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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. FYI for those that heard about Japanese players beating FFXV in 15 hours, they ONLY did the main story quests, and they skipped ALL of the cut scenes. That's not how most people will play the game. Also, most of the people that finished early finished with their level in the thirties, that's barely scratching the surface for what's out there. I managed to put in about 5 hours last night, I'm feeling it today but the game is phenomenal, this coming from someone who hasn't played a FF since 8. The story is quite meh, I haven't seen any of the extended stuff like the short anime series or the expensive CG movie, but going off what I've played the story takes a gigantic back seat in the first half of the game, aka the most interesting part in my opinion, the open world. I'm sure the story will take full front later as it gets toward the more linear section, but for now it's just a lot of fun open world questing and fighting. Beautiful game, plays well, runs decent on my X1, frame rate dips on occasion when crazy stuff or something massive is on screen. The dungeons are absolutely a blast, I kept reading about some amazing dungeon in the end game that can only be accessed by the airship, level 90 or above recommended, I can't wait to check that out!
  2. There are no large Figuarts figures that have a "regular" or "normal" frame or body on them, the only large Figuarts out there have their own unique bodies and pieces, like Broly, and Asuraman from the Kinnikuman line.
  3. Beautiful trailer, had a Stranger Things vibe going for it at the beginning, which I like. I can't wait to play some when I get home, reviews are very solid so far.
  4. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    I finally got these two in, they've been sitting waiting in a big Pile of Loot at HLJ.
  5. Came home to this. The FedEx shipping option at HLJ is stupid fast, shipped out 11/24/16, received it today. This is easily the fastest, most reliable shipping service from them to the US, and it's even cheaper then EMS, it's a beautiful thing. A box this big has to have some serious goodies in it right? Damn I must've been good, and another two packages still on the way for me? Everything is looking good, but it's a bit too compacted in there. Yup, lots of goodies. I've been waiting a LONG time on some of this stuff, waiting for more and more to release so I could just get one big package. Unfortunately I had to ship this stuff, my tridents were at one more day before they auto-shipped, if I could have lasted another two days I could've added MonsterArts Shin Godzilla and Figuarts EP II Obi-Wan. I can't check out everything tonight unfortunately, but now I've got like 3 nights of messing with new stuff ahead of me, oh boy!
  6. Chosen Prime has a video review up for MP-33 Inferno. Still looks super meh to me, glad I passed, not my cup of tea, snagged MMC Backdraft for $70 on black Friday. Credit where credit is due though, that transformation is beautiful. Takara's engineering still seems top notch, but the aesthetic they are moving towards just isn't cutting it for me. Shame too, Takara's transformation and clean ladder in chest bit on MMC Backdraft would be a pretty perfect MP Inferno in my opinion. edit: Optibotimus review of MP-33 is up too.
  7. Sequel. John Boyega is playing the son of Stacker Pentecost from the first movie, that was Idris Elba's character.
  8. Tking22

    Hi-Metal R

    Those also weren't transformable though. I feel Bandai could make some excellent Hi-Metal R Frontier stuff if they really wanted too. There were also those crappy VF100 parts forming Frontier valks, also meh, also shelf warmed and were sold for cheap, but once again neither of those lines were Hi-Metal R.
  9. Comicave and Figuarts are 1:12 scale. I don't own any Re:Edit Ironman stuff so I don't know how well it'd scale visually, but if I'd guess, with most Re:Edit armors being about 7" tall, they'll be a bit too big compared to Figuarts and Comicave, which come in at about 6".
  10. I like NY but I also hate NY. I got a notice this morning that Figuarts Black Panther and Charizard are both preparing to ship, I had requested to combine the orders over a week ago and was flat out denied, apparently paid for pre-orders can't be modified in any way, very lame. Now I've got two packages shipping out from the same exact place at the same exact time, they couldn't just combine them and send me an updated PO for shipping or something, very lame policy.
  11. You and me both, that would be SWEEEEEET. That FansToys Omega looks amazing, not a giant fan of the Bot or character so I've got no interest, I bet he'll be a beast once he releases though. As others have said, FT has a ton on their plate it seems, everything announced now Omega, and Devastator on the way in MP form as well, yeesh.
  12. Everyone still caught up on the CW-verse? I gotta say, Savitar is kind of lame, I knew he was coming, he was confirmed a while back, but another evil speedster, even one who claims he's a god, is a little old. Barry will have to dig deep again, and get faster, and beat him, meh. I liked Kara's Batman reference on Monday, I guess that means a version of Batman exists in both her universe, and the CW-verse, neat. Arrow is better this season then last, but that's not saying much, his new B-Team of back-ups is still weak, the Artemis reveal was interesting I'll admit, and that could lead to some interesting things, was that random armored evil dude that wasn't Prometheus a while back the Sports Master? Either way I'm still watching, still entertaining stuff overall, and next week starting Monday is the first episode of the massive cross-over, I can't wait.
  13. No offense, but what else would you expect them to do with the kibble and bits that normally go in the feet? It's a necessity of the design, MP Dino feet are massive, there's a lot of room in there, the kibble for the back ends usually ends up by the feet, it's naturally going to have to store there somewhere. Gigapower's MP Dinos had two options, you could either transform it like the FT Dinos and put the feet and tail bits in the foot, or you could go for a G1 toy look and have the leg and tail kibble hanging off the robot foot, and then you can place a block piece in the foot to fill it in. Other then that, I'm not sure what to expect, they really can't get more interesting or innovative with it, not without changing the aesthetic and look, these companies are still going for specific looks, this transformation method works, if it aint broke don't fix it. Would I like to see another way to handle the tail and leg bits? No honestly, not really, it works, it hides away well, it's still clever, and it provides a clean look. Maybe another 3P company should take a whack at some other iteration of the Dinos other then G1, then they can try some more interesting things out with the design, but the kibble in boot trick just works for the G1 aesthetic.
  14. I'll catch up after the mid-season finale like I always do now. This show needs to be binged, it's far too boring and middling to watch week after week in my opinion. I did watch the big death scene online, went as expected, apparently this show hasn't been completely neutered, well done Walking Dead, brutally perfect.
  15. Oh boy, everyone's least favorite Pixar film is getting yet another sequel. Here I am wondering if anyone cares about Incredibles 2.
  16. Optibotimus has reviewed FT Grinder/Grimlock. Looking good, much better review then Peaugh, he actually covered the correct forearm transformation! Amazing what a little effort will do for a review.
  17. Another good gallery for Figuarts Black Panther is up. The thing looks incredible, that detail is beautiful, once again, I don't think the Legends or Select comes even remotely close. http://shishioh.info/SHF_BLACK_PANTHER.php I mean look at that detailing!
  18. I did indeed, some of the effects shots were great, I think overall TOHO did a fantastic job bringing the titans to life, everything else looked really bad though, especially the maneuver gear shots, they were rough. The story was butchered, as expected, the manga isn't anywhere near done so everyone knew going in they'd go with some awful original ending, which they did, and awful it was. I get it, Japan doesn't have anywhere near the budget US films do, going with a Japanese cast is the cheapest, and logistically easiest solution, but it will never not be distracting in some of these adaptations, a Japanese cast works in most, but not all. I think the Assassination Classroom films were okay, Kenshin was fantastic with excellent casting, Death Note 1 and 2 were great, the third film doesn't exist, Parasyte was solid, Gantz had good casting but the original ending was hot garbage. We'll see on the live action Bleach, going in I'm not expecting much though. And agreed on some of Full Metal fights, I'll watch these live action films regardless of quality and reviews, I just hope at minimum I get a couple of solid fight/action scenes out of it.
  19. Lol I snagged three of these already, no intention of keeping them, I'll keep the SNES version when they release it, extra Christmas funds for the win!
  20. I found a gallery for Figuarts Black Panther, he looks frakking glorious, I think they nailed him. Would some other accessories be nice? Yeah, but he didn't use anything else in the movie so this works for me. https://www.facebook.com/jomudyeahtoy/photos/?tab=album&album_id=336462280043420
  21. Definitely looks cheap, but pretty much all live action japanese adaptations do, I recently watched Parasyte 1 and 2, loved the manga to death, the anime too, the movies were very meh. Like others mentioned, I don't know why the Japanese keep attempting to adapt these series that have clearly European influenced characters, first Attack on Titan, which was awful and the casting was distracting the entire way through, now this. In the sequel movie to the original anime series it was basically stated that the "real world" counter parts of most of our beloved characters are German in our world, some random Japanese boy band front man in a blond wig just doesn't cut it.
  22. I still don't see how this even bigger Kong will fight 2014 Godzilla, that Godzilla was still significantly bigger then this guy. Looks okay, way more humor then I imagined there would be.
  23. Yeah peaugh's review is up for FT Grinder, kind of a crap review though in my opinion, zero enthusiasm, no 360 view of dino or robot mode. The whole review just felt very phoned in, it's another defining reason why I never bother with his reviews anymore, he just really doesn't seem to like it anymore, if he didn't want to review the figure and it give it his all then he shouldn't have bothered. I can't wait, he looks great, I can't wait to finish up my FT Dinobots.
  24. So I got a message from BBTS saying they are expecting FT Scoria re-issue to be in stock within 10 days, I've got Cesium on order too though, I didn't expect Scoria to drop this soon though so it's crap or get off the pot on one of them, there's zero chance I'd get both. I have no experience with Scoria, always looked great, heard about the issues, and yes the dino mode looks a bit odd, but I'm really not seeing any giant improvements on Cesium except the dino mode, everything else is kind of meh, plus they've been mum about whether or not Cesium would come with a red toon mouth and face for the red head or not, I mean it should but you never know. I'm sticking with Scoria, still looks great, plus Grinder is coming with a new head and face sculpt for him specifically, and I really want to collect all of the FT Dinobots, not four of them plus Cesium. Cesium is cheaper, but there's still a number of uncertainties about him, plus his robot mode doesn't look better then Scoria's, I like his bot mode more for sure. Also on the MP Hound thing, Willis>Gundog, but I also hate G1 toy aesthetics, and I've never owned an actual G1 toy, so I have no affliction for G1 toys at all, just the cartoon.
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