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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. It was great to finally see it in English. It makes more sense to understand what’s going on. I find the concept very interesting and hope it pays off. When I watched it a while back I had no idea what the background stuff was about and very curious about this overall idea.
  2. These look super cool. I’d love to get the whole set
  3. Mg seems more like main gundam these days. It’s unfortunately rare to see anything else. At least they’re more adventurous with the hg line
  4. The panels on the helmet look like they should be angled a bit more to the front, but other than that, it’s an interesting project and curious to see the end product
  5. I like this redesign. The kit looks pretty good, the big complaint that I have is that I don’t like the way the ankle armor attaches at the front, rather than the joint like the origin gundam.
  6. I didn’t know what the fuss was until I clicked on the pictures. The rest of the team must be jealous
  7. I haven’t seen anything new yet. Max Factory and Goodsmile often tease things months in advance and other time it goes from tease to immediate preorder.
  8. Good to see that you’re back in action
  9. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    The movie one is a bit more flat in the chin if I remember. I have mine packed for a move though the previous page has a picture and the lense shape is a bit different angle
  10. It’s always good to see people still love these old kits
  11. Still not a bad show, has some good laughs here and there. The plot is still pretty vague. Hope that’s not gonna be a continuing problem with these shows. The last couple had good main characters, but not so great stories. More like great moments in ok shows.
  12. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    It kinda sounds like a web exclusive after reading the site info. I don’t even know where to order from anymore these days as far as Japan only web exclusives
  13. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I don’t see anything about a worldwide release. Hope the preorder isn’t a nightmare
  14. Yeah, looks like a pain. I bet that there are others that are up to the challenge though
  15. Never read the books, did see the movie. It wasn’t great, but you could see potential for a good story if done right. Hopefully they can make a good show out of it. Not sure where the Star Wars comparison came in, but I remember a lot of people were comparing it to lord of the rings and lion the witch and the wardrobe due to the fantasy elements and a bunch of fantasy stuff was big at the time
  16. My girlfriend is really big on game of thrones, but she still hasn’t seen it yet. She’s usually tired after work and she did try on Sunday night, but since the premiere crashed the site she has to wait till probably Friday night
  17. Looks amazing. Love the display as well.
  18. Maybe fatten up the faces on the other two, more so on Hikaru than Roy
  19. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    What ever discount you can get really helps with the high U.S. charge
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