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Everything posted by mister_e

  1. Were I directing my statements at a specific person, I would have the balls to say their name or quote them directly, like this
  2. Not to sound too ignorant, but if they (Yamato) are willing to show pics of fighter mode, why would they not show pics of the other modes? I'm much more of a battroid fan and I'd really like to see the other modes. Oh well, I guess we'll see it when they feel like letting us see it. I just don't understand the secrecy.
  3. I was not saying your opinion is wrong. Opinions cannot be right or wrong. I respect your opinion. You have every right to dislike this toy for any reason you want. What I was trying to point out is the rampant hypocracy that is present on these boards when it comes to QC. My post was not directed at you EXO, although you seem to have thought otherwise. I have one of these Toynami 1/100's and I like it. You have handled one and didn't like it. That's absoultely fine with me. We're two different people with different tastes/expectations in their toys. However, I have seen other members of this board accept shoddy QC from Yamato all while singing their praises, then turn around and just rip Toynami a new one citing QC and/or MSRP as major reasons why they "suck". To me, Yamato is just as overpriced as Toynami and have just as bad QC.
  4. Funny how some members will use a few reported QC issues to "prove" to others how terrible Toynami is, but are totally forgiving of equally or worse QC issues from Yamato. Sheesh! I at least hope these people know that they are fanboys. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. The fact is, there are a few members here who were NOT going to like these no matter how they turned out. Once someone makes up their mind that they're not going to give something a fair/unbiased shot, there's no convincing them. To all you other, more open minded fans, these are a decent little transforming VF-1 toys at a reasonable price (compared to other Macross toys)
  5. In preparation for my upcoming baby, I've started packing most of my toys away to make more space. I thought I'd snap a few shots of my 1/48's before packing them away for who knows how long. I really have no business using a digital camera
  6. Wow! Impressive. Even if I could afford that many 1/48's (which, sadly, I cannot), no way in hell would my wife put up with me buying that many. Cheers to you mate! I will live my valk collecting life vicariously through you
  7. I have to disagree as well. However, I think the 1/48's cockpit is too bulbous also
  8. Thanks for the pics. I still don't like the colors but this looks like a cool toy. Anyone know what scale MP Starscream is supposed to be?
  9. Battroid = Yamato 1/60: Just beats the 1/48 by a small margin. Gerwalk = Yamato 1/48: No contest really (IMO) Fighter = Yamato 1/60: Again, just a tad better than the 1/48 in regards to proportions I still like the 1/48 more though, because its more poseable and not floppy
  10. So one poster shows a pic of a broken stand and that means that all of the produced toys are somehow poorly manufactured? How many people have had issues with their 1/60 VF-0S' loose elbows? How many broken shoulders on the Yamato Garland? How many broken chest bay doors on the 1/48 GBP? BP8 anyone? I like to think people are being open minded about these toys, but I can't help shake the feeling that if these exact toys (same sculpt, materials, size, etc) had been released by Yamato, somehow all would be forgiven. I could be wrong, of course, it just seems a lot of members here are not giving these a fair shot. People sure are more forgiving of poor QC when Yamato's name is on the box.
  11. Wow! Tough audience. Seems you either love these or hate 'em. I happen to be in the love 'em group. Of course, I also like the Yamato 1/60's and the **gasp** Toynami MPC's. You know even if I had a Ferrari, I'd still want a Mustang or a Corvette. Just because you can afford the best doesn't mean that everything else is worthless. Variety is the spice of life right? Oh well, just my two cents
  12. I'm sorry. Toy makers cannot reproduce "treachery and speed." Do you really want a toy that can steal your wallet really fast? 423738[/snapback] We already have a toy that can steal your wallet really fast. We have two actually: Yamato's 1/48 VF-1 and Yamato's 1/60 VF-0
  13. mister_e

    M+ Valks

    VF-11B all the way! Even if it hadn't already been confirmed that Yamato was producing a YF-19, I still would have voted for the VF-11B. I'm not even a huge fan of the YF-19 or YF-21 (although I'd probably still buy them), but the VF-11B would be a guaranteed purchase for me.
  14. It worked for me today. Also, I found an interview with Stan Lee where he discusses the Japanese TV series. It looks like it was made for the Japanese audience and, as such, it seems as if Lee is trying really hard to very complimentary about the Japanese series. Here's the link: JP Spiderman Stan Lee Interview
  15. The VF-1S is THE valk to own. If I could only have one, it would be a VF-1S with Strike parts. The only tough decision then would be Hikaru's or Roy's? Luckily, I have both
  16. I have to disagree. The 1/55 has a lot of shortcomings and is not superior in every way to this toy as you suggest. Even the 1/55 has a heatshield that you have to put on manually.
  17. Actually, the TV series came out first.
  18. Yeah, if you look closely at that pic and compare it to the pic of the Roy VF-1S (upper right corner), you'll notice that they're the EXACT same pic. Someone in marketing just photoshopped the yellow to red
  19. mister_e

    2 seater 1/48s

    lol... unless he customized them to look like 1/60s, I don't think that's a custom 1/48. 421127[/snapback] :ro The VF-1D in Metal_Massacre_79's pic might not be 1/48, but this one is! 421192[/snapback] Uhhh yeah... and? 421200[/snapback] Uhhh...and...I just thought Vermillion21 might like to see pictures of a 1/48 VF-1D since he asked for more pics from Metal_Massacre_79 (who actually posted pics of the 1/60 VF-1D). Capiche?
  20. mister_e

    2 seater 1/48s

    lol... unless he customized them to look like 1/60s, I don't think that's a custom 1/48. 421127[/snapback] The VF-1D in Metal_Massacre_79's pic might not be 1/48, but this one is!
  21. I have the Stealth FP's, the standard DYRL FP's and the FP's that came with the Super Hikaru VF-1J. I think the DYRL packs look best on the DYRL valks, but I'm a bit of a stickler for canon (which is why my Hikaru 1J doesn't actually sport the FP's that it came with).
  22. To be honest with ya, I wouldn't be very interested in a SDF toy. That's not to say I don't want Yamato to make one, I don't want other people to not get what they want just because I don't want it. I just think it would end up being too expensive for basically a brick. I can force myself to believe that the price of a 1/48 is worth it because it transforms and is rather complex. But even that requires some convincing. Somehow I figure the SDF would be a big hunk of plastic that has an extremely simple transformation (really not much of a transformation at all, it just kind of "stands up") and it would probably cost $150+. This is all speculation/assumptions of course and, like I said, if the other fans do want it then I hope Yamato does make it.
  23. Nah. If it doesn't transform, I don't want it.
  24. The boxes for the non-exclusives are white (see page 3 of this thread for pics). The box for this convention exclusive is black. Would still be nice if it said something about it being exclusive/limited on the package.
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