Wave Legioss AFC-01H ETA. But I digress:

1 pg: VF-25S Messiah Valkyrie Renewal version

1/2 pg: VF-25 armour pack renewal version

1/2 pg: Figuarts ZERO 170 mm Sheryl statue

1/2 pg: Yamato 1/60 VF-4G (basically the "lineart" making the rounds in the past day) + a 3/4 fighter mode shot

1/4 pg: Hasegawa egg YF-19

1/4 pg: Yamato QF-3000E Ghost and SF-3A Lancer II 3DCG images based on CAD data

1 pg: Macross the Ride contest promo page

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To clarify: the article doesn't clearly state who's making it. Above it is the Yamato VF-4G. To the left is the Hasegawa YF-19. Under it are "for questions, please contact customer service" followed by Yamato's homepage. Below that is Hasegawa's telephone number.

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To clarify: the article doesn't clearly state who's making it. Above it is the Yamato VF-4G. To the left is the Hasegawa YF-19. Under it are "for questions, please contact customer service" followed by Yamato's homepage. Below that is Hasegawa's telephone number.


Looking a lot more like Yamato toys?

that link and phone number at the bottom are just customer service info.

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Since each news item is now getting its own post on the front page and thus easily accessible, shall we make this the news discussion thread now?

No. Cuz some member(s) seem to find stuff before the rest of us do and don't wanna translate it into something the rest of us can read.

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