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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Hoping for all good things! Or otherwise, at least a few less things. Sanity is important, so do what you can to keep that last thread in the fight!
  2. Well fudge! Clearly she thought you needed that too.
  3. Nice! I'll need to give those pencils a try.
  4. @CrossAir That is an awesome repaint. I do like the prototype colors of the Prophecy, but when you got the change to change it up might as well take it!
  5. The color may not be accurate, but it sure looks dang good! I kind-of prefer the gray rather than white sometimes.
  6. I'm still below 4K and everything still looks fine to me!
  7. Same here. First thought! And I think the animation for the first movies still stands up well today, even for kid's movies. As for Buzz's voice, I'm thinking Tim Allen was getting a bit tired of the role, esp as he was used very little for the last movie.
  8. It looks like it's going both ways! Pretty cool looking though.
  9. It looks interesting for a fun/romp movie. Get the tub of popcorn! Just as long as it's not 11 year old popcorn...
  10. @peter You're not alone, must of us only look at them from a few feet away anyway!
  11. I zoomed and I REGERET NOTHING!! Outstanding looking Excel!
  12. Peng, I have all confidence that you could build that!
  13. @MechTech Well as the saying goes, 'I know they're in there!'😛
  14. And onto my Academy 1/72 F-4J! While awaiting some PE for the 'pit I'm doing the cans first. I thought I might get some resin replacements, but they cost too much and would take too long to arrive, so I'll be doing a little 'home improvement.' First is the detail of the burners which, while also being stuck pretty deep into the tunnel, are pretty simplistic. But I have the parts for the F-14A variant that I'm not using. So a little work has been done, first drilling a hole through the right and sitting it atop the one on the left. Then I broke into the metal stash and cut some rods to form rings for the burners. Now to glue that together and duplicate it! Thom
  15. @pengbuzz Dude! That Vader is looking awesome!
  16. Having not watched the newer ones, 007 movies have always held to a strong vein of reality-based fantasy. I'm assuming, despite the more gritty take, that hasn't changed much.
  17. Going to town on that @pengbuzz! Looking pretty good.
  18. Nose gear well is done, painted up and weathered with a dark panel line wash. And mated to the cockpit tub before the nose sides were closed around it. I have some seamless intakes on the way and I'll need to order some seats for the D variant. But, modeling on! Thom
  19. Thanks @MechTech @pengbuzz Some great work on that X-Wing! Can't wait to see what you do for the Vader figure! And @Rock Nora's fighter is looking aces! Love the paint job. Did a little painting on my Tomcat. White mainly for the intakes, trunking and exhaust tunnels, but also a hit for the gear well. Now to detail paint a little bit. Thom
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