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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. The Carraidas private swing-wing jet designed for the Tintin comic "Flight 714" from 1966.
  2. Same here. I highly recommend the 1/144 Fine Molds Falcon as a perfect kit to re-enter Star Wars modeling. more in my album: Millennium Falcon
  3. Yeah I misjudged the size from the power jack at the bottom; the Anigrand kit is about 70 cm long. But I've also seen some insane things at conventions: There was also a beautiful build of the Anigrand version:
  4. Hobbysearch has even bigger pics of the kit now (no box art yet, though): http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10242344
  5. What I find most impressive is that the model is actually pretty small - most other kits of the subject go the "bigger is better" route. You can see the work in progress here: http://blog.naver.com/no1jujil/130177714292 I wonder what the base kit is? Well, someday we'll get our Fine Molds Star Destroyers...
  6. MG Sazabi ver.Ka. will be released in Japan next week. Anybody ordered one?
  7. Ozma's machine from Y!J: http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/fukutsuka2001/imgs/0/b/0b7c5d2f.jpg Make sure to sand the sensors at the nose flush with the hull.
  8. If someone is still on the fence, HLJ has tempting sales going on.
  9. Hey, they can split it into two 45 min. episodes and torture us for another year...
  10. Wow, that's some fine panel lines there!
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