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  1. I was replying to multiple prople, hence I skipped the quotes and spoke in plurals. Seriously? I took it as such when I wrote the response, but after reading it a few times, especially that last paragraph reads like pure sarcasm. It was great. Knowing you were serious highlights the whole issue even better. Sweet, sweeet irony. Seriously though, if you think she was made sexy only for plot reasons, you're very pure minded. Sure, a diva character makes sense as a sex pot, but you could've written her many different ways, and she'd still fit type. They just knew that making her a stage goddess would allow them to make posters much like the awful movie one, and no one would say ""Sheryl's not like that" (though it does bewilder me when they sex up Ranka for the exact same reason). Oh, and I liked Aquarion. It wasn't great, but I remember it getting better as it went on. Though I suppose I should've watch Eureka 7 instead so I wouldn't have felt left out when people wouldn't shut up about it. Exactly, Roy Focker. Though I think Itano has a bit of a point. I'm sure a show can sell if they just let it be, it's just that no one wants to take a chance any more (except maybe Shaft and 4c, they make some weird stuff). Gubaba, it's from 4chan. It doesn't have to make sense.
  2. I find it funny that 4chan is more likely to have a civilized conversation about Macross than Macrossworld.com. edit; also homophobia is soooo 1990's
  3. Thanks. Here are some pieces of fan art I found in 4chan... (love the "Monster pack"...)
  4. Found this one at 4chan a while ago... I don't think it has been posted here before... (I use part of it as my avatar as you all can see, hehehe...)
  5. Sorry wrong board, this isn't 4chan Love how the thread is degrading to automotive vehicle fanboying. Big surprise if you get a lemon by any brand it's a lemon. In all honesty I had a buddy who got a BMW because that's what his wife wanted and he had nothing but problems stemming from anything electrical to body panels falling off. Now he has Mazda 3 speed which was awesome until some Canadian Asian lady side swiped him For the record I was Yamatoed in the form of the V2 VF-1S unfortunately I couldn't bring myself to smash it into tiny pieces like it deserved. My 21 is going good so far (knock on wood)
  6. It's quite sad, really... the people who, these days, are routinely being attacked as "not real fans" or "Macross purist trolls" are often the people who've done the MOST for the Robotech fandom. I've done just as much for the fans of Robotech as I have for the fans of Macross over the years, answering questions, helping people with websites, helping people find rare collectibles... but the Robotech fanbase has been so thoroughly neglected and mistreated by Harmony Gold that most of the rational, reasonable fans have been driven away. More than anything else, this is a study in the long, slow death of a franchise. Harmony Gold's hamhandedness in handling Robotech kept the franchise from producing anything original or of quality for DECADES. That, plus the general attitude of many American animation enthusiasts towards Robotech (condemnation as "anime crap") and the general attitude of many anime enthusiasts who started on newer and more sophisticated fare (condemnation as a poorly-executed rewrite) has led the fanbase having a bizarre sort of persecution complex. Even more perverse is the apparent desire of franchise staff at Harmony Gold (like Kevin McKeever) to keep the hostility the Robotech die-hards feel towards Macross as strong as possible. Why? We can only guess... but the logical conclusion would be that they want to keep their meal ticket from jumping ship to another franchise by any means necessary, even if it means maintaining a strawman enemy for them to rail against. Just look at how they stir up their fans at panels in that video MEMO posted... gabbing about how Robotech had been fansubbed in Japan as though it were a news report about how they were winning "The War on Macross". Actually, I'd say it's a matter of who gets screwed over the least, really... As is so often the case, it's the Robotech fans who are getting it in the shorts. Yeah, we Macross fans have to pay a bit extra for our fix, and watch our stuff in fansubs, but we at least get something of quality every few years. All they get is a feeble squirt of low-quality swill every decade or so, and the fanworks people come up with... but they're driving the creators of the fanworks away too. Speaking of being totally comfortable with adding useless and irrelevant information to Robotech, I got to reading through some of the old Robotech comics when a friend of mine posed me a question about them (he's new to anime, just cutting his teeth on Full Metal Panic!) since he'd heard about Robotech on 4chan. So we dug them out of the bin I keep them in and flipped thru a bunch of them. I must confess, I had forgotten just how often the authors tried to inject originality by stealing characters, mecha, and often whole stories from other books. There was a lot of tracing of DYRL VF-1 art, a lot of derivatives of the DYRL VF-1 flightsuit, and strangest of all... what appear to be cameos of a bunch of characters from Macross II: Lovers Again, Macross Plus, Independence Day, and Gundam in various books... the most blatant of which being Captain Higgins from Macross Plus.
  7. Welcome to the Macross Frontier News Thread Previous threads: News thread I News thread II News Thread III News Thread IV Notes and Guildlines This thread contains spoilers. Don't say we didn't warn you. Please limit your comments to the contents posted in articles, websites, or news reported in this thread. Please keep talk of mecha to the Mecha thread and story or episode talk to the Episode thread. Do not cross post. Please remember to post pics as attachments or use a 3rd party image hosting service. DO NOT link directly to image boards like 2ch's image forum or 4chan.org. This thread is for promotional materials only (magazine articles, commercials, website updates etc.). Please do not post any links to episodes or full soundtracks anywhere in the forum. Useful websites MacrossWorld's Macross F Page MBS' Macross Frontier Website Macross F/Frontier Official Website Macross Official Website Translation Tools: http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/ http://tool.nifty.com/globalgate/ http://linear.mv.com/cgi-bin/j-e/sjis/dict http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/cgi-bin/wwwjdic.cgi Image hosting services Flickr ImageShack Photobucket
  8. I've never been banned from 4chan. Tell me, does it only prevent you from posting or even accessing the site to view it?
  9. I have been perma banned on 4chan since January 07. Been banned from /m/ a few times. Even after hacks and all, I'm still banned. San Antonio Express News....been banned from there, twice. Speak out against biased non-factual journalism.... I think MAHQ, I mean Mean Aggressive Hostile Queers...I think I was banned not sure, haven't bother since it always turns hostile, even if I am only trying to help by posting scale pictures etc. Besides random chatrooms, I think that's as far as it goes.
  10. Is that even possible? To be banned from 4chan? Every post seems worth of a ban or criminal charges everywhere else.
  11. What does your statement mean? retype that in some non douche... hipster... or 4chan way.
  12. Well I only got banned from 4chan for a month for what they consider a spoiler. I only posted it a week after the ending they still consider it a spoiler?! Anyway mods are virtually non-existent there nowadays with the spam bots getting through. I doubt they even read my pettition. Other than that never been banned. On one time in the Macross section of Animesuki I got a warning for supposedly flaming a poster. The real reason I was reported by that guy is that I was calling on him to adhere to the rules stated in the Macross technology thread that is to talk about Macross Mecha and tech. What he did was go on and on about orbital weapons as if he had something to prove. He was an egoistical douche that could not take a counter argument even if his argument was successfully refutted. I called on his behavior on derailling the thread for his own satisfaction. Others were getting frustrated in his behavior also called him on it. He threatened to report everyone who told him off. By that time already called on the mod explaining the guy's rude behavior and ignoring the rules. The mod told me and the rest to put him on the ignore list. But further reading the thread the mod asked him if he was really posting in adherence to the rules. The mod noticed he was repetitive annoying prick. Probably the part where he said Macross wasn't relevant to the thread tipped the mod off.
  13. I've actually been banned here longer than any other site (13 days total from two bans), at least for something I actually did. oddly enough I got IP banned from all the NSFW boads on 4chan for like 3 months recently and I don't even post there.
  14. Mode Note Honestly, Danbooru has practically all the Macross NSFW pics out there. And if that's not enough for you, go to /r/ on 4chan and request all your Macross porn. It ain't that hard. And if that's still not enough for you, search for "Macross" and filter by "Hentai" on Tokyo Toshokan for even more Macross porn. And if that's still not enough, there's a freakin Macross porn flick out there for all you folks to wank to. You don't need to post it all here cuz it ain't hard to find if you look. And to echo Roy, use some common sense before posting.
  15. I'm not saying she's sleazy. I agreed that her costumes are great, and she is rather pretty, probably not needing the assistance from the shoddy camera work and possibly airbrushing. I wasn't talking about her, I was talking about the gushing over her. I'm saying the thread went from a cosplay one to a "let's ogle hot girls who are in cosplay" one in feel that I've seen elsewhere. Not the first time too. There's been plenty of nice costume work barely commented on because it wasn't perfect or being worn by a goddess. It's not the costume that's sleazy, it's the absolute drooling that's going on just because a good looking women is portraying a popular character. Nothing wrong with that, of course a woman like that's going to get attention, but the last few posts before mine read like something out of your typical "Hot women" thread. This entire page was just comments on how gorgeous the girl was. Okay, we get it, she's hot. Don't switch on me and try to say it's the costumes' accuracy that's driving your appreciation now that I've called you on it. I hate lack of effort too, VRTR1, but none of this read as costume appreciation until I came in. I love hot women too, and agree that she's one of the sexier one, if not a little hookerish as Roy joked, but leave it for a thread about them. Here it's just creepy, as it looks like it the only reason were posting the pics. "Does this Sheryl 'do it' for you?" Do what? I think you miss the point, Max. I was joking around about the double standard of most cosplay photographers. Ie. They claim to be photographers of good cosplay, but in actuality, they're really photographers of cute girls, using cosplay as an excuse. Hence all these great costumes roll by with a few snaps, and suddenly a cute redhead in a fairly simple blue dress walks by and you can't count the flashes. Of course more attractive people get more pics. It's the definition of "attractive". It's not that the only good cosplayers are "fat, ugly ones" that love the show, it's that those fat, ugly ones can make good costumes too, but no one cares because the ones wearing them are, well, fat and ugly. Sheryl's attractive in the show, does that mean only attractive women make good Sheryl costumes and should portray her? That a great Sheryl costume on a hot woman is automatically superior to a great one on a average or *gasp* homely woman. A pot-bellied Sheryl might not be anime accurate or as pleasing to the eye, but credit most still be given if she did a good job regardless. It's that mentality that's the reason so many threads get started on Cosplay.com asking who they "look like". Basically, there's more focus on who's wearing the costume versus the costume itself. Understandable as it's human nature, but rather lame at times since I though we were discussing costumes, not how hot the Macross girl fandom is. Is this "Macross Cosplay" or "Hot Macross Cosplayers"? I've seen some well done Sheryl outfits get labeled "ok" just because the girl wearing it isn't the stuff wet dreams are made of. Nothing wrong going gaga over a hot Sheryl, just try to restrain yourselves, guys and not make it so obvious that that's the reason you're looking at the pics. People also cosplay for different reasons. Some just do it for fun, others like myself to celebrate a favorite character. Not everyone does it to scream "look at me." I forgot to add that given the number of costumes she has, I wasn't agreeing that she feel into that category, just that it does exist, so I'd edited my previous comment to reflect that. There's nothing wrong with it, but it is a different philosophy as to why they do it. I merely added the observation that a lot of the ones I've seen tend to stick to their body style. It really struck me at Fanime how all the Ranka's were petite, cutesy girls, while most of the Sheryls were tall, glamorous types. By comparison, this Ranka certainly doesn't fit the bill, but it's a great costume. It simply made me wonder if they were doing it because she's their favorite, or they simply liked the show and went with whomever. Sort of how when I'm in my SMS jacket, I'm effectively Ozma given my appearance. I know a Sheryl fan that cosplays Ranka (which, given the shipping wars hurt my brain for awhile). Nothing wrong either way, but an interesting observation. Though count me in as one that feels you should be familiar with what your cosplaying. Otherwise taking shots like that really feel like it's just for the appeal. Okay, I'm getting way too verbose here, but I just pained me a bit to see this thread look like a 4chan thread where all they do is ogle hot girls in costume. Admire all you want, she is sexy and I know it's mostly in jest, hence my all in good fun comment. Just remember that we're better than that.
  16. From what I've heard..it's certainly different than the TV series now. Apparently everyone is just a little bit sane-er. Like apparently Asuka has some outward signs of actually liking Shinji this time around. *gasp* This comes second hand from translations I saw on 4chan...so...yeah. Of course...if they are just a little bit more sane...I wonder how much worse everyone will end up getting it in the end?
  17. We're on the verge of the 2nd movies release, aren't we? Forgive me I've not read the whole thread, but this seems the right place to discuss. I'm really quite curious about what Anno is actually doing here with this Rebuild stuff. Some say it's a remake, but there's actually fairly strong evidence that it's actually a sequel or something to that effect (red stripe on the moon, sea of LCL, outline of 'crucified' MP eva, Kawru's talking about the third not changing when he gets out of the box on the moon, Nerv's giant thing having a different mask/face, the one of the moon having lilith's mask/face, it opens with the sea of red that EoE ended with). I'm not normally one for conspiracy but we all know Anno is a Trolls with the capital 'T'. Also I see a horrible, horrible end for this new Mari chick because quite a bit of what I've heard points to her as a fairly well adjusted person that doesn't use/abuse/ice Shinji (though some of that comes from 4chan....soooo...yeah).
  18. God not this stupid dumb 4chan crap image again.
  19. Hmmmm...... This ain't 4chan.org and there is a rule about using the forums like a chat room.....
  20. You're probably not wrong about that. The outbreak has been confined mostly to AnimeSuki, but over there, Ohnogi has been essentially hailed as a god, while Kawamori is insulted and reviled at every opportunity. For me, the research started because I'm trying to translate all the Macross novels and stories, and Shaloom refers to a lot of them I'd never heard of before. Finding out that they didn't exist led to other things, and pretty soon I had all this text. And it would be like a 4chan prank except that nobody ever really questioned it...
  21. After reading this thread I just have to ask, what would be the implication(s) of Ohnogi working on Macross Frontier? From what I can tell, there's off-hand comments about Kawamori's role/influence on the series but little more than that. The only thing I can discern by reading between the lines of Ohnogi's supposed "involvement" is some disgruntled opinion of Kawamori/Frontier. Are those opinions the reason for all this research and debate? If it's fun to research or a sense of pride is being gleamed from all this, who am I to argue? But if I didn't know any better, I'd say Ohnogi's supposed involvement was all a prank, like one would find at 4chan. Digressing, I guess I'm just curious what the big "revelation" would be if Ohnogi's "involvement" was proved/disproved. Is there some great treasure of valuable Macross trivia waiting at the end of this long road? I'm sensing a big anti-climax from all this.
  22. This site haven't become like 4chan yet, has it?
  23. I have some stuff I download off of 4chan it mostly about the recent shelved Megazone TV remake. It is called festival times. It contains some interviews and Mecha designs for the TV show. Let me know I can post them to the forum if you like Mond
  24. An unfortunate reality. I know portions of my website are already on file sharing websites against my wishes. Many fans have brought it to my attention. It is the nature of the internet that abuses will happen. All I can ask is that people don't do it, but not much else. I wouldn't be surprised if someone has scanned each issue of the Chronicle and uploaded it on some file sharing site right now. 4chan is a good example.
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