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Everything posted by mister_e

  1. HEY!!! I never even noticed that! I just checked my Stealth and the air brake is not painted. Damn you jenius for making me notice!
  2. Aside from 1, 3, and 4, these are the kinds of questions that they're most likely NOT going to answer. They're not going to spill the beans about all of the upcoming new toys. Well, they might tell Graham, but they won't let him tell us. I think it's better if we keep our questions/comments related to QC problems that need to be addressed or reissues of previously released products. Just my opinion of course
  3. Whoever compiles the list, make sure to include: "Will you (Yamato) reissue the Max & Miria VF-1J Super Valkyries?" At this point, that's all I'm hoping to find out. I don't expect them to tell us anything about upcoming projects, just let me know if I have to pay $400.00 on eBay for a Max 1J or if I should wait on a reissue.
  4. Definitely NOT the Yamato 1/48 Stealth VF-1J. It's an awesome toy (one of my favs) but it's totally non-canon and thus it is not accurate or 'correct'. I'm not really into modeling though, so I can't really say whether the Hasegawa or the G-System models are more accurate. I do know, however, that in the toy-world many of the customizers use the Hasegawa models as a point of reference for which decals to use and where certain decals should be placed.
  5. Well, honestly, I think your probably just overcomplicating things. Official dimensions? Even if such a thing exists, do you think anyone you meet is going to pull out a ruler and start measuring? Official color? Again, even if there is an "official" color, the chances of getting that color to match when its on skin is pretty low (especially if you consider that it will fade a bit over time). Just find a good looking, decent sized image of the kite and go for it All IMHO, of course Again, good luck
  6. I voted no. I would rather see that effort directed at more tampo printing than panel lining. Like others have said, panel lining is to subjective to get right for everyone's tastes.
  7. A UN Spacy kit tatoo? Man, that's hardcore. I love Macross, but don't think I'm willing to commit so fully to it Best of luck on the tat
  8. Also, I find it hard to recommend the VF-0 due to the seemingly high reports of poor QC. The 1/48 VF-1 is more proven at this point in terms of durability and decent QC. This is the very reason I do not yet own a 1/60 VF-0. I want one, but I'm trying to hold out until Yamato fixes some of these issues
  9. Well, if I had to have one and only one VF toy I'd pick Roy Focker's 1/48 VF-1S. It's pretty much one of the most iconic VF's from the entire franchise.
  10. Oh. Well then, dude, like eat a sandwich or something ya skinny freak
  11. Dude!! That is one huge Jack Skellington statue!
  12. Wasn't the mole only on first editions? I believe subsequent runs of the Focker VF-1S did not have this imperfection. Correct? Thankfully, my Focker 1S does not have the "beauty mark"
  13. They're the same physically, but the paint apps are opposite of each other (Focker has yellow arrows on each side and red dot above the visor and Hikaru has red arrows on each side and a yellow dot above the visor)
  14. Me too, plus any more money Yamato makes on VF-1 repaints means more money for them to invest in development and manufacturing of the 2 seaters
  15. I'd be very interested to know the size of Yamato's production runs. For example, how many Low Vis 2's were made? Graham, any chance Yamato would give us a ballpark figure? Or is that out of the question? I realize they might not want to disclose that type of information, but it would be good to know
  16. Looks like its going to have some VERY limited theater viewings. The few showings are listed on this page. There's going to be a showing here in Dallas. I'm not expecting much, but it might be fun to check it out. No way I could ever get the wife to go though, so I doubt it'll happen.
  17. I hadn't heard those yet. I was kind of surprised at how much Cullen sounded like that guy that does the voice over for almost every movie trailer ever released.
  18. Why didn't anyone tell me pigs can now fly? When did this happen?
  19. As a toy of a robot that transforms in to a realistic jet fighter it seems Classics Starscream outshines movie Starscream in every category: better looking robot + better looking jet fighter = better toy. I've lost pretty much all interest in Transformers these days, and designs like these aren't helping to change my mind
  20. Why would posting from work require you to post in all CAPS??
  21. I cringe every time I see the box art for that model. The backwards legs is just disgraceful
  22. I went with the VF-1 I know the VF-1 doesn't stand a chance in this poll as many people seem to be tired of the design. But the VF-1 is THE design that defines Macross. When I think of Macross (or Robotech), I think of the VF-1. I will NEVER get tired of the VF-1. I know everyone is in puppy love with these new toys (the VF-0 and YF-19), but when that fades, the VF-1 will still be there. So, while I very much love my new YF-19 and look forward to picking up a VF-0 when the Shin/Ghost bundle is released, the VF-1 is and will always be my favorite. I will not be satisfied with Yamato until they give us two-seater VF-1's and re-release the TV Super VF-1J's.
  23. Took the surveys that were applicable for me. I'm very interested in seeing the results also.
  24. Wow! It's amazing how much better the Stealth VF-1 looks with an S head
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