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well, considering Graham told us about the replacement arms back in january and that we should have final word in a month or two... and given it's now 5 months later... for a problem which was designed into the product... that yamato admitted it messed up on... no. I don't think the "whiners" are the problem here.

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Hey, I'll be right in line to give Yamato a kick up the @ss to make them get their act together, but...

Some members just can't let it rest and apparently need to use every opportunity to make sarcastic comments about Yamato's QC.

Graham has stated, a couple of months ago, that he's about fed up with the constant b!tching and that he might stop visiting the toy section alltogether. It's not like he's on our payroll or anything, Graham shares his info because he wants too, not because he needs too. If he feels that any info he gives us will only lead to more whining and b!tching he might not want to bother.

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Graham is our main source of info though. It would be good if there was a yamato section of the forum for an official yamato rep to post in for news. (like a locked thread which doesn't allow responses)

Seems a little silly to bother graham each time we want some info or updates. And it comes off as being annoying to you, but remember too that people genuinely want to know stuff not to whine. Legit need for info shouldn't be lumped in with the people who whine about tiny *nitpicky stuff.

*what constitutes "nitpick" and "major" concern will of course vary with person to person. (hello BoB!) But don't put us all in the same category. Even people who are happy with their yamato may want updates.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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heh, okay sorry. it's just on this board, things seem to be black and white... either you're a yamato hater and will take every oppertunity to express endless rage and venom... or you're a lover and every stress crack and design flub is just a beauty mark to be adored.

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Hey, I'll be right in line to give Yamato a kick up the @ss to make them get their act together, but...

Some members just can't let it rest and apparently need to use every opportunity to make sarcastic comments about Yamato's QC.

Graham has stated, a couple of months ago, that he's about fed up with the constant b!tching and that he might stop visiting the toy section alltogether. It's not like he's on our payroll or anything, Graham shares his info because he wants too, not because he needs too. If he feels that any info he gives us will only lead to more whining and b!tching he might not want to bother.

I see no where in my posts I was bothering Graham or being disrespectful to him and I do realise his position in relation to Yamato.

Some members just can't let it rest and apparently need to use every opportunity to make sarcastic comments about Yamato's QC.

That would be me. I don't see the need for this comment where every problem that Yamato creates gets to stay and negative comments that I make, gotta go away.

If I'm decidedly looked upon as a "hater" by members, it's okay. Hey, I'm making complains about Yamato's halfarseness - you can't expect me to be halfarse about it, no?

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heh, okay sorry. it's just on this board, things seem to be black and white... either you're a yamato hater and will take every oppertunity to express endless rage and venom... or you're a lover and every stress crack and design flub is just a beauty mark to be adored.

If only we knew if the yamato people viewed the boards, then all the complaints wouldn't be so bad imo. We could organise a special thread for all the current complaints with pics, and then have the thread stickied and the issues are addressed one by one like an FAQ. You click to the link from the first post to get the answer which is a link to the relevant post id. And that answer (in the post within the the thread) will get updated as time goes on.

This way the issue can't be forgotten about or ignored, and everything goes to one thread rather than turns into a huge rant thread with emotion or just sinks to the bottom where noobs who want new info or an update on the issue create a new thread asking for info which only clutters up the forum with the same stuff.

It might make gathering the pics/evidence easier and get yamato to respond more quickly and in real time. (as opposed to waiting for graham to visit the rep) Problem is we don't really know if the complaints are even being known or acknowledged as real complaints by yamato since nobody knows if yamato visits a board like this. So we are forced to wait, not knowing anything.

At least with the garland thread, some people are able to get the shoulders done and happy about the fix. Macross stuff just seems that much more risky to be an early adopter. I can sympathise with those who genuinely had some breakage through no fault of their own, and also those who are happy and sick of complaint threads. My thing is to prevent emotional complaints that repeat themselves we need:

a) official thread for complaints stickied with url links to answers which are in the same thread so you can get the answer. And the answer is updated as new info emerges. If no new info is given have an "expected update" date typed there for those who intend to come back to the board to revisit that thread the next time

b) all the pics of the people with issues gathered up as attached pic files so it can be easily observed by any rep who might lurk on the board one day when graham brings it up in the meeting. He can just refer the rep to the complaint thread which is stickied for easy access. It would be too hard to sift through the rants and emotional complaints but if you have one that just talks 1) about what the complaint is, and 2) pics of the problem to show the evidence, then it can get straight to the point. No need to be rude or insulting or anything. Just show us what you are refferring to through the pics. (possibly draw some arrows where you have a problem or see a stress mark or something wrong that shouldn't be that way)

Do that for yf-19, vf0 etc Maybe even SV-51 (if in future people get angry at breakages for it) and that way graham won't have to sift through the repetition. From my POV it is dangerous to just assume that it is being blown out of proportion as opposed to a guy who genuinely has a damaged product that they can't seem to get support for like the garlands due to these early probs on the first release stuff. That can tick future customers off who may have just had an isolated experience and was unlucky.

For me personally I check the complaint threads very often for updates and find it not annoying to read through the rants, but informative. But what I think would be better is instead of rants about poor QC we need an "official complaint with evidence thread" where you just talk only about your complaint, point to the complaint in the pic, and then make it easy for someone to see through a mouseclick. No need to read say a 50 page thread of just rants and anger and fights.

I think the problem is the angry rants started creating more noise, and it gets harder for someone looking for info about the issue to find those posts that just want to show the problems with pics and who harbor no anger in them. Just focus on the info you want to provide to help them address that particular problem so that in future we all benefit.

Here is an example of what I mean:


It is a guide (containing cheats, spoilers, walkthroughs, lists etc) to "Elder Scrolls: Oblivion" that has a "contents" of the guide which, when you click on the section in the contents are links jumping you to the relevant info so you don't have to overwork your mouse wheel by scrolling through all the irrelevant crap. For each complaint you could just click on that link which leads to the post with the answer and that post get updated in time by graham or something. Perhaps have it so that each member is given their own post within the official thread that they must edit themselves and provide the pics for their complaint. You can jump to your post through the post id to get to it quickly.

If stickied, a noob won't have to read through everything in the thread to find the relevent "complaint type", but just the bits he wants to see. If a yamato rep wants to view the complaint he doesn't have to read the Ranting within the 50000page thread, just the relevent bits, by accessing the "contents" at the start which is sorted under relevant topics like an FAQ or help document.

I think when threads are made they end up turning into these really noisy rant threads and get derailed. If you had just entered into the forum and see a 400 page thread and had to sift through it all to find the complaint, that would just discourage anyone to read through it. But by having a sticky, and having each complaint in a contents at the start of the thread, you can just jump. This can cut down the irrelevant "noise" created by the ranters and allow a person to jump directly to your individual complaint quicker.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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Don't mind me, just reserving a post. I'm a little busy at work at the moment, but I'll be sure to respond to recent posts when I get home tonight.

*Edit* Here we go.

heh, okay sorry. it's just on this board, things seem to be black and white... either you're a yamato hater and will take every oppertunity to express endless rage and venom... or you're a lover and every stress crack and design flub is just a beauty mark to be adored.

IMO the fact that things seem black/white has something to do with the medium. It's very hard to convey a subtle emotion through a messageboard. Smilies help to show when we're kidding or truly angry but that's about it. Then there's language. For some of us, English isn't our native language which makes it harder to get a point across.

I see no where in my posts I was bothering Graham or being disrespectful to him and I do realise his position in relation to Yamato.

That would be me. I don't see the need for this comment where every problem that Yamato creates gets to stay and negative comments that I make, gotta go away.

Not every negative comment needs to go, it's just that you could consider phrasing your opinion a little more subtle and less sarcastic. The text in your sig doesn't help either. To me personally, you're coming across as someone who's on a mission to make everyone see that Yamato's products suck and that we all need to stop buying them. In some of your comments, you come across as someone who thinks that people who buy Yamato's products, and enjoy them even though they're not perfect, are inferior and stupid. You're not saying it, but IMO it comes across that way.

If I'm decidedly looked upon as a "hater" by members, it's okay. Hey, I'm making complains about Yamato's halfarseness - you can't expect me to be halfarse about it, no?


If only we knew if the yamato people viewed the boards, then all the complaints wouldn't be so bad imo.

They do, Graham stated that a couple of months ago.

Edited by Dante74
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HI everybody...

I'm very interested by this news... My poor VF-0S have this shoulder broken...

Somebody can give us the link where we can order this part ?

Thanks in advance...

Edit : Thanks to Graham for the information...

Edited by odr78
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It's too bad they're only doing the shoulder piece. The elbow part that is inside the cylindrical collar seems to be made of the same crappy plastic that the elbow was made out of and broke on a VF-0A. The plastic is very brittle and chips away easily. When I can, I'll take a pic and post it to show how bad it broke. The lower end of the shoulder piece fits into this elbow piece and seems to be of the same color and plastic as the shoulder parts.

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Not every negative comment needs to go, it's just that you could consider phrasing your opinion a little more subtle and less sarcastic. The text in your sig doesn't help either. To me personally, you're coming across as someone who's on a mission to make everyone see that Yamato's products suck and that we all need to stop buying them. In some of your comments, you come across as someone who thinks that people who buy Yamato's products, and enjoy them even though they're not perfect, are inferior and stupid. You're not saying it, but IMO it comes across that way.

I have explained myself on this too much. I'm not going to repeat myself. Anyone may take away whatever they like from my posts, should they be hurt or insulted, it is through their choice that it becomes so.

They do, Graham stated that a couple of months ago.

Yamato have been panhandling for free advertising and promotion here ever since they first touched the Macross licence. Doing things halfarsed and thinking they could make it up to collectors here by throwing scrap of info thru Graham is how they expressed their gratitude.

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So can we only request replacements from HLJ if we bought our VF-0S from them?

I sent a request for parts even though I didn't buy my VF-0S from them.

I'm hoping they'll come thru like they did for my SOC Spec Unit One.

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One of those catches broke recently on mine <_< . Anyway, it is not that catastrophic in fighter, as there are 2 others claws near the backpack, which also hold the legs. It is more a concern in gerwalk, if you try for put a dynamic pose on the stand. But it is not that bad, as I firstly imagined. It is just mostly annoying when you transform the toy. Also, there was already stress marks on this claw from the very beginning, and the other is totally fine.

Anyway, I think it could be easily corrected with glue for models, but as I'm currently doing huge works in my flat, I have at the moment no access to even the most basic component of my modelist equipement :wacko: . Everything is in box, except my VF-0A :D .

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HLJ replied back to me, but they are requesting the part name and the instruction manual doesn't have a part breakdown like the 1/48 Vf-1 does.... does anyone know what the actual replacement parts are labeled?

And my VF-0a's arm just broke at the bicep swivel... so I'm REALLY hoping the POM replacement is the shoulder and entire arm.

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HLJ replied back to me, but they are requesting the part name and the instruction manual doesn't have a part breakdown like the 1/48 Vf-1 does.... does anyone know what the actual replacement parts are labeled?

And my VF-0a's arm just broke at the bicep swivel... so I'm REALLY hoping the POM replacement is the shoulder and entire arm.

Send them your avatar. It's obvious they're playing dumb now they're the ones left to clean-up Yamato's mess - Doesn't take alot to explain that part since it's a widespread problem. And if you didn't buy from HLJ, woe is you, cuz I WOULD play dumb with you. :lol:

Edited by Beware of Blast
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I got a reply back from the HLJ and they're telling me that these parts are in limited quantity? And they wanted to know specifically which arm I wanted...?

I've never shopped with or dealt with HLJ before so can you tell me which of the contacts you emailed them? If they're limited, I want to be able to get some replacements for my 0S.

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I got a reply back from the HLJ and they're telling me that these parts are in limited quantity? And they wanted to know specifically which arm I wanted...?

WTF?!?! What kind of dumb question is that? Of course you'll want both. You can't like have a right arm replacement now just because your left arm is still okay!!! Do they expect your left arm to kaput later, then contact them for another shipping??!!!

Alarm! Alarm! Manutards symptomes in HLJ as well.

HELP! Somebody call the WHO, Al Jazerra, CNN, BBC, Interpol!!! This Yamato dumb-dumb sickness is fvcking contagious!

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I got a reply back from the HLJ and they're telling me that these parts are in limited quantity? And they wanted to know specifically which arm I wanted...?

I also got the same employee with the same questions.

I sent in the info and still waiting for a reply.

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i'm falling out of macross as is, even further from yamato if they themselves don't offer replacements parts. this whole you didn't buy from HLJ so you're SOFL policy is a bit much to swallow. i'm guess those "meetings" with yamato didn't do much good. :mellow:

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