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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. Mommar


    In theory I like the Hi-Metal line but I think there's a lot of things about them to dislike as well. Both the VF-19 and Vf-1 look/pose/play great in Battroid. The 19 looks good in fighter for the most part too. I really dislike the proportions of fighter and Gerwalk of the VF-1 though, Gerwalk is especially awkward/bad on the 19. I only own Hikaru's 1J but with the fast packs on it does help the proportions of the VF-1 in fighter mode though Gerwalk is still way off and would still be clunky (probably more so with the extra weight added.) I do like Bandai's solution to the VF-1's transformation with the slide bars and folding shoulders, it's a far better/sturdy solution to Yamato's crazy rotating shoulders. I also like the way the hips can extend out for more pose-ability. Overall they have a lot of good idea's mashed up with some either odd or just really bad one's though.
  2. So the major differences are the red bands along the ankles instead of the grey one's, the nose cone isn't colored yellow and that the yellow stripe on the forearms are red? I wonder how close they'll stick to one paint scheme or another? The VF-X paint scheme is almost Hikaru's but not as good IMO.
  3. I can understand wanting to move onto other things. But what you've shown us so far is really amazing. Usually we're happy to see a static render, not a motion picture quality piece of film. I hope you return to a transforming 11 at some point though.
  4. I am very curious how the hips will be done in comparison to Yamato's 17.
  5. Apparently it does now, I can see them right in that render.
  6. They did get sort of a double whammy because Daryl established that Shane was lying and killed this guy at the same time as well.
  7. That's right, we've reached such a level of post-modern saturation that our advertisements require advertisements.
  8. I'm impressed by how many Argentinian Macross fans there are.
  9. I didn't even know Elite Force were still around. I see they've decided to fold Dub Step (ugh) into their sound.
  10. The feet on this new toy appear to reuse the exact same feet as the VF-1 toy... which is not accurate to how the feet look in the show. That's what Kyp is complaining about (I, however, feel those anime feet are pretty impossible to pull off.)
  11. This may may make many of you cringe but I recycle all of my packaging. I don't own a single original box for any of my Valks anymore.
  12. Well, in some of the pre-order images at AmiAmi it even looks like the little No Step's on the wings are tampo'd, but if you look at the last photo there is nothing on the wing. It's hard to tell how much is new and will be there.
  13. Damn, some of the prices on their Valks are pretty steep.
  14. Well, it was back in February a week after we found out about the VF-171 and they were the only game in town. So I have a pre-order there but I'm operating under the assumption that it really doesn't exist (I hope I can get my money back.) That's why when I saw that BBTS had pre-orders I jumped at that, hopefully they can fill it unl9ike the 25S.
  15. Looking at those instructions/parts this wouldn't be hard to build at all.
  16. It's possible they opened up the original pre-orders to dip their toe in and see if there was any demand. Regardless if it's a "hero valk" or not, he actually bitches about it's performance while using it in the show. Hardly a glowing endorsement of the vehicle. Bandai may have thought, different paint scheme or not, that it's still considered a CF Valk. Or maybe they underestimate just how streamlined and cool the design is to most people.
  17. Yeah, since it went up at BBTS I got a pre-order in. We'll see if they can deliver but as of now I had to change my vote to reflect I was able to pre-order one.
  18. Well, I was introduced via Robotech in the 80's, wasn't fond of Plus and really didn't like Zero 7 or Frontier. I've got a TON of VF-1 variants. However I also have: 1 VF-0 1 YF-19 1 VF-19S 2 VF-22's 1 VF-17S 2 VF-25's (F and S) 3 VF-11C's And I'm currently anxiously awaiting a VF-19F, VF-17D, VF-171 and a VF-4. I just like the way most of Kawamori's Macross designs look.
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