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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Also, Figuarts Leia is up for PO, I totally forgot and thought I'd be screwed, looked this morning and I nabbed her on HLJ with zero issues.
  2. I got a set of two for $16 shipped from Aliexpress.com. Though it appears they've sold out of the ones I got, there are several other versions on there, but they don't look quite as nice as the ones I got. The same ones I got popped up on Ebay too, with a mark up on the price, then sold out as well. They were custom and created and sold by someone in China, they are REALLY nice for what I paid, and give Cap the look he deserves. I've been trying to keep an eye open for more, Mommar was after as set as well. I'd say keep an eye on Ebay and Aliexpress.com, just search "Infinity custom Captain", and you should get results for anything custom for Legends, Select, and Figuarts Cap figures. There are some terrible looking custom heads, some decent custom heads, and various Wakanda shield designs out there.
  3. I found this video and explanation pretty to the point. As I said before, this shouldn't be happening on a toy of this price, Takara did drop the ball. But it does indeed break the mold if you use that joint, it's definitely not meant for posing. I won't care very much if one or I guess both shoulders do this, but my worry is how long the plastic will last over time with that bit of extra friction from the little stopper peg being stuck in between the ratchet sections.
  4. Iconic look mostly. The Spidey symbols would have been a bit too coincidental, they're doing the "veins" thing on his chest instead, considering this movie Venom's origin isn't tied to Spider-Man at all. Whereas comic book Venom's origin has ALWAYS been tied to Spider-Man.
  5. This is probably the highlight for me, while not ideal, if nothing is actually broken or working incorrectly, and I can transform him, it works for me. It's a dumb design choice to be sure, but what can you do, a lot of odd things had to happen to get a raptor to turn into a blue and gold robot with a VERY distinct shape and silhouette. Hasbro Asia isn't even carrying Dinobot, they announced that long ago, and while the other Beast Wars MPs have gotten re-releases, something about Dinobot told me to get him now, or it may never happen again. Same with Beast Wars MP Megatron, I'm on that beast guaranteed.
  6. Yeah I don't like how this looks, that is DEFINITELY some old school friction! That stopper just looks like it wasn't molded long enough, and apparently it is soft plastic, not hard :(.
  7. It's been really slow at work today so I've been sifting through the MP Dinobot thread on TFW2005 for relevant information, a difficult task among the bitching and nonsense, and I've found a few more things out. The joint in question isn't the shoulder joint, it is a transformation joint. That joint folds and accordions in on itself, it is the Dino mode leg, and arm for bot mode. To transform to bot you have to accordion several sections in, bringing the whole mechanism closer, and flush, with the bot mode torso. The joint ratchets mostly so you can more easily manipulate it into place, it's really not meant for articulation, but looking where it is and it's orientation, I'd guess a healthy number of folks are going to use it for more arm articulation anyway. I would, it breaks the mold, but it does provide more articulation. The problem is the little square stopper you see in the photos is very shallow, it doesn't quite sit into the groove between the ratchets like it is supposed to. When ratcheted too much and too far, the square stopper gets right out of its track and that's it, no more ratchets. Some have reported it shearing clean off, others have mentioned it just sort of gets nubbed back by the walls of the plastic ratchets and then is just sitting in there. This is a transformation joint, it will catch stress, Takara absolutely should have been up on this, and caught this before release. From what I've read you can cut down on the chance of it slipping out of its track by cutting down on overall friction with some shock oil or even dish soap. A janky fix, but a fix nonetheless. The silver lining is that apparently even if you get the square stopper off track and lose the ratchets, you still apparently have a solid, sturdy friction joint. Not the best case scenario, but several members noted they didn't even notice the break, or the lack of ratchets, until they actually inspected their figures, just a bit too much ratcheting and that stopper goes off track easy. I guess a friction joint is better then a broken one, but this is a pricey figure, this kind of thing shouldn't be a concern, nobody should have to "live with" a compromise on their VERY pricey MP figure. My concern would be the stopper sitting in there rubbing against other plastic, namely the two plastic ratchet halves, over a long period of time. The stopper square peg is short, too short, but it still isn't designed and was designed and molded longer then where it is getting jammed in to. I worry about it over time, after several transformation. I am absolutely not one to hold back on transforming my MPs unless I just don't like the transformation like MP-36. I transform MPs back and forth all the time when I'm bored at home, we're in the early days of release, I'm hoping my figure lasts. I am also going to actually attempt to baby it a little, I don't have oil of any kind to use, but a tooth pick with some dish soap works just the same.
  8. From what I remember, when the symbiote was attached to Eddie he never allowed it to eat people, he never crossed the big cannibalism line. I remember in older comics Venom had a weird, dark long running joke where he always threatened to eat peoples brains, because apparently the symbiote craved a pheromone or something found in human brains. But once again, Eddie never allowed it, then he found out the same thing the symbiote craved from brains was in chocolate, so he just kept a steady stream of chocolate on hand for the symbiote. Mac Gargan on the other hand... He certainly killed and ate a LOT of people. Mac was unhinged as Venom and basically gave the symbiote zero fight, he did whatever it wanted and whatever it told him to do. So when Mac was Venom, he indeed ate a ton of people, even a mess of Asgardians at one point. As to whether the host gets any nutrients or anything from Venom eating, I really don't remember. I remember Mac shared in the blood lust when Venom slaughtered and ate folks, but beyond that I don't remember.
  9. So a little PSA to those getting MP Dinobot. I saw this pic on TFW2005. Not trying to doom and gloom, I am insanely excited for my Dinobot to arrive Thursday, but it appears the shoulders could be a problem area for some people. Not only are the shoulders apparently a bit tricky to properly transform, the way they are designed makes it so you should only attempt to ratchet and bend it in one particular direction. This was a post I saw that mentioned some good information and tips about the shoulders, plus pictures. "So I figured I would put some images up of the screwed up shoulder ratchet so you guys can look out for it. I think we'll see this happening a lot because there is very little room for error between a good and bad ratchet joint on his shoulder. The bad side has a minuscule amount of rounding on the corners of the peg, which allows it to slip out of that square socket and disables the ratcheting. "
  10. Hound has a color prototype so I have to wonder how far along he is, Prime isn't even there yet. Prime V3 has been rumored since MP-36, but Hound has been rumored on and off for literally years now. I honestly remember recent Hound and Prime V3 rumors on TFW2005, as in last few months, so it's really hard to say. We also have no idea how Takara develops these. Hound could be near complete, meanwhile they've only recently started Prime. Then again they could have a Jazz done waiting for licensing, along with Trailbreaker/Hoist.
  11. I didn't want to name him because it was already getting too political, but I guess he got it bumped to a misdemeanor, my bad I guess? Good for him? And a daughter? No way he could be a misogynist... His wife Iranian? No way he could be a racist... This thread is too much, I'm out before I catch a warning. I apologize to everyone for feeding into this.
  12. It's how Takara is going to charge, in my guess with trailer, $280 on pre-order day for this sucker.
  13. Well, I disagree with you. Gunn lost his job, what exactly is there to write text walls about now? Justice was served as far as what we are discussing is concerned. I didn't want him to lose his job, he did, I lost I guess? Now I'd like him to get it back, if that makes me a hypocrite because I don't think someone like, since we have an example, Roseanne does, so be it. Roseanne is a racist, has been for a while, makes good TV though. I don't think Gunn is a pedophile or supports it or any nonsense, I just think he was dumb and unfunny 10 years ago, I think he deserves his job back. Period. I'm sorry if you disagree.
  14. This is a big factor as well, there's zero chance Disney didn't look up all the apparently dumb, unfunny, too edgy stuff he made before they hired him. But they decided to take the gamble, and it paid a billion dollars, twice. Would GotG come together the same without him? Who knows. While I'd like to see him back, realistically, it's not going to happen. This was all too high profile, this wasn't like Adult Swim and the Rick and Morty situation that just happened, that was small and it was Adult Swim, not Disney. The stuff he said was all about children, this is Disney, that's just not a look they are going to be willing to take on, positive tweets from the cast or not. At this point I'm guessing Disney is focused on moving forward, who are they giving Guardians 3 to? It will be a big one, rumors are we'll be seeing a new team mix up. The obvious choice? Taika Waititi. He already essentially made Thor Ragnarok a Guardians film, he seems the perfect fit.
  15. A possible pedophile? And with that, you lost me. Once again, he hasn't been charged or accused of anything, so beyond that, I just can't with the rest of your statement. And once again, I absolutely believe context matters. What exactly are we attempting to hypothetically compare the Gunn situation to? Because once again, without context we're just shooting in the dark. The context is everything for me, to not acknowledge that, I simply can't agree with the scorched Earth, everyone should be treated the same way approach, I would find that to be idiotic and disingenuous. So disagreed, wholeheartedly, I find nothing about taking each situation into context hypocritical. These Twitter crap storms are all over the place with the people involved, who said what, what the outrage is even about, timing, or if anything mentioned or Tweeted was even acted upon or if it was just an unfunny joke from years ago.
  16. Wow I didn't even notice that until looking at the colored digi above. He has those weird, "Little pins are the joints elbows." They look fine when his arms are down, but any bend and it starts to look like Pac-Man :(.
  17. Yeah but that's the only reason he got attacked, not because those that found all this out were trying to do good or do a public service, he just disagrees with the "wrong" people, and now everyone is trying to use this new fangled double edged sword to cut everyone in sight. "Those people" that dug this up aren't trying to make the world a better place, or out pedos in Hollywood, without naming names, the main man that drug all this up is an accused, and tried rapist, rape apologist, racist, and misogynist. It's just so hard to take any of this seriously when it happened so long ago, and knowing who dug this up. It's like if Emperor Palpatine or Hitler let you know about something stupid someone said a decade ago. I'm just like, "That sucks that idiot said that, but aren't you the most evil being in existence?" Disney definitely has to protect itself, but those in the know know how this all came up, and by who, it's not like this was that idiot Roseanne that has been racist for years, and posted something blatantly racist in the present day/time, Gunn's offense was years ago, and really doesn't reflect who he is now, how he thinks, and it doesn't reflect itself in his current work. Should this double edged sword cut everyone and everything? Yes, if we're being fair. But should there be context? Absolutely. I think the context is king here. When did these things get said? A decade ago to me isn't an indication of someone's current character, I said unbelievably stupid crap when I was in college and I thought I knew everything.
  18. Ah I see. Well, good news is I highly doubt you'll have a problem with keeping James Gunn away from your children. Disagreed, jokes alone shouldn't keep Gunn away from doing what he does for Disney, but that's just my take. Safer? Closet pedo? I gotta get out of this thread, it hurts my head. By all of this logic Jeff Ross of Roast Battle should be locked up or executed for being the world's most dastardly war criminal.
  19. I'm not sure what you are referring to with this? James Gunn hasn't been accused of pedophilia or anything relating to actually hurting or molesting children? They're just old, stupid, unfunny jokes.
  20. Looks like the ENTIRE cast of Guardians put out and signed a quite heartfelt Tweet in support of James Gunn. C'mon Disney, you knee jerked, fix this.
  21. frakk Batman? Seriously though, seems a decent deal if you are in to everything involved. There's a lot on there, I was almost tempted by Batman the Animated Series, but with it releasing remastered on Bluray, I can just wait for that.
  22. Widow seems to be selling out pretty quick too, I think she looks fantastic! Such a shame Cap got the short end of the stick, I managed to snag some really nice custom Wakanda shields for him, which are great, but he should have come with them from the start. I don't want to since I already spent so much, but I'm also looking in to a new custom head for Infinity War Cap.
  23. Hound looks good, except that nasty, massive armature on the back of his neck, that looks terrible. Probably a pass though, I had to do a triple take to make sure that wasn't a Willis repainted in "toon" colors. I'm not seeing enough to buy this guy as a replacement to Willis, and as always, I'm really not liking the plain "toon" deco, the white and not silver winch is quite ugly, I do like the white legs though, the face seems a bit off. A pass on Optimus V3. Looks like I'm sure many wanted it to, just not for me. All of the third party options are looking just as impressive IMO, not seeing any stand out reasons to be head over heels for Takara Prime V3. I expect a serious lack in silver paint and detail too, which isn't something I like. Great for those that waited, but once again, I doubt I'll waste the money and just stick with MP-10.
  24. I got them off of Aliexpress.com, but it looks like they're sold out. I also saw some of the same ones on Ebay with a healthy mark up, but those appear to be sold out too.
  25. Lego Voltron arrived! Looks like a really fun build, and 2,321 pieces will keep me busy for at least the rest of the weekend. I also got my custom Figuarts Infinity War Captain America Wakanda shields in. Like many, many others, I too was disappointed not to get any Wakanda shield action with Infinity War Cap, he should have came with these but Bandai seems to have to blatantly half ass at least one figure in every new Marvel Figuarts line. These look good, solid build, I like the size, the tip retracts like in the movie and they came as a set.
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