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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. The marvel comics of star wars have been a blast so far. I highly recommend them. The stars wars and Darth Vader books are the 2 best IMO.
  2. Hopefully additional stock will be available around release time so I score one. Gotta love Bandai and their exclusives bullshit.
  3. With Reddsun on this one. Why this movie is being made defies common sense. Since the first ID4, we have more than our fair share of the world is ending destruction porn on the big screen. And, Hollywood wonders why every year their profits are down. They keep recycling disposable garbage.
  4. Ditto. What's the release date on these?
  5. The part isn't defective so HLJ likely wont replace it. Besides, most places no longer have the 0D in stock anymore. I never checked my third 0D also from HLJ so it would be premature to assume all the copies they sold had the misaligned marking.
  6. 2 of mine from HLJ have the misaligned intake markings. Not a big deal as its hardly noticeable.
  7. What scream said. I wish they would rerelease the VF-11. At the time of its release I thought it was Yamato's finest toy.
  8. Damn, I can't wait to get this. It will be a nice contrast to the Yamato versions. The color difference is all the more reason to hold onto the Yamato version, even though the Arcadia version blows it away.
  9. That tractor must get around. First Hawkeye, then Tony, then Nick! If I Banner I would've shared my rubber ducky with Nate.
  10. Yes, Aaron Taylor. Her name is Elizabeth Olsen. MYK your assessment is correct. I dozed off around the scene when Thor goes to off do something about his visions.
  11. I saw it last night in 3D and dozed off into the last third. I'll try to catch it again this week. The actress that plays Scarlett witch is also in the Godzilla film. Definitely an enjoyable film. Mommar I agree with your speculation about the Scarlett witch and you know who.
  12. Awesome AB Spanner! Maybe one of these years I'll get the courage to build one of mine. Great display aajin! I have the same LED lights in my cabinet, any special tricks to keep them mounted to the glass shelves? I wish I would've seen your post before mounting mine. I may change the layout and mount them from the bottom of the cabinet.
  13. To be fair it took fourteen pages on this thread before anyone noticed the error, and would've gone more had it not been pointed out. 2 of my 0D have the same issue and I think it's not worth mentioning because its so hard to tell unless you are looking for it. Hopefully it wont carry over into the 0A and 0S releases.
  14. My order was cancelled. I'll try to reorder once more get in stock. If not, then no big deal. Wasn't overly excited about this release anyway.
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