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Everything posted by mister_e

  1. Wow! That is very, very cool. I can't even begin to fathom how one turns cardboard into something like that.
  2. The arm reminds me of Mega-Man or Samus from Metroid . Also, I don't like the head, too...bubbly I think. But still, it's neat to see an alternate interpretation of our beloved VF-1
  3. Please do. After all, Takara hasn't even let Kawamori make his changes yet!
  4. I'm particularly diggin' that mid-transformation pic of the VF-1J.
  5. mister_e

    1/500 SDF-1

    I'd love to see it all painted up. Also, what size/scale are those valks they have posed in the various pics? I'm guessing they're around 1/100 1/144 scale? They look too big, but I'm guessing there aren't any 1/500 valk models/toys out there. I guess they made due with what was available. Still, very awesome.
  6. Wow! That's quite expensive. While I disagree that they look "cheap-and-nasty", they certainly are not worth $47 US for a single valk (nor $38 for matter). I paid $50 for all three together from a seller on ebay. That averages out to around $17 per valk. That's still probably more than they're actually "worth", but it's bearable. After all, this is Macross, and all our toys are overpriced.
  7. Fair enough. You were joking, but I think you are assuming I was worked up. It is often difficult to discern one's "tone" via written text. You'll have to forgive me for not having such a great memory. I misinterpreted your quote on this page to mean you had not picked one up. I apologize. I now value your opinion equally Although I still disagree
  8. I know it has been said before, but I can't get over what a strange choice for the pack-in movie Talladega Knights makes. I find it kind of aggravating that Sony is marketing this console with commercials that announce its release date. They know that all units are basically already sold (via pre-orders and such) so why waste the money and get some kid's hopes up. It's not like anyone is going to be able to walk into a store and buy one off the shelf anytime before Christmas. Or is there supposed to be another shipment by then?
  9. Whatever These are neither knockoff nor bootleg, you shouldn't have referred to them as either. Just because jenius does not hate everything Toynami does not mean he must be an employee. He likes the toys and he's entitled to his opinion, just as you are entitled to your opinion to dislike them. The difference is that I put more value in his opinion because he actually owns one and you don't.
  10. I had one of those. I totally forgot about them. It's funny to see some of the toys again for the first time through adult eyes and wonder how I ever liked some of these things in the first place. Of course, some toys hold up better over time, but most 80's era toys were just crap
  11. I guess by the RDF logo on the side, we can assume this guy is a Robotech fan rather than a Macross fan. Heh! Still pretty cool. I mean, I would never do it, but it's cool for them
  12. Well, I'm a couple more hours in (avg party member level is 14) and I'm starting to get frustrated. Basically, I feel monsters hit too often for too much damage. This effectively takes one of my party members out of combat because they spend all of their time using potions or casting Cure. Then that person runs out of MP (which doesn't take long since they cast Cure on every turn) and I start dying because everyone's max MP is so low. I'm always buying potions, I go through them like water. Plus, I still don't have access to very useful spells. I know I messed up earlier in the game with my random and inconsistent choices on the License Board. I'm seriously contemplating starting over, but 13 hours seems like a lot of time to just throw away. Any tips/suggestions from those that have mastered the game?
  13. Half? I'd hardly call 3 out of 13 half I do, however, agree that we will probably see a 19A repaint, it'd just be too easy
  14. Heheh, I'm pretty sure he's talking about the boxes. At least, I hope he's talking about the boxes
  15. I think our friend here would be better off just posting in his native tongue. Surely then one of our multi-lingual members could translate his messages for him. As it is, by using a translator, there's not much hope of anyone understanding his posts. Those translators just don't work well enough yet
  16. Gamestop has had the release date listed as Nov. 07 for as long as I can remember (link). Just one more day
  17. Very disappointing that no new news has been released. Robotech.com doesn't even have the 1/100 1J's for pre-order. I really want the 1J's and the FAST/Strike parts. In fact, I want the FAST/Strike parts the most, the DYRL valks just don't look complete without them IMHO.
  18. No. It's a Robotech toy. It would only end up being moved here eventually
  19. I had no interest in this game before its release. I had no intention to buy it either. However, I was a Circuit City this Saturday and they had it on sale for $37.99 and, on impulse, I went ahead and bought a copy. Boy am I glad I did. I'm only about 9-10 hours in, but so far I've loved every minute. This game is very addicting. I'm also really digging the Gambit system. It makes it more about the strategy than the actual button pushing. The Gambit system can be a bit of a double-edged sword though, as I have already caused many deaths due to poorly thought-out Gambits. To be fair, the game warns you that such danger exists, but you can't always know if a Gambit is going to work out or not until you try . Oddly enough the least interesting character in the entire game (thus far) is Vaan. Why is this brat the main character when there are other more awesome characters like Balthier and Basch? To add insult to injury, I also think Vaan has the poorest voice acting in the game (again, thus far). It's not terrible, but it just annoys me a tad.
  20. In his "I'm shutting down the decal and sticker business" thread he specifically asked that if someone wanted advice/suggestions that they should do so in a new thread so others may also benefit from his comments. So, Jasonc is doing exactly what Devin asked him to do.
  21. I just can't bring myself to order a $150 toy that I don't have any detailed information about. I was real excited about this release until I realized how small it is and how much it is going to cost. At 1/5000 scale, I can't image what features could justify such a high price tag. Maybe once we have more info...
  22. I think some people are getting confused. The reason you will be able to play games imported from Japan on your US PS3 is not because they're region-free, but rather because US and Japan are now in the same region when Blu-Ray discs are concerned. Right? Perhaps it is I that am confused. I don't know anymore
  23. It's probably fine that Megs is going to be a gun. I think most fans are concerned about his bot mode anyways. I passed on Starscream, but I might get Megatron if his bot mode looks as good as Prime, err Convoy
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