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David Hingtgen

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Everything posted by David Hingtgen

  1. "KEEP CLEAN" is possible but rare, "KEEP CLEAR" is much more common. Depends on how far off you believe it is from the original...
  2. Oh, I love the 3000. Very neat backpack/wing/fin integration.
  3. I think a sheet of black and red dry-transfers of generic aircraft stencil markings could get you about 90% of the way from 'regular' to 'premium' markings in a few mins...
  4. If it somehow gets Roid's coloring though, it would look amazing as a new Elvis-valk...
  5. Hmmmn---it's actually not as big a change as I thought, to the wings. The trailing edge and tip are the same as the -31A, it's only the dogtooth that was extended forward. :edit: Could the canopy be hinged at the front now, YF-19 style? It seems to taper a lot. Or maybe a 'cyber canopy' like the VF-27 or Sv-262?
  6. I like the original -31A better. Will have to see what paint it gets, and if -31A gets a rerelease....
  7. Looks like it practically has gunpods on the arms now. That LONG barrel under the belly looks to also be VF-27-inspired. (seems mounted further back that the -27 does, possibly even behind the exhausts?)
  8. Anasazi---you can put me down for a set of VF-4 decals once you've got them done. I don't even have a VF-4 yet (plan to wait for a sale), but I want a set anyways, just to be ready.
  9. Nobody's posted yet that HLJ is offering surface shipping now for the US? Says it takes 1-3 months, but I can wait. (been 11 months already I think?) I shipped everything I had the moment I got their email announcing it. $40 instead of $110 for DHL/FedEx.
  10. So did you do a wash in the end? (you said it was too shallow for a "simple wash"----and I know just how shallow Arcadia panel lines can be) Inking/pens? Or mechanical pencil?
  11. I think I will snag one, so-----cheapest place to get one shipped to the US? Looks like Hobby Search has a lower base price than HLJ, but I've never shipped anything large at all from there, and certainly not during "COVID restrictions". Suggestions? My HLJ warehouse pile is still "too expensive to ship regardless, until COVID is over", so I don't really intend to add to it. I'd probably ship this alone from there, if it came to that. ::edit:: Or, I may just bite the bullet and ship EVERYTHING, if I order from HLJ. Anyone have recent experience with say, 2 large kits (like, very large MG's)----currently HLJ wants $109 DHL vs $112 Fedex to ship my current warehouse pile, due purely to bulk it seems. Would adding a VF-4 bump it up to insane $200 shipping levels, or would it make little difference at this point? (I do notice that either kit alone is $60 to ship, regardless of which one, and both together are $109---but I can add all the other little kits and goodies at that point, and it still stays at $109)
  12. It's almost like they were going for the S3/Movie aesthetic, on an 84/85 character. HotRod and Kup and Springer and Galvatron are "rounded" like that, but not the seekers.
  13. So is that Max one, molded about 50/50 blue/white, and "only the bits that need it" are painted?
  14. I'm thinking about maybe snagging the regular edition. My last new valk was the 31C. I'm seeing very few differences between PF and regular---asides from panel-lines, like slightly different rescue warnings on the nose, and by the main gear doors? I'm thinking I can just panel-line it myself, and have it be 99% of the way towards being the PF edition. Am I missing something, or is it really just "panel lines, and like 2 small tampo prints"? I couldn't find good fighter-mode pics to compare, GERWALK seems to be the only ones where they took same pics same angle, for regular and PF.
  15. I must admit, the same worry came to my mind, not long after watching WW84. (I had HUGE hopes for that movie).
  16. I'm using my "trial" month to catch up on Ghibli too. I'd recommend Spirited Away, you didn't mention having seen that one yet, and it's one of, if not THE best IMHO. But I'd rank 2 and 3 as Laputa and Howl's, so even considering the overall quality of the group, you'll be hard-pressed to find ones better than what you've already seen. Aviation enthusiast rants: #1. #2.
  17. I plan to wait for either a black J-20 (Skywarp!) or see how the Flanker turns out---I suspect that they might only do PLAAF schemes, and not any "proper" Russian Su-33 schemes. Some Su-33's have awesome aquatic camo I'd love to have. But I feel that might be "admitting" it's a copy, and against the super-strong "Look at what China can do, totally independently, utterly unique designs unlike anything anyone else has!" vibe they seem to be going for. And of course---it's wrong in so many ways, but I'd buy it in a second:
  18. The "Flanker" is specifically the J-15, a real-world unlicensed KO of the Su-33. (I even found the exact photo TFC used, they accidently(?) 'shopped out the airbrake). (The J-11 is license-built, so it's arguable just how much of a KO the J-15 is) The last silhouette is almost certainly the Y-20.
  19. Yes, they're fuel tanks. I honestly don't really recall off the top of my head, any jet-former having bombs. They're always fuel tanks (excepting like 1 gunpod), going back to the G1 seeker mold. Assume that for any TF ever, if it's not a missile, it's a fuel tank. (sorry for not seeing/replying sooner, but the paint job is just so terrible I've pretty much been ignoring everything about that figure). As for scale/length---a lot of the F-15's "overall length" comes from its sharply-swept, boom-mounted tailplanes. When it comes to raw "fuselage size", the F-14 is definitely the bigger of the two. Chop off the tailplanes, and it'll be obvious which plane is larger/longer "really". And the mounting location and sweep of the tailplanes, is the #1 place where transforming F-15's tend to have their alt-mode "compromised" from the real thing and won't quite accurately reflect how it "should" be. (well, that and the intakes)
  20. Nah, see, I'm sure Wedge took down at least 1 TIE Fighter during the first Death Star battle. That TIE then crashed into the surface, damaging the Death Star. It might not have blown from Luke's shot, if Wedge hadn't have weakened the structure beforehand. Thus, at least 2 assists. (and there's not really much anyone left to contradict his story from the 1st battle)
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