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SDF Macross Goodness


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just got disc one of the original serise, its been SOOOO long.

It's really great how "right" the original feels to me after having gone so long with out seeing it. Say what you want about the fugly drawings, i like the art style, i just wish there wern't so many errors. Personally having just watched DYRL the other day, i've got to say there is more character development AND action in the first 4 episodes than in dyrl. Bravo SDF.

disc one UN RAPED my child hood i feel great today. Anyone else want to talk about the original SDF Macross?

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just got disc one of the original serise, its been SOOOO long.

It's really great how "right" the original feels to me after having gone so long with out seeing it. Say what you want about the fugly drawings, i like the art style, i just wish there wern't so many errors. Personally having just watched DYRL the other day, i've got to say there is more character development AND action in the first 4 episodes than in dyrl. Bravo SDF.

disc one UN RAPED my child hood i feel great today. Anyone else want to talk about the original SDF Macross?

Yeah, sure like how much I can sell it for. Now that I have a DVD burner, I can part with the original box set. Are these worth anything to collectors after they're opened?

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Disc One, four episodes:

Booby Trap--Watching this for the first time, I remember being struck by the very different theme music. I don't remember what I was expecting, but I was used to Robotech.

Countdown--For some reason, the scene where Hikaru saves Minmay in mid-air is very affecting. Is it because it's well done, or because I know that, in the context of the story, Minmay is the key to the future of humanity?

Space Fold--So everyone on Prometheus and Dedalus died. Quite a shock!

Lynn Minmay--I'll always remember the cryptic and slightly comical narration at the end, "What kind of girl is Lynn Minmay?" Which of course foreshadows all of Hikaru's angst but may also be another subtle hint about Minmay's importance.

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Are these worth anything to collectors after they're opened?

I bought set 1 of the DVDs complete already used and in good conditio for like 35 dollars in ebay. I wanted to get the 2nd box but was outbid, ended going to buy it at Fry's the same day the UPS guy deliver me the 1st box set :p

I don't know if I was being foolish but I really didn't care

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yeah, sempai makes so much more sence than big brother, i was alsways a little confused by that in robotech.

"senpai" is a hard thing to translate... It's an idea that just doesn't exist in U.S. culture. I think attempts to translate the word are generally a bad idea... better to either familiarize the audience with the term and retain it, or remove the concept from the translation. It's good in a sense that they tried to stick to the original in that regard, but...

One of these days I should see Robotech again. In order to properly bash it, I should be more familiar with it. :)

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Are these worth anything to collectors after they're opened?

I bought set 1 of the DVDs complete already used and in good conditio for like 35 dollars in ebay. I wanted to get the 2nd box but was outbid, ended going to buy it at Fry's the same day the UPS guy deliver me the 1st box set :p

I don't know if I was being foolish but I really didn't care

Oh, I meant the first box set - all episodes.

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I paid 200 bucks for the whole set a little bit after it first came out. It's much cheaper now, but you know what? I don't regret it for a minute.

SDF Macross is my favorite series of all time, bar none. I mean, Earth is nearly annihilated during the course of the series! Some of the characters die. This is no kids show. The series dares to devote entire episodes to character development and it pays off.

Then there's the mecha design. The series features THE best mecha design of all time. The VF-1 is a timeless classic.

The only drawback is the craptacularly bad animation in some of the episodes. Don't get me wrong, the series has its moments of beautiful animation sequences, but those animefriend episodes need to be redone.

While the animation in Macross can't hold up to modern animation, the quality of the production still keeps it among the greatest series ever.

In a nutshell, it's a great series that raised the standard of animation when it was released. It still evokes feelings of awe when I watch it from time to time.

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thats actually a quite good idea.  Drad and I discussed one time about how they should just up and redo the whole original series with today's animation quality nad technology.  That would be hot stuff. B))

No I don't think they should re-do the whole series, we do have DYRL for better animation with the same characters. I would like to see a side story OAV that takes place during Space War 1. They could re-animate or re-visualize certain scenes from SDF Macross in that.

Edited by valk1j
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I just finished re-watching the original SDF Macross as a primer for Mac Zero and I have to say how well it holds up in comparison to a lot of new anime that has come down the pipeline the last couple of decades. Unfortunately, as I was rewatching it, certain visual cues made me think of those damn RT songs they used instead of the awesome original soundtrack. Anyone else have that problem? I guess having first seen Macross as part of RT spoiled it for me.

For some reason, the scene where Hikaru saves Minmay in mid-air is very affecting.

That scene definitely stuck with me after I saw it again. I think for me it was because there was no music. It was just the wind going by and Minmay falling and Hikaru and his valk going after her.

I would like to see a side story OAV that takes place during Space War 1

I'm still waiting for an OAV set during Space War II. :p

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In the interview with Mr. Ishiguro on the last disc, it seems even he was hoping that AnimEigo was going to fix all the crappy animation and awkward-looking character designs. He asked the interviewer if those things were going to be fixed! :lol:

Still one of my favorite series of all time, regardless. :)

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Unfortunately, as I was rewatching it, certain visual cues made me think of those damn RT songs they used instead of the awesome original soundtrack. Anyone else have that problem? I guess having first seen Macross as part of RT spoiled it for me.

I used to. It gets much better with time and repeated viewings.

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The only drawback is the craptacularly bad animation in some of the episodes. Don't get me wrong, the series has its moments of beautiful animation sequences, but those animefriend episodes need to be redone.

Virgin Road. If they redid one episode, it would have to be that one.

One of my favorite episodes and the animation makes me wince every time.

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The mistakes where roy rescues hikaru and minmay are funny. They just magically disappear for a while. :D

It's the reba west songs that is hard to erase from your mind when watching macross because they were so repetitive from robotech.

One thing I liked about the more about the tv series than the movie was how exedol was just better as a brown skinned alien than a green-skinned alien with a massive head and no hair.

Why did they have to go and change him?

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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I just watched the animego discs for the first time a month or two ago and I was blown away.

I ended up watching the entire series in just a few nights. and while the animation and costumes can be just horrendous... some sequences, like the max and miriya fight in the SDF-1... just beautiful.

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to be honest, i LIKE the old school weirdness and out of date look of the costumes.. and the lack of "flash"

i had some friends over when i was watching it, and we were having a blast.

hikaru almost falls out of the valk when saving minmay, no seatbelts in valks huh? i agree that the scene where that happens is much more dramatic w/o music.

it's a very american (and wrong) concept that the drama of an animated film/movie/show/sequence can't stand on it's own with out themed music to cary it. it's nice to see it handled a bit more maturely.

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Yeah I paid like 70 bucks for series one and two. I think I got set 3 at a good discount at Fry's but dont remember how much. Then I bought the original Cardboard box from, uh I forgot who now. So Its all in one box. I use the newer smaller 3 set boxes as holders for my other Macross DVDs. (I dont like teh Paul Champagne box)

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to be honest, i LIKE the old school weirdness and out of date look of the costumes.. and the lack of "flash"

Lack of flash is one thing, but some of the AnimeFriend eps hurt my eyes.

And I'll be honest, I wish the whole series was done to the same quality as the title sequence. Though a consistent level of quality at any level above "AnimeFied" would be nice.

hikaru almost falls out of the valk when saving minmay,  no seatbelts in valks huh? 

Well, it's not like there weren't other Trek references... :)

I'd argue that he just forgot to fasten it first.

i agree that the scene where that happens is much more dramatic w/o music.

it's a very american (and wrong) concept that the drama of an animated film/movie/show/sequence can't stand on it's own with out themed music to cary it.  it's nice to see it handled a bit more maturely.

Yes. Silence in the right place is sometimes the best thing you can do.

Also missed in Robotech's insistence to dub grunts and "thought bubbles" in at every opportunity.

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Also missed in Robotech's insistence to dub grunts and "thought bubbles" in at every opportunity.

i have noticed that alot of dubbing tends to add all those "ahoooah?" and "huh" and "ugh, yah, huh!"s to animation that clearly wasn't intended to have audio.

why do you suppose they do that, does it go back to americans thinking animation is for kids, and that kids will get bored if people stop making noise?

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For me, there's only one line in RT which was memorable and which is very different in Macross. When Miria chases Max in the idiotically named "Farewell, Big Brother" ("Pine Salad" in Macross), she says "Run, little man run". It nicely characterizes her as an arrogant über-bitch, which of course is part of her sex appeal.

I forget what she says, if anything, in SDF Macross. Anyone?

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Did you notice how much more smarmy and confident max was in the tv series when fighting(and perving at) millia then he was in the movie?

In the movie max was actually hit a few times and very worried and his expression was one of surprised and: "OMG I could die any second if I don't move my ass!". Constantly on his toes and alert to the danger of fighting aganist her. But in the tv series it seemed more like millia was blinded by anger and humiliation to be able to concentrate on the fight that her moves (and reflexs) were predictable and slow. Like a bull being led and tricked by a matador. With tv max always in control of the ebb and flow of the fight and much calmer than movie max.

I liked the millia in the movie much better than the angry incompetant milia in the tv series for that. (it helps that we actually see her waste a few zentradi violently :D )

I can only come to the conclusion that: Max tv series is superior to movie max. The movie versions actor must have portrayed him inaccurately to make the movie more apealing. :) Or maybe he overacted. OR perhaps milia (like sigourney weaver) had too much input into the making of the movie and interfered by demanding that she be portrayed as a strong fighting woman with nothing to fear and no mistakes, as opposed to her real life egotistical and proud self in the tv series, who happened to lose each time the challenge was on. The movie director deciding "WTF, lets just make it so they are mostly evenly matched"

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