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Everything posted by Convectuoso

  1. I paid for the design of an AJAC a couple years ago. i got the figure, but never got the STL file
  2. I don't like the panel lines at all, especially the ones on the chest and shoulders
  3. So creative. More pics here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1950683165156354/permalink/4233680110189970/?mibextid=Nif5oz
  4. This, and maybe some Spartas or Aurorans from Southern Cross to display with the awesome Moscato Bioroids 😉
  5. Looks like they've improved the connection to the stand
  6. I just got my first Experten kit. A 1/100 DYRL Zentraedi soldier from WC2023
  7. Why is HLJ the only store that sells these kits? I don't want to preorder from them cause they took so long to ship the YF-19 that I ended up cancelling and ordering from somewhere else.
  8. The Dark Crystal was great. I wish it would have had a proper finale.
  9. I'm so glad I canceled my HLJ order and got it somewhere else. I've already got Battroid mode almost ready, with just the wings and some decals pending.
  10. The only one that's yellowing for me it's the original Hi-Metal VF-1J Hikaru, because now it gets direct sunlight most of the day. But I've had it for years before any problems
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