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  1. From the album: My Macross Related Art

    Character concept drawn with Paper on the iPad.

    © 2013 Vince Alvendia

  2. A_Man_and_a_Woman?!


    From the album: My Macross Related Art

    Drawn with Paper on the iPad.

    © 2013 Vince Alvendia

  3. Hello Zentrans and Meltrans! Sorry... that was corny. Anyone out there creating webcomics or their own comics based off of the Macross fandom or Macross universe? I know there is a fanfic thread and I was going to post a webcomic I did about Macross but I don't think if was the right forum to do so. And so I created this one. Please feel free to post your own Macross related work here or links to any Macross related webcomics out there. Only rules are to be nice, have fun, and don't be shy about posting your own work! Let me start it off with a link to a strip I just posted recently. Enjoy and I look forward to seeing lots of links but hoping to see more works from Macross World members! http://tako-salad.com/comic/flashback-2012 ~A Man and a Woman?! (@beensentoe)
  4. So I'm a fan of the recent Ace Combat's damage model system called "Steel carnage". I had a few Hasegawa models lying around and I thought, "why not blow them up in Photoshop?". So that's what I did. I'm going to do more of these in the future because it's fun making metal bleed! Follow me as I post more of these on my tumblr and Deviantart! http://the-valkyrie-hangar.tumblr.com/ http://kylefalconkpd.deviantart.com/
  5. ¿Ya pasaron 20 años? ¿Y ustedes como conocieron Macross Plus? ¿Aún tienen los VHS's por ahi o ya los reemplazaron por los Blurays..?
  6. I happened to stumble across this bit of animation the other day and was wondering if anyone knew where its from!? It only runs for a few seconds but its still crazy awesome!! I noticed it runs a bit faster than normal whilst displayed here but you can still see it clearly enough..
  7. Macross anime last year was the 30th anniversary of the TV Director Shoji kawamori is PS3 game by singing to bridge the Macross 30-Galaxy, spent 35 laps c. is there, but so do signing activities were filled with fans waiting for the resurrection of the Macross 7, so. Is previously in the Macross 7 piece similar to dynamite 7 OVA, so it's not anime Macross flashback 2012 Lynn minmay revived as the 35th anniversary changed the name of the work piece is good. Protoculture ride Lynn minmay evolution as content from the Galactic whale four years after Sara who on Earth Music Festival are invited to the fact this trap in universe worst antimatter lifeforms (Devil), chase it the largest fleet in chased takes place will. You should expect. So the cast Director Shoji kawamori and? are you doing Macross song composer, singer and songwriter Mari Iijima Haruhiko Mikimoto teacher earlier in the original Macross and Macross 7 was doing character design and voice actor and everyone should be happy.So want to sign activities benefiting Macross production staff ago the launch this Committee also. Towards East Japan earthquake-hit people in 2016 in Macross frontier show ALE, so I badly to sign please help thank you http://youtu.be/kfQ8JuBoocU It is produced at a resolution 4 K video. Last year was the 30th anniversary of the TV Director Shoji kawamori is PS3 game, spent in the singing voice to bridge the Macross 30-Galaxy 35 laps or c. is there, but by all means in signing activities Director Shoji kawamori and broadcasters to convince in is not will. Please ask about signing. change.org petition site https://www.change.org/ja/%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A3%E3%83%B3%E3%83%9A%E3%83%BC%E3%83%B3/i-want-you-to-broadcast-on-the-35th-anniversary-of-the-macross-work-of-illusion facebook-Macross 35 production Committee project signature activities https://www.facebook.com/Macross.new.project https://www.change.org/ja/キャンペーン/i-want-you-to-broadcast-on-the-35th-anniversary-of-the-macross-work-of-illusion
  8. Hi folks! It's been quite a while since I posted in the modeling section, so I figured that I was long overdue. My intention was to offer a re-issue of the SPALTAN kit, seeing as how the big model firms don't seem to want to touch our beloved green goblin. I'd need 15 orders to get the project off the ground, the kits would be $140 apiece. Any takers?
  9. Hey guys, returning after a long hiatus. Quick question, I remember back in the day the Animeigo version of SDF Macross was THE version to get, however in my cash strapped student days that was a difficult pill to swallow. These days the Animeigo version is out of print. Is there anything comparable on the market now? I've heard the ADV version is... not as good.
  10. Raya1823

    M&M 1

    From the album: M and M

  11. I'd like to understand which of the characters in the anime franchise, obviously excluding aliens, are non-Japanese and what their backgrounds are. The ones I understood for now: - The Lynn family, including Minmay. Pretty obvious Chinese (but part of the family was living in Japan). - All Mayan characters obviously, including Sara and Mao Nome. - The Russian pilots in M0. - Roy Fokker. (German-American?) - Claudia LaSalle (African American? French-speaking African/Haitian?). Claudia and Roy speaking Japanese to each other is probably just "translation convention". - Grace O'Connor (Irish? Irish American?) The ones I'm not sure about: - Ozma Lee. "Lee" can be Chinese, as in Bruce Lee, or Dutch and then American, as in General Robert Lee. Which kind of Lee is he? - Mikhail Blanc. The name, spelled like that, actually sounds like a Russian-background Ashkenazi Jew. If spelled "Michel Blanc" he might be French. Any ideas? - Is anything known of Sheryl's ancestors apart from Mao, and of the father of Ranka and Brera? (Is Sterne their real last name? Sounds German or else Ashkenazi again!). Or about Ranshe too - was her father Zentran or her mother? - Speaking of Sheryl - how did she retain the last name of her maternal grandmother? Are the Mayan matrilineal, and how did both her maternal grandfather and her father agree to this, if they were known at all? Does "Kiss in the Galaxy" shed any light on the matter? - Who else is there? ("Shammy" does not sound very Japanese to me...) Also, Frontier appears mainly Japanese-speaking but not exclusively? There are English public notices (like "Emergency"). P.S. To Mods - could you fix the typo in the heading? It's "Macross" of course
  12. http://www.macrossworld.com/6321/new-macross-tv-series-announced/
  13. Macross Card Fighter is a terrible game. But the new commercial for it features the first 2D valkyries since...M7? Thought it would be nice to have a thread for any comments/discussion about the animation in the commercial below.
  14. Greetings everyone! First time poster here at MW. Been lookin at this site for a while & thought I'd jump in with all you fine folks! So, like many of you guys, I got the new 1/72 BANDAI Variable Valk kit & was, well, a bit dissapointed. But I have to say, coming from a long time modeler's point of view who does it mainly for the love of it, its not that bad of a kit. Sure it has its problems but we as modelers can just do what we do best...improvise, adapt & overcome right? So saying, I'm planning a little something "special" for my kit but first I need to address some of the problems it has...parts fit, looseness, lack of detail in some spots etc etc..all stuff I'm sure you guys have already come across! The First thing I tackled was the wonky fit of the legs in fighter mode & how they don't fit quite perpendicularly to the fuselage. The main problem is, like I'm sure most of you have figured by now, the grey retention tabs that lock the arms in place in fighter mode. The top edges of these are rubbing the sides of the legs & keeping them from sitting in where they should. Instead of cutting these off entirely tho, I thought if I could shave down one side sufficiently on a diagonal angle it might allow the leg to seat better & have a more perpendicular angle to the fuselage when viewed end-on. Here's what I shaved off: Secondly I thought, again, like most of you I'm sure, that the arms are too spindly & need fixed. I plan on beefing up the upper arms, shoulders & forearms. The first thing I started with was the degree of bend to the elbows. With a little tweaking of the lower part of the upper arm where it joins with the elbow joint, I was able to give it a lot more bend, so much so that now the Battroid mode will have the ability for the Gunpod to actually touch the shoulder armor: Next ( because I'm a hopeless scratchbuilder & can't leave anything alone straight out of the box ) I'm gonna lite this guy up with micro LEDs. The first thing I worked on was the optics section on the head. Since this particular build is gonna be a "one-off" style, i wanted something different. He's gonna be a predominantly really dark low-vis Valk & I thought he'd look kick-@ss with a blue Optic sensor: A veeeeeery long time ago, when the Hasegawa VF-1 kits came out, the only way you could get a pilot figure was to get the add-on weapons set. So, I got one & and while the figure wasn't bad, it could be remade better. Now, don't get me wrong, the pilot figure the new kit comes with aint bad but I'm anal when it comes to miniatures & detail & I looooooves me some detail work... at that point I remembered my old VF-1 Hase pilot. I dug the little guy outta storage & I think with a little tweaking I can make him fit in the new kit: So, thats where I'm at right now. Any ideas or comments are heartily welcomed & appreciated! Thanks for lookin guys n Cheers!! ~BK
  15. Join us at Zenkaikon for "Flight School 101 With Max & Milia". Grab your helmets and get ready to buzz the tower. Zenkaikon April 25-27th, 2014 Lancaster Convention Center Lancaster, PA www.zenkaikon.com
  16. Channel surfing one day provided the inspiration for my new Macross relatated AMV. Here it is:
  17. (Actually SFW, I forgot about the auto-censor. CHEERS) THE ALTERNATE ENDING TO MACROSS: FRONTIER >Alto is sitting atop the hill in City 25 >Folding his paper airplane and reflecting on crap like a bitch, unable to choose which girl he likes >He throws the paper airplane >A blue paper plane flies by and causes the other one to burst into flames out of pure spite >Max Jenius, now in his early 60s walks up with both Ranka and Sheryl in his arms >Alto's like WTF >Max just smirks and walks away >Becomes the new Protagonist >Doesn't take crap from anyone >kicks Ozma's ass >Michel becomes his bitch wingman >Paints Alto's VF-25F Blue >Michel has to paint his cannon fodder tan now because he's a pleb TO BE CONTINUED ... ...RIGHT frakkING NOW (the ride never ends) >Alto is forced to having to wear his Goth Lolita costume whenever he even thinks about approaching Max's bridge >Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Max runs that crap on the quarter now >Wilder is in the bitch seat, left to command only when Max is out kicking ass in his BLUE VF-25F >Nevershotdown.jpg >Kills every single Vajra before they even get the chance to realize that they aren't evil >Who gives a crap anyway? THE END
  18. so i started making this papercraft originally created by Thunderchild. and i decided to make it more detailed.... made most of the parts needed but so far i only worked further on the Bridge and prometheus
  19. Mari Iijima ya vino al DF, su estancia fue corta pero en general muy especial. Les dejo el link donde estoy subiendo info de su visita. Saludos!!!! http://dekarucha.blogspot.mx/2013/11/mari-iijima-set-list.html
  20. A few pages of Macross Perfect Memory (pp. 299~232) are given over to the episode-by-episode summaries of the series when it was in the early planning stages. It should be well-known by now that the original plan was for 52 episodes, then down to 48, then to 39, and finally down to 26 (before getting expanded to 36 after the series had started). The 52, 48, and 39-episode synopses are included in the book. The first two are very, VERY brief. The 39-episode one is much fuller. A lot of the info here was referred to by Egan Loo in both the Macross Compendium and the AnimEigo liner notes, but I don't think the complete synopses have ever been translated. So here's the 52-episode version (and yes, Ep. 31 is indeed left blank in the original). I'll be adding the other two over the next week or so. And hey... gotta love that ten-episode run from 34 to 43... Shoji Kawamori's 52-Episode Macross Synopsis #1 The Main Cannon fires #2 The Barrier is opened #3 The Megaroad launches #4 Warp #5 Pluto / Construction on the city begins #6 Transformation --> Robot #7 The birth of "Megaroadians" / The robot enters battle #8 A team infiltrates the enemy ship / They learn about the size difference #9 The battle in Saturn's orbit / The train line opens #10 Asteroid Cracker(1) / Transformation --> Battleship / Transformation warning #11 Mars Base / Female Miclone spy infiltrates #12 Spy Missile #13 Atmospheric re-entry / Brake-Parachute(2) #14 Resupplying at the undersea city #15 Sinking. Transformation --> Robot / The Megaroad floods / Rescue #16 Ground battle. Devil machine No. 2 #17 The group of three Miclones infiltrates #18 The Battle of the Grand Canyon #19 Japan completely annihilated by the Sunriser(3) #20 Transformation --> Battleship / Leaving for outer space #21 Near Venus / The enemy completes its Battlesuits / Battle operation of the new transformable robots #22 The Captain is kidnapped #23 Transformation --> Robot. Tentative rescue operation / The enemy missile counterattack (the right arm is lost) #24 Search for a deputy Captain #25 Great defensive battle at the Sun #26 Rescue operation for the Captain #27 The operation fails / Wandering inside the enemy ship #28 The Captain's special attack #29 The Chinese girl becomes a singer / The people from the beginning growing apart #30 The enemy's new troops / The man who controls a 200m robot by himself #31 #32 Back to the earth / Resupplying from the earth's surface. Population increase / A feeling like Noah's Ark #33 The Sunriser activates / Certain death plate tectonics(4) #34 America is completely destroyed / The secret of the Supervisor #35 Husband and wife crisis (The Captain married couple) / The Panama Canal ruined #36 Fake kidnapping / Machu Picchu destroyed(5) / The heroine changes assignments #37 The Pyramids smashed #38 Macropolis destroyed #39 The Arc du Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower pulverized #40 England vaporized #41 The Caspian Sea evaporated #42 Everest collapses #43 Complete destruction of Earth / The heroine returns #44 The enemy's main fleet draws near / To space #45 The right-arm capture operation #46 The city region of destiny #47 Unrequited love. Devil machine No. 2 #48 The genius. Wedding ceremony #49 The Supervisor and the female captain get married #50 The genius falls #51 The civilian escape operation #52 The final city. To Earth (1) The anchor rockets from both of the Macross's arms smash into asteroids, and the fragments destroy the enemy ships. (2) The soften the shock of re-entering the atmosphere, the Macross deploys a parachute 10km in diameter. (3) A weapon which destroys everything surrounding the Macross, making no distinction between friend and foe. (4) As a result of the Macross's crash into the face of the planet, the earth's crust has to be defended against the enemy's attack. (5) The Mayan holy place, located in South America Shoji Kawamori's 48-Episode Macross Synopsis #1 And after 10 years, the Megaroad is activated #2 The Barrier is opened #3 The Megaroad launches / Aircraft carrier cruise #4 Warp. Warp engine vanishes #5 Pluto orbit / Construction on the city begins #6 The ramen restaurant comes to the bridge / The birth of "Megaroadians." Meeting with the heroine #7 Transformation --> Robot / Some houses get sucked outside #8 The robot enters battle / Rebuilding of the Megaroad City / Battroids become more energetic due to rewiring #9 Battle operation breaking into the enemy ship / They learn about the size difference / The woman gets rescued on Titan #10 The battle in Saturn's orbit / Asteroid Cracker #11 Transformation: Robot to Battleship / Transformation warning. To the Transformation Team. #12 Spy missile operation / The main characters visit the Chinese girl's home #13 The infiltration of the enemy's main fleet operation. A battroid in disguise / Harnessing the technology of the warp system equipment. #14 An escapee without a space suit blows up / The Miclone operation commences / Miss Megaroad #15 Atmospheric re-entry. Brake-Parachute / A detached part of the city lands in the water / Sinking. The inside of the Megaroad floods #16 The deep sea rescue operation / Transformation --> Robot #17 The Chinese girl becomes a singer / Resupplying at the undersea city / The female Miclone spy sneaks aboard #18 Megaroad battle athletic meet #19 Date in Chinatown / A small enemy force spends the night not fighting #20 Real ground battle. Devil machine No. 2 PART 1 / The group of three Miclones infiltrates #21 New recruits / New training #22 Christmas #23 New Year's Eve / The movie premiere #24 The new model robot is deployed #25 Japan completely annihilated by the Sunriser / Devil machine No. 2 PART 2. The secret of the Supervisor #26 The Captain is kidnapped / In the confusion, transformation --> Battleship #27 Rescue operation for the Captain fails / The enemy missile counterattack #28 Search for a deputy Captain / The enemy attack en masse #29 Rescue operation for the Captain / Use of the Jump Door #30 The rescue of the Captain fixes the enemy's stance #31 The Supervisor arrives #32 Valentine's Day operation / Transformation warning / The hero and heroine return #33 The Captain's special attack / The man who controls a 2000 ton robot by himself #34 Unrequited love. TV aboard ship is broadcast / The Chinese girl and her cousin make their relationship public #35 Earth, again / Resupplying from the earth's surface / The heroine changes assignments #36 The Sunriser is activated / Certain death plate tectonics restored #37 The Pyramids smashed #38 New York demolished #39 Battle to the death at the Grand Canyon #40 Complete destruction of Earth. Underground cave base / The heroine returns #41 Fake kidnapping #42 [it says "32" in the book, but I think that's a typo] The right-arm capture. The Captain, again / The Titan Tribe. A battroid in disguise #43 The battle in the city region of destiny #44 The genius's wedding of duty / Wedding space suits #45 The universe draws near / The Supervisor gets report of the main body of the army #46 The genius falls / Defensive battle at the Sun #47 The civilian escape operation #48 And after 10 years, humanity again / The final Sunriser inside the enemy ship
  21. Yes I know an odd topic, but where do we think Alaska Base was suppossed to be located? Let's face it Alaska is a big place, so is Alaska Base in the middle of no where or possibly colocated with an existing facility like Elmendorf or Eileson?
  22. From the album: Otakon 2013

    Countdown to Otakon 2013. Music is a huge part of Macross and we'll include some live performances at our fan panel this August.
  23. Hello MW! Hopefully nobody minds if I just start up this thread to capture my progress as I delve into the scifi genre a little more and give my newly acquired Macross models some love. I started the Hasegawa Spacewolf model in 1/72 back on the 'What lying on your workbench...' thread and figured I would give it a home of it's own. The Hasegawa kit, for those interested, practically falls together. It was a headache free, simple build that would see little weathering or preshading as I intended to display it in a cross over scheme as a Macross realm prototype. Purists may hate it, and Harlock fans may shake their fists... but I just had to do it. I mean, come on! - the decal sheet sports skull squadron markings! Here's some pics of my build so far. I meant to keep this build light and easy, but I still needed to resolve how to arm it with a large calibre gatling gun as promised in the other thread. I resorted to casting the barrel end of the riptide kit from Games Workshop/Citadel and it fit really nicely on the sawed off intake trunk. I chose the red/black scheme as a bastardization (I've come this far right?) of the orange test schemes we see in history. I figured the white decals will really make for a striking contrast once they're applied. I shaved all the elongated aerodynamic bits off the wing tips and rudders. That aspect of the kit was cool and all, but didn't appeal to me. The burner can and gatling gun received a light gun metal finish and eventually the whole model will have a panel line wash with promodeler product. The cockpit area will remain black, with no fanfare or extra detailing via paints. At this scale it's a bonus to have knobby things included but once that canopy is installed you can forget seeing it from inside my display case. I chose this tamiya yellow green for my interior coatings, like the WW2 chromate used in that period. I felt it was fitting as so much of this aircraft feels inspired by the planes of the age. I did the landing gear in the same color and then washed the items and bays with citadel's badab black wash thinned with plain old water. It settles nicely and is a worry free detail aid. Under wing hard points are intended for big, clumsy looking drop tanks. I intend to attach some Macross goodies once they arrive in the mail and I've had a chance to duplicate them. Enjoy... C+C welcome. modelglue
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