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Everything posted by danth

  1. Here's the problem. Nobody can fill the shoes of Harrison Ford. Nobody. It can't be done. Anyone they cast will be a disappointment. We don't need these movies. Harrison Ford IS Han Solo. Period.
  2. Aw man I thought those were real leaked props or something.
  3. Because doing something right is impossible for Harmony Gold.
  4. Other than the obvious Vader is Luke's father and Leia is Luke's sister: Vader build C3-PO Chewbacca served with Yoda Boba Fett's "Dad" was the original Clone Trooper The unlikely connections get ridiculous real quick. I'm sure I'm forgetting some.
  5. Piggybacking on this thread to ask a question: Does anyone make repro VT-1/VE-1 canopies? Mine broke.
  6. Not sure why everyone is suddenly the trailer police. Looks like a good movie to me. Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, and Kate McKinnon are all awesome. Paul Fieg hasn't let me down yet. Although I am disappointed that the black character is a total stereotype.
  7. I don't get the whole Ghostbusters hate train. I loved Bridesmaids, Spy was fun, and Paul Fieg just makes funny movies in general. Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, and Kate McKinnon are all hilarious. And IMO, the original Ghostbusters just isn't a funny movie. The sort of "gee aren't I clever" slightly witty humor of Bill Murray doesn't do it for me. I mean you guys are trashing this movie already from this one trailer that doesn't look bad at all. Do you really think they're going to put the best jokes in the trailer? When you say this movie is going to be terrible, based on nothing, I find it hard to believe that it doesn't have anything to do with misogyny.
  8. I just hope they don't try to make it a surprise. That'll just be embarrassing. The only surprise will be if Rey is not related to anybody. I have my own theory on where Rey came from. A much cooler theory that still allows Rey to be "related" to Luke. It has to do with how they got Luke's old lightsaber. Not really too hard to guess with those hints.
  9. Hey all, does anyone know if repro canopies for the 1/60 Yamcadia VT-1 or VE-1 exist? I'm asking because my VT-1 pilot stupidly opened his cockpit during flight to rescue a girl and his canopy snapped clean off just like any moron would expect.
  10. My method was stupidly and clumsily trying to pry the cockpit apart with a flat head screwdriver. I don't remember exactly how it happened but the screwdriver slipped and the canopy bent/broke and there was much sadness. It still hurts to remember.
  11. This is my #1. I have one already but it had a defective canopy and I only made it worse trying to fix it.
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