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Everything posted by taksraven

  1. The last time we picked apart a trailer like this it was bloody Prometheus and look at the pile of shite that landed us in!
  2. It is true, the very "episodic" nature of the original Trek that was pretty much carried over into most of the other TV series (yes, I know that there were exceptions) really did limit the show in a lot of ways. You generally knew that by the end of the episode things were going to be "back to normal" or as they were at the start of the episode, with *very* little room for true storyline development. Of course, when the original Trek series was on in the 1960's, I think most TV shows operated in this way. Its a pity that this anchor from the past carried over into the new TV versions. That's one of the fundamental reasons why anime appealed to me from an early age, with plot and storyline development being commonplace......
  3. I can understand the fanboy whining to a certain degree. This certainly isn't Roddenberry's "Star Trek", but with him gone all anybody could do is emulate him anyway. It's pretty clear that before his death, Roddenberry was becoming increasingly unhappy about the more militaristic tone that was being taken with Trek and Starfleet, especially in the films, but if you believe what is written, the last Trek project that he had the most control over was the first Trek film. (And most fanboys whine about that film too) Ultimately, the fanboys can whine as much as they want, but it has to be remembered that "The Wrath of Khan", the most violent and least exploration-based Trek project up until that point, brought the franchise back from the dead. It is still the most popular Trek film ever and even though "Into Darkness" is not a direct remake by the looks of it, it certainly seems to be trying to achieve the same sort of impact.
  4. Actually, it just gets me to go to the google image search to see what film I *really* want to *see* her in.... The answer to that question is
  5. I really enjoyed this in the cinema, even though the rest of my treacherous group went to see "Can't Hardly Wait", and people were storming out of this because of the violence.....
  6. That's not what I was saying. The prequel trilogy was an attempt to pander to fans. I didn't say that they liked the shamefaced suck-upery of it all. (Example, Lucas shitting himself and dropping Jar Jar as a major character after the first film....) And to say that the prequel trilogy was "lacking" is putting it *very* mildly.
  7. Yeah, that was going to be my next pic posted, but I got lazy. I have no real issues with the fanservice, but that is, as noted, very detailed.
  8. And as for this ridiculous debate the crew of the Yamato are having with each other over who shot first in the war between Gamilon and Earth, we all know the answer to that, too.....
  10. Well, with the release date for this film less than two years away, I have to assume that they must be pretty advanced in the planning stages at least. Love Nolans work, hope it's fun. Here is the news. The plot is, as it says, will depict a heroic interstellar voyage to the furthest reaches of our scientific understanding.
  11. Yeah, I think that they also mentioned the shields when they were being pounded on Pluto and when they fired the Wave Motion gun. LIke I said though, it's the only plausible way that the ship can survive such encounters. Is it me though, or does it look like some Gamilon ships are flying in formation with the Yamato?
  12. Looks like pretty heavy duty shields being used by the Yamato. Anybody notice that? They HAD to do it though, if they were were going to realistically portray the ship surviving such a massive confrontation......
  13. Are you kidding me? Even the trailer for Brave was underwhelming.....
  14. A *LOT* of posters are being released for this film. Anybody aware if it is more than normal, or are we just paying more attention to this upcoming film?
  15. A sad farewell today for Ray Cusick, the man who actually designed the Daleks. I think he never got enough credit for his outstanding work with these SF creations, Terry Nation only scripted them and gave a rough description. It was Ray who actually created the iconic design. He will be missed.
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