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Beware of Blast

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Everything posted by Beware of Blast

  1. The fingers on mine are ok. It's the wrist that is very loose. He can't hold his gun and aim! Can't seem to find a way to tighten the wrists. There is also no way I can pop the palm part off without stressing the plastic.
  2. Any news if the arms offered by HLJ are of the FIXED variety and not the ones that they cannibalized off their slow moving existing stocks?
  3. I don't disagree with you. We do have many priorities in life and family do come first to many people including the victims - too bad it just wasn't enough for them to stay home and not go to Akiba. What I posted was without thinking too deeply into the matter because it was a very sad news. It has got nothing to do with a person's order of priorities. Bah, why do I bother. Nothing changes.
  4. It breaks my heart that such thing should happen at places like schools and now at a place where people go to escape and spend money for material stuff that makes them happy and bring peace to their souls. What breaks my heart even more is that they don't even have the chance to get home and enjoy their hard-earned loot. They are all in my prayers.
  5. Supaglue is permanent and does not peel and flake overtime like nail polish. Once dried, all you're left with is a coarse ball surface that is ideal for a stiff but posable wrist.
  6. The key to your shoulder problem is ALIGNMENT. This link has a very good transformation tutorial. http://www.collectiondx.com/node/2060 Having said that, I think you should dig out your magnets of the shoulders (at the grey rim parts) and reposition them slightly outward with some glue so the magnets connect with the magnets on the torso... mine came with loose shoulders because the magnets were not connecting - they were separated about 1mm apart and were held together by what little magnetic force the magnets gave. I reposition the magnets with mine and the shoulders are tight now.
  7. You could use several drops of supaglue (one drop at a time) on the ball of the wrist joint and rub it on throughly to make the ball coarse. When the balls of the wrists are sufficiently thick and coarse, the hands will hold that metal sword at almost any pose. But if you prefer not to, Voltes can still hold it best with a high guard pose. That link offers a pretty good price, provided that shipping is not too expensive.
  8. Transfan52, I think most 1/60 Y19 owners face that problem... Your male connector is too well endowed. You gotta force it in gently or sand that part down.
  9. Finally got the chance to check with mine. I see why your Shogo's shoulder broke - the painted PVC parts are stuck to each other. You can however, force that part of the joint gently until they can move freely. But I tell ya... aside from the face and the helmet, the whole figure itself is a POS. I say that because they took the effort to give Shogo so many points of articulation so we can freely pose him on his bike, but he's stuck in sitting position. He's got like what... 10 points of articulation. Just how hard is it to give him one more that allows him to stand?
  10. Thanks. I've always though the VF1S is much darker than the Stealth. If I'm not mistaken, the Stealth is like Midnight Grey and the VF1S is more Blackhole black, I just couldn't confirm it thru the monitor until now.
  11. Nice! Are the blacks for both 1S & 1J the same shade?
  12. Yikes! Was that shoulder joint glued or stuck together because of the paint?
  13. Good for you. I bought the factory version. Just got it today. Can't wait to see if everything is alright tonite.
  14. Are you having trouble pushing the tabs in, or are you having problem with the fastpacks on jet mode? If you pushing the tabs in gives you trouble, try to file the nubs thinner or you can force it in gently until it goes in. If it's jet mode, there is a tab that connects to the YF19's shoulder that you need to pull out so it's length will allow you to lock it to the feet.
  15. The good:- The misshapen ABS reminded me of Takani's art. The VF1J sculpts are pretty close to the linearts in Perfect Memory. The bad:- MISSHAPEN ABSs!!! The ugly:- The price. And the chances of lousy paint quality at this scale is high.
  16. Do you mean there are two halves that make up the rim of the rear wheel? Any chance for a photo of that misalignment?
  17. He's a crowd puller in Asia. It's more like he's being offered alot for that role as an insurance in case the movie REALLY suck.
  18. So... does the plastic anchor parts that pop off show any stressmarks? Why not remove them during transformation and put them back once you're done?
  19. Why not? the coating is like artificial flavoring... you know it's bad for you, but you can't help but want more. I hope they sand down the excess plastic seam in the middle of the canopy. Don't wanna cut my tongue for not being careful.
  20. Jacking off at the pictures. Of course it would be more pleasurable with the real thing in front of me... alas. It's kinda like wanting to bang that beautiful chick in the porn magazine for real... but ya settle with jacking off at the pics for fear of catching disease.
  21. Excellent! The pilot is now protected against UV radiation. In time, the valks will yellow but the pilot will not.
  22. From the looks of it, 1 fig every 6 months or so. Normal Goku is coming soon. SSJ Goku is coming December. I buy what I like so even if they start churning 1 a month, I'm still gonna read the 1/6 reviews about their build quality before buying.
  23. Who woulda thought Kawamori & gang would insert subtle hints of racism in a cartoon if it weren't for those clues.
  24. It's a conspiracy to do away with Guld. Look what happened to him in the end!
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