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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. The MG 2.0 is the best representation of the Zeta, IMO. I like most of the Gundam RDs for their more dynamic stylization, but the RD looks like they switched scales between the parts.
  2. Wow, this is a real museum piece! Great color scheme, too.
  3. Well, I had to learn that "not being in coma" does not mean that he's actually awake. From the sparse news that's available, it could well mean that they terminated the medication to keep him in a comatose state, and that he's now in a so-called vegetative state, hence the change of hospitals.
  4. Michael Schuhmacher is not in coma anymore and has left the clinic in Grenoble! Further treatment will happen in the University Hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland.
  5. Battroid is up for preorder at Hobbysearch. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10280010
  6. Amiami's blog shows a display with the Star Destroyer's scale listed as 1/1700. I wonder which original size they had in mind?
  7. The new Advanced TIE looks pretty sharp - keep in mind that this kit is only a few centimeters long. I guess they'll be cheaper than FM, too.
  8. Apparently, Bandai has acquired the Star Wars license for plastic kits and launches the first models this autumn: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152640288058072.1073742222.179756328071&type=1 So far there's a 1/72 Red Five X-Wing & Advanced TIE, and a S.H. Figuarts Vader & Troopers in 1/12. Also on display at the Tokyo Toy Show are a huge Star Destroyer and a 1/48 X-Wing!
  9. There's also this PE set from Hasegawa, coming in June: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10018812
  10. Profile looks nicer than the F-22 Too bad they can't afford to build it...
  11. Aside from a Godzilla sequel, he's attached to a still unnamed Star Wars side feature, which fan rumor has it will deal with Boba Fett (so it will not happen...)
  12. We still need a VF-171 plamo first.
  13. Their color choice is even more garish than Bandai's.
  14. Looks like there's a "Monsters" sequel. I admit the trailer is quite cool.
  15. Looking forward to see the finished sequence. I just noticed that the original is almost 20 years old, still my favorite opening.
  16. So the F-35 is super stealthy but you can hear them coming across half the country... Are there any soundseeker missiles yet?
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