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Interwiew to Greg Snegoff

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I have seen all 3 of the original Japanese series that make up Robotech. Personally, Macross is the best of the three but it is still inferior to the writing on Robotech.

AND, the the only thing that Macross has on Robotech is that it came first. I will give Macross another one. It does have more sequels than Robotech but Shadow chronicles will make up for that.

I don't mean to start any flames here but I am just telling it how it is. Take it how you may.

What type of comment is this??

this guy sure makes comments based on pure stupidity

Please MGREXX, go back to your stupid PS3 hype and leave us adults alone

Edited by waters7
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WTF is this? The Macek Bible???


HAHAHA!!! I can't believe they actually created a visual graphic for that. Why does it remind me of those little red Mao books? Or maybe Nazi propaganda/Mein Kampf? Or perhaps even some L. Ron Hubbard scam/scientology book?


Dude, your reactions were totally identical to mine. :lol:

"Robotech Style Guide"?? WTF??!!

And my eyes widened a whole 10cm in diameter when I read that thing about his MOTHER. I mean, what the hell??!! First of all, he claims that they DIDN'T KNOW how the story was gonna turn out?? Wha? And then he says, yeah, we need someone strong, emotional... I know, MOM!!

I'm sorry, but they were SERIOUSLY understaffed!! :lol:

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Improving on the original. To this day after finally watching SDF Macross years ago I don't understand the thinking. If you just watch the original Macross you can clearly see tha almost all of the Macross Saga episodes are the same as the SDF Macross episodes other then the talk about Robotech Masters and Robotechnology and additions of words like "gee" or "golly".

How anyone can believe that the Macross Saga version of SDF Macross is better is honestly beyond me. Robotech's addition, such as narrartor speaking all the time with false information sometimes, certain words here and there were there are no need lowers it in quality. RT has the cheesyness factor with some of its changes, especially if you look back on it now. Not sure how it was taken when it first aired though. Now nostilga is a big factor for a lot of people in both fanbases but its kinda sad how it blinds certain people. You can like a show and still acknowledge it's faults. It's thoughs that refuse to believe a show has faults, when it clearly does, that I find just plain sad.

Being pro-Robotech is one thing. Being out of touch with reality and being a complete ass, the way mgrexx acts, is something completely else.

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Don't mock Greg or his comments.

The truth hurts, doesn't it? So just deal with it.

I'm sure the truth does hurt, and that's why you've been running from it on oh so many topics lately. But I surely don't see much truth in Greg's comments. I mean, he's claiming that he made Robotech more intelligent and mature than the originals, but freely admits that the more adult themes were edited out. He claims that the original creators thanked them and said that Robotech was better than their work... but I suspect he's only refering to Tatsunoko and not Studio Nue, who actually created Macross.

Btw, nobody ripped anybody's work off. It was a legitimate and legal business deal.

Macek and HG bought the rights from Tatsunoko, who were given partial rights to Macross as payment for their production work. Last I checked, though, there were still some legal issues about what rights Tatsunoko actually had and how much of that they could have sold to HG. It may have been a fairly illegitimate deal.

Carl bought the rights and brought three series to the United States from Japan and made them better. End of Story.

A dubious opinion, to be sure.

I am just telling it how it is.

You tell it how it is when you speak of facts. You are entitled to your opinion, not only is it not a fact that Robotech is better than the originals, it is an opinion that most people posting on these boards do not share.

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I'm not a Robotech crusader nor do I believe it was superior to the original material. But the fact that it spread awareness of the existance of the originals around the globe is undeniable. No way they would enjoy the fan base in countries outside Japan without that. Majority of current fans would not have known about Macross without it, a lot of toys would not have been exported or made, and so forth.

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I went on to write and direct most of Macek’s productions for Streamline Pictures: My Neighbor Totoro, Planet Busters, Crying Freeman, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Golgo 13, Wicked City, Megazone 23 and many more.

:o He's very talented.

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I'm not a Robotech crusader nor do I believe it was superior to the original material. But the fact that it spread awareness of the existance of the originals around the globe is undeniable. No way they would enjoy the fan base in countries outside Japan without that. Majority of current fans would not have known about Macross without it, a lot of toys would not have been exported or made, and so forth.

This is true, and most of us don't deny it. The issues we do have, though, is that upon discovering the original, we find that we've been given a vastly inferior product, and that HG has been milking that product for 20 years while trying to limit access to the original, the sequels to the original, and the superior toys and models in favor of their licsensed crap.

We also have issues when we read stuff like this interview tih Greg Snegoff and hear him talk about Robotech as if it were some kind of well-written, mature, intelligent, and original program only loosely based on a nonsensical Japanese kids' show or three. And then to have the gall to suggest that the original creators thanked them and said that their work was so much better? If their work was so much better that the creators conceded it was so, why hasn't Big West and Studio Nue given up the legal fight? Why are they still working on Macross sequels?

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After glancing over that interview, I have two questions:

1) Who the #$@% is Greg Snegoff?

2) Why the #$@% should we care what he thinks?

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Yes, we know about Stealth, yes, we think it will suck and yes, we know it looks like a rip-off of Macross Plus.

Oh, whoops, wrong thread. Sorry! :p:lol:;)

Now there's a knee-jerk reaction, if ever there was one!

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Hm, interesting to see that Ardwright Chamberlain is involved.  He was Kosh on B5!  Maybe his involvement with a great project like B5 will rub off on the Shadow Chronicles crew.

So Shadow Chronicles could become Robotech vs The Shadows from B5? :p

Robotech would get owned.

Edited by ComicKaze
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But the fact that it spread awareness of the existance of the originals around the globe is undeniable.  No way they would enjoy the fan base in countries outside Japan without that.  Majority of current fans would not have known about Macross without it, a lot of toys would not have been exported or made, and so forth.

Yeah we wouldn't have the faboluos masterpieces and the fantastic matchbox's toys today, and we had to buy those crappy yamatos thanks Robotech!

Edited by Ido
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Carl bought the rights and brought three series to the United States from Japan and made them better. End of Story.

Macek didn't buy anything. The rights to Tatsunoko's library were already aquired by HG before Macek was even brought into the company.

If you're gonna try to start a flamewar over Robotech, at least get your Robotech facts straight! :rolleyes:

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Actually, im half tempted to bust out my SDF macross tv dvds,and the few roboatech dvds and compair the dialog.:/

otherwise I still think its funny HG after all these years is trying to pass off roboatech as somehow suprerior.

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I'm sorry... when he says "Japanese dialouge" does he mean the original non-sensical scripts Tatsunoko gave them? The tranlsations on the Perfect Collection which were such utter garbage that they made next to know sense. that (in the case of southren cross) couldn't decide if it was anjay, andrez, anjdrez or any number of other spellings?

Those scripts wern't up to anyones standards but since *I* could pull better translations out of my ass (and my Japanese is far from fluen), I'm not exactly sure he should go juding Macross by them.

You know I havn't watched Robotech in a couple years now because the OSM is so much better... I still have a place for it in my heart, but it's hard for it to keep it's place when I'm bombarded by constant BS from it's creators.

"There were also cultural differences that made us decide to change certain things—including editing out the usual snot bubbles, blood spatters and gratuitous panty shots."

lol... I remember quite a bit of the last one (and of course SC's one shower scene per an ep quota, that they rarely failed to meet). Okay a bit of the blood splatterrs. Don't remember to many snot bubbles in any of the shows (but I havn't seen to much MOSPEADA. Anyone remember any snot bubbles?

Edited by lord_breetai
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So who really shot first - Han Solo or Greedo?

Han. Any other outcome is sacrilige.

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HACK...HACK......HACK...... HACK HACK HACK . Sorry guys got a bad feeling in my throat after reading that crap. I think im better now. Im still amazed that this guy has a career of any kind after making that. Maybe hes in italy for "protection".

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Big deal. The guys proud of his work and has to justifies to himself still.

Whose honestly going to say, "Yes I worked on Robotech. Man we turned it into a piece of crap but hey that was the times. Sorry fans."

Hell even one felt that way they aren't going to say it.

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Hey kids stop all the downloadin'...

...help computer.

Aren't you Buzz Light Year?.. I loved your movie.

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Big deal. The guys proud of his work and has to justifies to himself still.

Whose honestly going to say, "Yes I worked on Robotech. Man we turned it into a piece of crap but hey that was the times. Sorry fans."

Hell even one felt that way they aren't going to say it.

A credible person? "Yeah, it was shite, but it paid the bills for a cuople months, and then I went back into complete & total obscurity" would have sufficed.

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Seriously... I can agree with someone saying that they did a great job for what was given to them and the time they did it in. But to say that the creators talked to him and said... "Oh wow, we had no idea what we were doing when we wrote the story... I'm glad you Americans came along and were able to save our animation." :rolleyes:

That's a lot of credit you're asking for when 99% of the work were done by legitimate artist and the 1% done by the RT crew which were really just translation.

That would be like Neil Gaiman taking credit for how well Princess Mononoke came out. But a credible person like Gaiman wouldn't dare say that because it would be straight bullshit.

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Yep, that's Greg, Snogoff-ing his mother. Now incest is something the original never had. Good lord, they turned Macross into a Greek tragedy! Is this what they mean by "not for little kids"? :lol:

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Actually, MGREXX- by your very tone, you KNOW you're trying to start a flame war.

Instead of using non-confrontational words and phrases such as "in my opinion", "the way I see see it" and "personally, I beg to differ"- you instead use phrases like "The truth hurts, doesn't it? So just deal with it" and "but I am just telling it how it is. Take it how you may."

So, please, stop being an a-hole and thinking you're all clever while trying to feed us a line of poo. Any person who does not want to start a flame war would have been more tactful in their responses, something you know you did not even attempt to achieve.

Sure, argue along the party line of how RT is sooo much better than Macross. I'll accept that as your opinion. But I'm pretty sure you're well aware that your arguments above can, in no way, sway the opinions of most of the Macross fans on this board, especially in the childish and asinine manner you presented them.

you can't take one message which is about how hg obtained the source material for rt. which is a fact. then cobime it with another post ans say it is relevent. You sir are starting the flame war.... the truth on the legality of hg's actions obviosly did hurt you or

you would not stoop to this obvioulsly LOW tactic to start a flame war to end this topic. good day

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Much of the bulk of the translating was done by Tatsunoko, not HG. Tatsunoko requested that HG use their translated scripts as much as possible, with minimal editing.

Blood? Nudity? It was 1984 and a children's animated TV show, what the hell did you expect? Compare it's dialogue to it's contemporarys and it was far ahead of anything else.

Careful. You're attempting to use logic and sane reasoning in the face of all this rhetoric.

Bleh...if you're going to point fingers, you should start with your beloved Snegoff interview. Yellowlightman has a point that anybody who has seen both Macross and Robotech should realize; For the most part, the dialog is relatively unchanged. Therefore, where do these claims of "improvements" over the originals come from...? Oh yeah, its the usual HG rhetoric that they've thrown around since '85.

But I won't attempt to use logic and sane reasoning in the face of your usual blind devotion to all things Robotech.

haha. so sad... I say the same thing. How can rt suck wehn 70-90% of the dialgoue is the same and get spit on my face telling me that it all sucks cause it;s robotech.

people who make fun of others based on what they like should get a life.

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Don't mock Greg or his comments.

The truth hurts, doesn't it? So just deal with it.

I'm sure the truth does hurt, and that's why you've been running from it on oh so many topics lately. But I surely don't see much truth in Greg's comments. I mean, he's claiming that he made Robotech more intelligent and mature than the originals, but freely admits that the more adult themes were edited out. He claims that the original creators thanked them and said that Robotech was better than their work... but I suspect he's only refering to Tatsunoko and not Studio Nue, who actually created Macross.

greg is so full of it.

Btw, nobody ripped anybody's work off. It was a legitimate and legal business deal.

Macek and HG bought the rights from Tatsunoko, who were given partial rights to Macross as payment for their production work. Last I checked, though, there were still some legal issues about what rights Tatsunoko actually had and how much of that they could have sold to HG. It may have been a fairly illegitimate deal.

your opinion which the courts of japan disagreed with, several times. meaning unless they override it. it's fact. deal with it.

Carl bought the rights and brought three series to the United States from Japan and made them better. End of Story.

A dubious opinion, to be sure.

making them better is a matter of taste. buying the rights is what happned.

I am just telling it how it is.

You tell it how it is when you speak of facts. You are entitled to your opinion, not only is it not a fact that Robotech is better than the originals, it is an opinion that most people posting on these boards do not share.

he said that the purchase was ligit. this is fact. rest is opinion. which he engitled to

Edited by Ali Sama
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But the fact that it spread awareness of the existance of the originals around the globe is undeniable.  No way they would enjoy the fan base in countries outside Japan without that.  Majority of current fans would not have known about Macross without it, a lot of toys would not have been exported or made, and so forth.

Yeah we wouldn't have the faboluos masterpieces and the fantastic matchbox's toys today, and we had to buy those crappy yamatos thanks Robotech!

fform wehere i see it. I have my yamatos. and I like my mp alpha. thank you very much.

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Big deal. The guys proud of his work and has to justifies to himself still.

Whose honestly going to say, "Yes I worked on Robotech. Man we turned it into a piece of crap but hey that was the times. Sorry fans."

Hell even one felt that way they aren't going to say it.

it is somthign he did over 20 years ago. who gives. I have my oriignals on dvd. move on with your life. wait sorry forgot who i was talking to. lol. j/k

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