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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. I think it will be pretty good. Not really a fan of Snyder, but the trailer shows that they appear to be borrowing several elements and imagery from Millers the DKR. I just noticed the voices of Neil Degrasse Tyson and Charlie Rose. They are the third and first voices we hear.
  2. Hopefully NY will get more than what they anticipated and I might be able to order one.
  3. Leg armor attached. Do we know if the ghost will be bundled or sold separately?
  4. My first foray into the world of 3rd party transformers will likely be Invisible. But I really want Gutter, and Apollyon also looks to be a must have. Also digging the sunstreaker and Rodimus prime shots that have been released.
  5. Sounds like one of the Ferengi rules of acquisition!
  6. We don't just a thought. A silhouette of any Valkyrie would look pretty cool.
  7. Hello Yeti, I was thinking of something similar to David. Have you thought about Acrylic or plastic nameplates? I was thinking of something similar to the ones that were included with the 30th Anniversary VF-1J. On the nameplate, you could then affix stickers with the toys name and maybe even David's silhouette. Those would look pretty classy in front of the stands.
  8. Sweet!! Thanks for the fast reply.
  9. Yeti, Do you have adapters for the Yamato VF-17? Don't recall ever seeing any.
  10. I would display the 19. You said its your fav and I see it as more of a centerpiece than the other two. Since you are limited on space, I would change the displays out every month or every so many weeks. That would allow you display all of them at some point and give you the opportunity to transform them regularly and clean out your shelves. I have a huge toy collection and as collectors we tend to want to display everything. But I think having limitations in terms of shelves, cabinets and space, etch are good things as they can force you to prioritize and interact with your collection more often if you decide to rotate pieces in and out of display.
  11. Can't wait to preorder one of those. Were they ever shown with the reaction bombs in the movie?
  12. Which is shame, because since they rebranded themselves as Arcadia with the exception of the color choice for the 30th anniv toy, they have been batting near a 1000.
  13. Yes Yeti that has been the only one heavily discounted. The Fire Valkyrie saw some discount but it was part of a sale from HLJ. The 30th anniversary probably also had a larger production run considering how small and inexpensive it was to produce relative to the 0D. I couldn't resist and bought a 2nd 0D. I suspect it will be like the 19 and VF-4 and once its gone we wont see it again.
  14. I would say your best option would be to check the for sale thread on this forum. There are a fair amount of collectors here that sell their toys from time to time. If you find anything at a Con, I bet it will be way overpriced.
  15. I have mine battroid to save space. I ran out of shelf space a long time ago. I have 13 valks that are displayed unprotected. A low vis 0D would be awesome. Arcadia needs to maximize the molds they have ala Bandai.
  16. The VF-0D is back in stock at HLJ for those that missed it.
  17. I received my 0D this past Saturday and mine has been extremely tight like all of the others have mentioned. So those that are in fear of the loose ankle joints need not fear. I'll have to scavenge my other zero toys to come up with the white stickers to replicate the OVA. Trying to resist temptation to double dip on the 0D, With the exception of the Arcadia yf-19,vf-4 and Bandai yf-30, I think this has been one of 4 best macros toys released in the past 4 years.
  18. I hear ya on the door the infamous door tag. I travel extensively for work and I have to pick up most of my purchases at the post office on the weekends. Most of the time I find my door tags in my yard because the wind has carried them away. My neighbors are also really good about accepting packages for me when they know I'm gone which is 90% of the time.
  19. Why don't you put her in charge? I think this looks promising. This series needed an infusion of fresh ideas and I think Blomkamp has them.
  20. Oh yeah. Maybe can finally score one of the PO's on the initial release.
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