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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. A lot of interesting discussion in this article. The "Inception being a flop" stuff was funny, but then again, I think that marketing was pretty slack for the film in the same way as Pacific Rim. I think that the lack of Pacific Rim marketing is due to the fact that the morons don't know who to market this film to. I think that the marketing at the moment is having the impact of putting women off seeing the film (I love the trailers, my wife does not) so if they want to do something about not driving away 50% of the potential audience they had better get their shite together....
  2. They had better do some restoration work on it otherwise it won't be worth the effort/cost. I would love to see the original Yamato series 1 and 2 on blu-ray.
  3. Farewell to Richard Matheson. A fantastic Sci-Fi author. His stories have been the inspiration for some great (and yes, some not so great) interpretations on the big and small screen. I love his work and style and he will be missed.... Dark Horizons article on his death.
  4. Rather a bit of corruption of actual historical events as opposed to Ridley's muddled crap. The "Father of Lies" is still a better writer than Lindelof.
  5. Yeah, forgot about that. Ridley apologists fans are too used to watching films without a heart. Just keep up the pretty visuals and *everybody* is happy.
  6. This film had more problems than just the script. Everybody want's to let Saint Ridley off the hook.
  7. Interesting. Won't get to see it for a little while. Comments here ranging from "epic" to "underwhelming" seem to be quite interesting. Is it getting to the stage now, where it might be nearly impossible for a film to win everybody over. (if that was ever possible?) It just seems that so many broadening tastes and expectations seems to be making it harder for the likes of Hollywood to generate genuine crowd pleasers. Just for the record. I think that the original Donner film was pretty good, especially for the time. The Lester manglement of the second film was a disaster, if anybody hasn't seen the re-edit of Superman 2 to make it closer to the Donner version, go out and see it. It's not perfect, but to me it demonstrates that Donner knew what he was doing. The only good sequence of Superman 3 was the bit where he was fighting himself after being exposed to the artificial Kryptonite. That was really good and seemed out of place in an otherwise crap film. Never seen Superman 4 properly and never want to. Superman Returns was disappointing. I think that Brandon was pretty good, but the rest of the cast was crap, especially the chick playing Lois.
  8. Everybody seems to be forgetting that we have a tiny handful of sources describing the events of the Persian Wars anyway, and pretty much all Greek sources. If there was any Persian documentation chances are it was destroyed by Alexander and his forces when they invaded Persia.. Soooooo, pretty much any telling of the tale is going to have horrible bias anyway. Anyway, in saying that, I too would love to see an attempt to portray these events from a Persian perspective too, one in which Xerxes actually looks the way he did in Persian art.....
  9. I think the biggest problem created is that it's hard to do proper cliffhangers, which I love.....
  10. Me and the fifty kids I teach that are currently studying this era of Greek/Persian history are PUMPED to see this. Just too bad that we have to wait so long. Even with historical innacuracies, bad dialogue and stylised violence it will still give us a lot to talk about, even if it's just to pick it apart. The recreation of Persepolis looks outstanding, even if it probably isn't that accurate.
  11. Saw it at the Australian premiere (with Mr Pitt making a *40 second* appearance in the theatre at the start, just to say "watch the film" essentially.) Thanks for all the free booze Paramount Pictures. Watched it. Enjoyed it. PG 13 US classification so a lot of the violence is more implied than explicit (fine with me). Pretty cool. Take your girlfriend/wife/boyfriend/whatever to go see it in a packed cinema on a Friday or Saturday night. It's that sort of film.
  12. A *tiny* bit like this scene from Casablanca. How good would a scene like this Casablanca one be in 2199, with the Gamilons singing their cool anthem and the humans trying to drown them out with the song being sung at the end of the battle for Pluto. There is no way they could work it in, but it would be good though.......
  13. Look, Battlefield Earth was a *GREAT* film and I will NOT hear veiled insults against it!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. When is the second Yamato 2199 soundtrack volume coming out??
  15. Made this little summary shot of Episode 15. IT WAS A BRILLIANT EPISODE.......
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