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Golden Arms

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Everything posted by Golden Arms

  1. Thanks for the picks guys. Making me want to double dip and score another 0D. Hopefully this release will be a success for Arcadia and we can get more releases down the road. Can't wait for mine to arrive. Hope to be playing with it next Saturday when I get back home.
  2. These were posted on hlj's Facebook page. Can't wait to get them all!
  3. I'm In Houston this week for work and I plan to check out the Houston 2015 Auto show tomorrow night. I hope to see the new Ford GT
  4. OldMan, can you upload a few pics of your vf-22 setup? I have both of mine on the stands, and would like to add them to my detolf as well.
  5. GET AWAY FROM HER YOU B$#ch!!! I can definitely see that with Horndog marines and chest bursters working out real well right after the pound puppies and the Smurfs.
  6. That's why I mentioned the 1/48 Yamato's, specifically the GBP armor. Yamato was able to take what they learned with the 1/48 scale and incorporate that directly into the V2 1/60. They designed the 1/60 out off the box with the intention of making it ready to accommodate the GBP armor. The fast packs in both scale worked fine enough without hindrance to articulation or accuracy. The GBP armor on the other hand is more in line with what Takara would run into if they decided to make Magnus an armored MP-10. Once you start adding all of the armor onto an existing toy that was never designed to accommodate such armor, it quickly becomes a challenge in terms or accuracy and movement. Unlike the GBP, Prime would need to be completely covered in armor from head to foot to replicate cartoon Magnus. Head, chest, back, feet, thighs, forearms, etc. Which at the point would be much easier to start over with a fresh design, which they did. I agree with you that there are a number of compromises that were made with the version that was released. I just feel that with those in mind, the actual toy worked well enough for my needs. KFC had the opportunity to make an armored version of MP-10 and they too went the same route as Takara by integrating the cab and trailer into the transformation. Once I had seen video of the KFC version alongside the Takara Magnus I was justified in my decision to skip the KFC version even though it had superior articulation. I never liked the original 80's take on the toy and thought a revisit of the character should be a unique design and transformation into itself and not an armored prime ala 1980's. The MP trailer can't accommodate more cars because it's too short and you have the battle mode pieces added. I can live with that as the trailer mostly stays in the box. MP cosmos is the one I want to see pulled off!!!
  7. Keith, I loved watching those as a kid and playing with my Mego Spiderman! It made me want a big budget version of the character so bad. Hammond looked like Parker, but his version of Spidey had no personality. He makes a small cameo in the Raimi Spiderman. Garfield by far has been the best Parker/Spiderman. It's not even a contest.
  8. I concur with Kanda's points. If they would've made him as a parts forming MP-10 he would be even more of a brick than he is now. The designers made the right call on the compromises. As a parts_former the armor would have to be small enough to allow more articulation and large enough to allow the cars to fit in trailer in alt mode. That would've never happened. Adding armor to MP-10 likely would've compromised the articulation beyond what we have now. They would've had to redo MP-10 completely just to make the armor work. The Yamato 1/48 GBP armor is a perfect example of what you get when add armor to a design after the fact. I like that fact that the toy we got integrates the trailer and cab into the transformation, much like the cartoon. Since it does so, Magnus by default should be much bigger than prime. I also like that they have kept the autobots in scale with each other since MP-10. The gaps in the legs don't really bother that much as when I pick him up, I usually grab him by the chest. The butt flap too, isn't as bad as in person. I prefer to leave it swung completely down as I think it looks silly pointing out. As much as I love articulation, I'm able to give the lack of articulation for Magnus as a easy pass since I believe they nailed the bot mode. Plus Magnus has never struck me as a very dynamic Character anyway. He's mostly going to be in the background barking orders at the other bots! I wish that they would've included a matrix as an accessory.
  9. Tobey was too emo for my taste, especially after seeing what Garfield could do with the character. Spiderman was more of a burden for his character and not something he did out of passion. Good article A7, several thoughts. First, IF AG is out as Spiderman, I don't Emma Stone would be back as she was dating AG if I recall. Secondly, I think the best thing for Sony to do at this juncture is to sit tight and do nothing. Their studio is a mess and they need as much time as possible to shift through this. They are getting diminishing returns with this franchise, as much as the studio needs a reboot with the series to get their ducks in order, I think the viewing public would balk at the idea of having to sit through a 3rd restart in such a short order of time. They should take as much time as needed to determine whether to reboot, pony off the rights to Disney, continue as expected, etc. Once they determine what to do with the property, if they decide to keep it, they need to hire the equivalent of Kevin Feige to remap the future of the franchise. Third, if they reboot the series they will need to recast a younger lead. Tobey Maguire is a little too old if the studio plans to do another 2 to 3 films and tie in movies. Maguire only makes sense for the short term i.e. 1 or 2 films max. But I don't even then, as it would be too confusing to the viewing public, so they should just start fresh if the relationship with AG is unrepairable.
  10. Just picked my UM from the post office. He is a porker!! Definitely one of the heaviest transforming toys in my collection, in line with MP-01, the Yamato Koenig Monster and the Matchbox Hover tank. He looks awesome. Definitely worth the purchase.
  11. I just picked up my stands and these are so Awesome!! Yeti, you stated that you might have more stands for sale later. In the meantime do you have additional adapters available?
  12. Thanks for sharing A7! Your post in this thread are always highly anticipated. Not digging the front grille, It's too large in my opinion, but does remind me somewhat of the Veryon and the Aston Martin. I wish they would've kept the quarter window louvers. I've been wanting for someone to integrate those back into this new model. Love the interior, and the intakes on the hood. Otherwise a cool take on the car. I had wondered what Fisker had been up.
  13. Thanks Yeti! I recently got into taking pictures and posting online, so you'll be seeing a few from me as well. Let us know about the left over stands and accessories you have.
  14. Definitely. I think it took balls to release something new and different after they relaunched the company. There were a lot of safer releases that they could've went with in place of the anniversary toy. I wish that they would've rereleased more of the V2 VF-1 line up to this point, but I assume that they haven't because the financials of doing so wouldn't make sense.
  15. That Sir was Funny! The 60's batman villains were so over the top it was hilarious. As a kid, the Joker and Riddler were my favorite villains from the 60's show. You could tell they were having fun playing the roles.
  16. Great review of Ultra Magnus. Really glad I kept my preorder. Nice to see him alongside citizen stack for comparison. I hope we get more of the minibots in the near future. I want cliffjumper as the next mini!
  17. The anniversary valk looks so much better in person. You really have to see it in person to really appreciate it. It does grow on you and it stands out when you have shelves of so many monochromatic valks.
  18. Sweet!!! He even comes with Spike and Daniel! I can't wait for him to arrive. I'm going to need to designate another shelf for the MP autobots.
  19. I saw that last night. The colors aren't too far off what most speculated that they will be. I'm glad that they appear to have gone away from the all black suit, and have reincorporated the gray back into the costume. They also announced Will Smith to play Dead shot in the Suicide squad.
  20. Sorry to see that Saburo! On a separate note, There seems to be a problem with the Nippon Yasan restock. You can't add it to cart.
  21. The street figher assasins fist movie recently came out on DVD and blue ray. I highly recommend it.
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