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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. Still no release date, but here are first buildup pics to keep you drooling: http://www.ipmsstockholm.se/home/tarangus-ja37-viggen-in-148-scale-part-1-cp/
  2. The F-35 is cursed! Even Hasegawa managed to mess up the profile on their new kit. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10262266a5/20/5
  3. Here's an alternative design for the Mave by Sparrow: http://mini-sparrow.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2014/02/frx-00ffr-41mr-.html
  4. Do I read this right that also all remaining U2s will be retired?
  5. I hope it's allowed to post here: Revell wants your ideas for new kits. Some SF subjects are already there. http://ideas.revell.de/ideas/
  6. Speaking of the Turn-X, look at this awesome 1/144 mod: http://www.geocities.jp/freakshow0am/turnxsr2.html http://www.geocities.jp/freakshow0am/turnxwork.htm
  7. http://image01.seesaawiki.jp/h/n/harmony-gold_japan/f95962d6808a4ee9.jpg That's one of the best Monsters I've seen. Thanks for the link.
  8. I have not used the VF-25 decals yet, but I had no problems with Mr. Mark Softer and the decals of Bandai's Yukikaze kits.
  9. There's also a pretty cool Q-Rau in the making: http://ameblo.jp/akicyan1017/entry-11773597757.html The Macross stuff is hard to spot on his blog.
  10. You did a flawless job on the kit, especially with the brush painting. Regarding the model, I think that Wave has done better work in the past and considering that the price of this kit is almost that of the Hase 1/72, they're not doing the franchise a favor.
  11. Banlieue 13 was a silly but very entertaining movie with great stunts. I wonder if the remake (or better: US adaption) will include this
  12. Anybody planning to paint this in the CF scheme?
  13. Quite an impressive achievement! I have yet to finish one of the Bandai 25s, and I certainly would have dropped the ball after the first ghost.
  14. Being an astronaut is fun again. Framestore's "Live from Space" trailer for Channel 4:
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