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Highlander: The Immortal Edition


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Highlander ( ハイランダー )

Thorn-EMI/Studio Canal, 1986

Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2002

Directed by Russell Mulcahy (The Shadow, 3: The Dale Earnhardt Story)

Running Time: 127 minutes

Rated R for graphic violence, nudity, sexual situations and profanity.

"From the dawn of time we came, moving silently down through the centuries. Living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering, when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you...until now." - Juan Sanchez Villalobos Ramirez


- Christopher Lambert as Connor MacLeod (a.k.a. Russell Nash)

- Sean Connery as Juan Sanchez Villalobos Ramirez

- Clancy Brown as The Kurgan

- Roxanne Hart as Brenda Wyatt

News Reporter: "The garage is watered from the sprinklers. It also left a man's decapitated body lying on the floor next to his own severed head. The head, which of this time, has no name."

The Kurgan: "I know his name."


For over four centuries, Connor MacLeod has walked the Earth, possessing the gift of immortality. Throughout his lifetime, he and the few remaining immortals have prepared themselves for the Gathering, where the outcome is determined only by the stroke of a sword and the fall of a head. In present-day New York City, MacLeod must defeat the powerful and deadly warrior known as The Kurgan in order to obtain what is known by immortals as "The Prize."

In the end, there can be only one...


Sword fights and immortality - the kind of things you'd normally see in such fantasy films as The Lord of the Rings trilogy. But having both elements in a story that takes place in a present-day setting is a highly unlikely combination; yet Highlander managed to pull it off and execute a great story at the same time. Despite being a flop in the U.S. due to severe editing and the resulting poor reviews, it was a massive hit in Europe and Japan.

Throughout the film, you see how MacLeod's character evolves from the time he's initially killed by Kurgan, which triggers his immortality. After being banished from his village, he meets Ramirez, an Egyptian swordsman who has lived for over 2,000 years. Ramirez teaches MacLeod the ways of the sword and prepares him for battle to obtain the Prize, until the Kurgan takes Ramirez's head in battle. From that point on, the movie goes through several points of MacLeod's life - from his years with his wife Heather to the time when he saved his secretary Rachel from the Nazis in World War II. Meanwhile, during the present-day, he must survive to face the Kurgan, while at the same time put up with a female journalist investigating his activities around New York.

Despite his limited English during that time, Lambert does a great job portraying the immortal Scotsman, but Connery steals most of the show as Ramirez. Clancy Brown's role as the Kurgan makes him one of the most menacing villains on the big screen. The sword fights are also well-choreographed and more fun to watch than the last two Star Wars films.

"Here we are, born to be kings,

We're the princes of the universe.

Here we belong,

Fighting to survive

In the world with the darkest power..." - Queen

Many soundtracks blend well with films, but few are actually capable of telling the story. Aside from the late Michael Kamen's (1948-2003) powerful orchestral score, the film benefits from a handful of immortal songs from the legendary rock band Queen. The song "Princes of the Universe" eventually became the Highlander franchise's anthem and was later used in the spinoff TV series.

Forget the fact that three horrible sequels were made throughout the past decade. Forget the fact that a weak cartoon series or an inane Atari videogame ever existed. Just like the movie's tag line, there can be only one.

Rating: A

"I've got something to say: It's better to burn out than to fade away!" - The Kurgan

DVD Extras: A

Encased in a steel jacket embossed with the image of the Clan MacLeod sword, this two-disc limited edition DVD is loaded with these extras:

- Four different audio tracks (Dolby Digital Surround EX, DTS, Dolby 2.0 and French 2.0 stereo).

- Commentary track featuring director Russell Mulcahy, producers William N. Panzer and Peter S. Davis.

- Original theatrical trailers.

- Image gallery.

- Queen music videos: "Who Wants to Live Forever," "A Kind of Magic," and "Princes of the Universe."

The second disc is a music CD featuring three Queen songs recorded during the production of this film.

Ramirez: "The Kurgan. He is the strongest of all the immortals. He's the 'Perfect' warrior. If he wins the Prize, mortal man would suffer an eternity of darkness."

MacLeod: "How do you fight such a savage?"

Ramirez: "With heart, faith and steel. In the end there can be only one."


The Official Highlander Online Catalog


The Internet Movie Database

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I would very much like to see this film again. The movie was quite enjoyable for an action/fantasy film and I remember absolutely adoring the cinematography. I haven't watched Highlander in years and I've never seen the film on a proper DVD release. It would be particularly enjoyable to watch now that a DVD has been released that includes scenes edited out for the North American release. Not a great film, but certainly one that helped build the core of my love for science fiction and fantasy during my formative years.

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It would be particularly enjoyable to watch now that a DVD has been released that includes scenes edited out for the North American release.

Actually, the Director's Cut of this DVD has been around for quite a while. It was one of the first titles to come out on DVD when the format started to kick VHS's ass. Artisan Entertainment originally oversaw the new digital transfer with the THX and Dolby Digital encoding since they held the license to release it at the time. It more or less disappeared off the shelf until this new release. Since this release is the version I have, the only difference I can say between the two is the addition of the extra languages, the metal tin, and the songs by Queen. And all of the extras and the movie itself are on one disc instead of two.

Overall, I like this version of Highlander a hell of a lot better than the original, and I was a fan of the movie when it first came out. The addition of the deleted footage really helped to make the story blend together a bit more and added more depth to the character of MacLeod.

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I have the 10th Anniversary Edition so doesn't sound like there's much for me in this one. Though the Kurgan DOES rock. They should have made the fricken tv series a prequel... and all of the other movies DO suck... though the least sucky was the 3rd one, which basically seems like a remake of the first.

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Has anyone here seen Highlander 2: Renegade Version? I've read in several articles that it has no references to MacLeod and Ramirez being banished from the planet Zeist. But does that make it better or worse than Highlander II: The Quickening?

I have it on VHS somewhere, havent watched in in years though. From what I can remember, they basically edited out all references to the planet Zeist, I think instead they said the main bad guy had time travelling powers? Something ridiculous like that.

Also, how bad was Highlander: Endgame?

Saw it twice in theatres, wasn't as bad as the first two sequels. Too much focus on Duncan, but overall a much more spirited effort than anything since the original movie.

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Has anyone here seen Highlander 2: Renegade Version? I've read in several articles that it has no references to MacLeod and Ramirez being banished from the planet Zeist. But does that make it better or worse than Highlander II: The Quickening?

Also, how bad was Highlander: Endgame?

Aside from the removal of all the alien references, there's plenty of new scenes. One of them has MacLeod being chased by Katana on a truck and going to a mountaintop to find that the atmosphere has repaired itself. The movie is also re-edited to fit the standard Highlander flashback style. The story is a little outlandish, saying that MacLeod, Ramirez and Katana are from very far in the past and were banished to the future. By no means a great movie, but definitely far, far better than the original version.

As for Endgame, watch the Producer's Cut. It has a lot of scenes cut out of the American theatrical release, including more stuff with Joe Dawson and a totally different ending. My biggest complaint is that it doesn't focus enough on Duncan...it's supposed to be a passing of the torch movie, but a lot of it still focuses on Connor. Instead of being the main character, Duncan is sort of in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets caught up in Connor's mess.

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I have Highlander 2 renegade version and there's something about it I've never been able to understand. How can Macleod grow up in that village and live with his clan for 20 years and be from the past at the same time? Wouldn't he and Ramirez be reincarnated in the future at the same time? Maybe I'm missing something here but it seems to me renegade version makes even less sense then them coming from space.

Edited by Legioss
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Official TV series Katana... the TV series is the best part of Highlander... why is there no Signature sword for Amanda? And Endgame would have been better if Amanda was in it.

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None of them. Not at those prices for 420 stainless crap.

I'd rather sink my money into swords from this guy:

Christian Fletcher

He does custom work on Albion and Angus Trim swords.

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Official TV series Katana... the TV series is the best part of Highlander... why is there no Signature sword for Amanda? And Endgame would have been better if Amanda was in it.

The TV series might have been good had it been clearly stated to be an alternate reality from the movie or (as someone above mentioned) a prequal to the movie. As it is, the fact that it just throws the movie out the window means it blows goats and is best ignored completely.

There are no sequal movies.

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Higlander 2 isn't really even worth commenting on as a Highlander sequel, in either its original or Renegade version. Contrary to how apparently a good chunk of people feel, I don't believe the Renegade version improved it much, if at all. I did like some scenes, but the time travel aspect really made less sense than the alien story...both being ridiculous in terms of the Highlander story. About the only thing I found bearable about it when I was younger was the fact that I enjoyed Michael Ironside in movies/shows, even when he's crippled by a bad script and a worse name. "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust...if you don't pull it out and use it, it's going to rush."

After watching the Renegade edition and not really feeling like it was any better, I decided to listen to the director/creator commentary track in hopes there would be some glimmer as to the logic behind it all. I gave up when it got to the scene (vague enough not to be spoiler-filled) where Connor becomes young again immediately does the young woman he just met. In the Renegade version, there's actually some unnecessary against-the-wall humping and the commentary goes on and on about how they felt they needed to include it because 'it was soooo hot'. Any respect left after watching how they 'improved' upon a mess 'the studio' made of the original release completely evaporated at that point.

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Connor Macleod > all.

I'd go for his Katana too... but I like the Sorcerer's Katana in Highlander III(a film I thought was better than Endgame and II, though I haven't seen the alternate of II)

What's up with all these alternate versions lol!

Amanda was cool... except in that damn Raven show.

Duncan was kinda cool... but he ain't got nothin on Connor. Connor is hardcore.

Quote from IMDB review;

Highlander 2: The Quickening is a movie that doesn't require suspension of disbelief so much as it requires a full-frontal lobotomy with a chainsaw

Also ; Check out the IMDB trivia for the movie. Most hilarious.

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I am not so picky as most people. I think the Renegade version is worth watching, maybe even buying for 8 bucks. But the commentary that I saw explained most of it, that the retarded "insurance people" did what they wanted to do with the story, and that really killed it. They also explained that it was meant to be a stand-alone side-story, like AC Gundam, leaving Highlander 3 to be the Gundam Wing of the trilogy. :p I even kind of liked how they had those silly commercials playing, kind of made it fun. I heard that in the latest "Immortal Edition" of Highlander 2 they edited the Shield to be blue, is that correct? I hope not, because that will just Lucasize the whole thing... <_<

On Connor, didn't someone on this board say that Christopher Lambert had like this vision-problem? That, and the fact that he was supposed to be like 18-something according to the first movie meant he had to go sometime.

On Endgame, nothing will beat the overall effect of the original, but it was definitely close too it. The thing about the movie that really pisses me off is that it was probably the main reason why the TV show drifted off and died like it did. I saw enjoy the old episodes on DVD though :( . But Jacob Kell was one crazy mo-fo in his own right.


I didn't like the whole Kell-making-Conner's life-always miserable thing, but it played well into the ending, which I think wasn't horrible, it was appropriate. But Kell was no wuss; when Conner had his sword to his throat and Kell turns his back to him, making sure the blade draws blood and says, "Feels good, doesn't it!" Well, that put him high in the all-time badass movie list easy.

Plus, the movie had Joe in it, so you know it has to be watchable. ;)

And the TV show, gosh, I watched that thing religiously since the begining of the 3rd season. I loved it. Joe didn't need legs to kick arse. Say what you will about Duncan, but you know deep down inside it was that little prick Riche Ryan that just f***ed up that show! :angry: "Hey," the producers thought, "we'll have great fights, hot babes, and, for good measure, throw in an anst-ridden teen who doesn't know what to do! Worked for Evangelion!" Took them too long to kill off that little loser.

But the TV show should have left room for good spin-offs, with Methos and the Watchers being popular choices, but instead they went with Amanda, which I didn't even know existed by the time it got cancelled.

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Hey. Amanda was great in small doses. Elizabeth Gracen had amazing chemistry with Adrian Paul and it came through on the camera. Methos is also good in small doses, but I doubt he could've held an entire show on his own simply because the fun part about the character was guessing what you DIDN'T know about him.

Highlander the TV series did much to redeem the franchise in terms of fanbase, but Endgame just didn't use all of its resources effectivly. Had they gone with some of the TV writers or used some of the plots from there, it could've been a much better animal.

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Hey.  Amanda was great in small doses.  Elizabeth Gracen had amazing chemistry with Adrian Paul and it came through on the camera.  Methos is also good in small doses, but I doubt he could've held an entire show on his own simply because the fun part about the character was guessing what you DIDN'T know about him.

Highlander the TV series did much to redeem the franchise in terms of fanbase, but Endgame just didn't use all of its resources effectivly.  Had they gone with some of the TV writers or used some of the plots from there, it could've been a much better animal.


I wish there was a tad more about him though... he must have some interesting history being what? 5000 years old?

Elizabeth Gracen... former Miss America and Bill Clinton conquest. What a fox... well at least a couple years ago... I don't dig the blonde.

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Hey.  Amanda was great in small doses.  Elizabeth Gracen had amazing chemistry with Adrian Paul and it came through on the camera.  Methos is also good in small doses, but I doubt he could've held an entire show on his own simply because the fun part about the character was guessing what you DIDN'T know about him.

Highlander the TV series did much to redeem the franchise in terms of fanbase, but Endgame just didn't use all of its resources effectivly.  Had they gone with some of the TV writers or used some of the plots from there, it could've been a much better animal.


I wish there was a tad more about him though... he must have some interesting history being what? 5000 years old?

Elizabeth Gracen... former Miss America and Bill Clinton conquest. What a fox... well at least a couple years ago... I don't dig the blonde.

That's what made Methos so cool. The fact that he was 5000 years old, is probably the only person to stand on the same stage as Julius Ceasar AND the Rolling Stones, and the fact that he is totally capable of anything, up to and including mass murder if he deems it neccissary.

It's the mystery about him that made him so cool. A TV show on his own would've had to explain (in my mind) too much about him, thus robbing him of said coolness.


Yeah, I didn't dig the blond either, at first. But I have changed my opinion upon further review. It's prettygood and it works on her. Dunno about many other women doing that, though.

Edited by CoryHolmes
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Highlander 2 sucked, no matter which version you see. Even without the removed references to the Planet Zeist, we're still left with over the top villains on flying skateboards, dressed in some comglomeration of costumes from Masters of the Universe, Hellraiser, and Dark City. Plus, it has Michael Ironside!, that guy has got to be one of the worst actors ever.

IMHO, the real problem that ALL of the sequels suffered is that in every case, the bad guy actor TRIED desperately in vain to act like a bigger badass than Clancy Brown did as the Kurgan.

Here's a hint - The Kurgan was the baddest mofo EVER in the highlander series, if not in all movies. None of them even came close to topping Clancy Brown's performance. The fact that Ironside tried, then Van Peebles tried, and both failed, should have been enough of a clue. The director's commentary from the first Highlander film said that other actors and staff were actually afraid to go near Clancy when he was in character as the Kurgan.

The series was really quite good IMHO. The only problem that it really suffered from was that they played off the original movie ending too nonchalantly. They basically said that the Kurgan was the baddest of the bad, but not THE baddest of the bad, so Connor's victory only provided a brief lull in the game.

The series worked for what it was meant to do. It was brought about due to fan demand for more depth into the storyline, and ultimately, it answered alot of "what if" type of questions.

Highlander - Endgame was the best movie next to the original.

However, had only the original been made, then that still would have been OK. The original movie comes full circle as a good story should, and there really was no need for any more embellishment.

Edited by Mechamaniac
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Official TV series Katana... the TV series is the best part of Highlander... why is there no Signature sword for Amanda? And Endgame would have been better if Amanda was in it.

The TV series might have been good had it been clearly stated to be an alternate reality from the movie or (as someone above mentioned) a prequal to the movie. As it is, the fact that it just throws the movie out the window means it blows goats and is best ignored completely.

There are no sequal movies.

Um... they actually mention the movie in the TV series. Dawson mentions Conor killing the Kurgan... the only thing thrown out about the movie was that Conor and the Kurgan were the last two immortals... and how could it be a prequal when Duncan killed Conor in Endgame?

The TV series was better then the movies anyways... so what does it matter if it dosn't conform to the movies. Meaning no disrespect to Chris Lambert (I'm a fan) but the movies jut don't hold a candle to the series.

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Um... they actually mention the movie in the TV series. Dawson mentions Conor killing the Kurgan... the only thing thrown out about the movie was that Conor and the Kurgan were the last two immortals... and how could it be a prequal when Duncan killed Conor in Endgame?

I'm pretty sure hte pilot of the TV series had Christopher Lambert in it, or at least I seem to remember seeing him in an episode of the TV series.

The TV series was better then the movies anyways... so what does it matter if it dosn't conform to the movies. Meaning no disrespect to Chris Lambert (I'm a fan) but the movies jut don't hold a candle to the series.

I think the TV series was just too much of a good thing, I mean... every week you had Duncan miraculously bumping into *another* immortal, then these guys are supposed to be pretty rare. I'd occasionally watch episodes of the TV series, but couldn't get into it because it felt forced and kind of hokey.

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I thought the TV series got much better towards the end of its run on tv. I really dug the 4 horsemen. I wish they would've had more eps dealing with them. Its was pretty cool to see those revelations about Methos. BTW the actor that played Methos pops up in X2 as one of Strykers soldiers.

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I thought the TV series got much better towards the end of its run on tv. I really dug the 4 horsemen. I wish they would've had more eps dealing with them. Its was pretty cool to see those revelations about Methos. BTW the actor that played Methos pops up in X2 as one of Strykers soldiers.

heh, I love the way magneto takes them out.

I liked the TV show, I thought it fleshed out the highlander universe a lot.

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The TV series might have been good had it been clearly stated to be an alternate reality from the movie or (as someone above mentioned) a prequal to the movie.  As it is, the fact that it just throws the movie out the window means it blows goats and is best ignored completely.

There are no sequal movies.

Um... they actually mention the movie in the TV series. Dawson mentions Conor killing the Kurgan... the only thing thrown out about the movie was that Conor and the Kurgan were the last two immortals... and how could it be a prequal when Duncan killed Conor in Endgame?

The TV series was better then the movies anyways... so what does it matter if it dosn't conform to the movies. Meaning no disrespect to Chris Lambert (I'm a fan) but the movies jut don't hold a candle to the series.

Sorry if I wasn't being clear. I know the TV series acknowledges the movie, which is why it sucks. Sequals should never invalidate the original. The movie established that Conner was the last one and that the whole thing ended with his killing the Kurgan. The TV series coming along and throwing this out the window was just asinine. And no, the TV series was not better than the movie (the ones after I could couldn't give a rat's ass about).

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The TV series might have been good had it been clearly stated to be an alternate reality from the movie or (as someone above mentioned) a prequal to the movie.  As it is, the fact that it just throws the movie out the window means it blows goats and is best ignored completely.

There are no sequal movies.

Um... they actually mention the movie in the TV series. Dawson mentions Conor killing the Kurgan... the only thing thrown out about the movie was that Conor and the Kurgan were the last two immortals... and how could it be a prequal when Duncan killed Conor in Endgame?

The TV series was better then the movies anyways... so what does it matter if it dosn't conform to the movies. Meaning no disrespect to Chris Lambert (I'm a fan) but the movies jut don't hold a candle to the series.

Sorry if I wasn't being clear. I know the TV series acknowledges the movie, which is why it sucks. Sequals should never invalidate the original. The movie established that Conner was the last one and that the whole thing ended with his killing the Kurgan. The TV series coming along and throwing this out the window was just asinine. And no, the TV series was not better than the movie (the ones after I could couldn't give a rat's ass about).

You see the problem... here... if the TV series had been made a prequal and we belived Connor would be the least immortal... that would mean our star would have been doomed to die.. originally they thought about making Connor the star of the TV series... if they had done that it would have been okay for it to be a prequal... but with Duncan as the star... no... cause then we know he won't be even one of the last 5 or so... that sucks.

Pecking order for Highlander form best to worse

-TV series

-The Raven

-First Movie


-Animated Series

-Highlander II

-Pressumbly Highlander III though I doubt I'll ever watch it.

^^ okay I'm weird.. but Richie, Amanda, Dawson, Methos, Duncan... I love these characters a lot more then anything from the movies.

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man... what the show should have done was NOT RIP OFF THE MOVIE...

I mean... it just seemed kinda lame for there to be

a) Another Macleod Immortal

b) Another Dragon Katana

They should have made him use a different type of ornate sword. I mean.. katanas are cool.. but it kinda seems like a cheap ripoff of the Masamune Connor has.

I liked the series a lot... but yeah... it was cheesy and I'd place it 3rd behind the first and third highlander movies.

At least we all agree II sucked. :)

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