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Everything posted by danth

  1. Seems like putting the rotation points further out and further down would result in the same thing without need of the slider.
  2. Argh! Are those picture just to torture me?
  3. That thing probably gets just plastered with dead bugs though.
  4. THIS. This this this. Come one Arcadia, we know it's gonna happen. Stop torturing us.
  5. I agree. I had a VF-0A once but I just couldn't get excited about it. Sold it. To me it was just a rehash of the VF-1. The VF-0D on the other hand has a freaking delta wing which is very exciting.
  6. You know something you ain't tellin'?
  7. I wish there was news of another VF-1 release. Max, Miria, Brownie, anything. But especially a Super Ostrich. I would think it would be like printing money.
  8. Yeah, there's no way a Macross Lego set is getting made. I've met like two people in real life who even know what Macross is. It just wouldn't sell.
  9. This actually may be bad advice. If you can convince enough people that something is not worth the money, and less people buy it, you have improved your odds to get the item on sale. One's own single vote is meaningless. Affecting multiple people's votes is far more efficient.
  10. I love Macross. I love Legos. Lego Macross? Meh, not sure it does anything for me.
  11. I want an Alaska Base but not if they use the bright-ass green as seen here and here. Why the bright green? Looks a lot darker here. And don't tell me it's because it's night time in that last pic, because those valkyries are white, not gray.
  12. Actually so many TFs come with swappable heads/faces that I don't see why a visored Wheeljack isn't an option.
  13. Is this toy line vaporware? I used to bug these guys on their facebook page, which is all but abandoned now. EDIT: Apparently I was on the wrong Toy Notch facebook page. Their last update was late December.
  14. So true. I wonder if a movie true to the books would totally flop because people only want stupid action flicks.
  15. I love Wheeljack. I'm not a hardcore Transformers fan, but I've been buying the Masterpiece cars so Wheeljack is basically a must-buy.
  16. It's hard for me to pick a favorite. Everything up to Ice Planet was very good. For older sets I really like Starfleet Voyager. For later sets I like Deep Freeze Defender.
  17. Speaking of Lego Cuusoo, I'm pretty excited about this bad boy: But that's because I'm a total Classic Space nerd. I bet they don't even include the white Space guy, in which case my interest in this will be greatly reduced. However, I'm so excited about this magnificent beauty that I can't even think straight: That's right, a giant, badass CLASSIC SPACE SHIP which will be released this summer! This is Benny's ship from the Lego Movie coming out in February. This is a damn good time to be a fan of Classic Space Legos. And for all you Lego Space fans who happen to be Bronies, Lego has you covered. Check out Astro Kitty:
  18. I really enjoyed the movie. I've also read the book twice and typically I hate when liberties are taken from source material. But I kind of just don't care any more when movies are different from what they're based on. Anyone who likes DYRL doesn't have much of a leg to stand on when griping about divergence. Good things can come from changing things up. On the other hand, I'm a bit weirded at how much I enjoyed seeing the elves become forest Jedi's and totally murder the sh*t out of those orcs. I mean, the hobbit is totally not about that. Hell, even the Legolas scene in LOTR where he took down that Oliphaunt was kind of out of place in how Matrix-like the killing was. I like the idea of Elves being magical, graceful creatures who are incredibly agile, but seeing them become killing machines seems wrong. Even though it felt so right. Totally agree with these! I didn't quote 2 or 7 because I didn't have strong feelings on those points.
  19. What about Roxxette? Recommended songs by them: Dangerous It must have been Love Listen to Your Heart Fading like a Flower
  20. Pretty sure you should update your website for the new color scheme.
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