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Everything posted by Thom

  1. As I recall the main canon of the Frontier is a gun-ship that can operate independently.
  2. One of the big failing is the lack of knowledge about the rest of the galaxy. All we are shown is the heroes POV, which leads to these big gaping holes in the back story that we are left to theorize about. There were some deleted scenes between General Leia and the woman front and center when Hosnian Prime was blowed up, and I imagine we may have had some explanation of galactic politics there, but it was nicely cut and left to fall to the cutting room floor. You know, cause the general movie audience would get too bored or confused with too much information...
  3. I would have much rather preferred this than the stupid battery idea. And it's more stupid for the 'studio' to not understand that general audiences could grasp that the humans in the movie were being used basically as extra RAM space or organic USBs.
  4. That would look cool as a starship too!
  5. Deep dives sometimes only bring up more questions that have no answers... Such as why didn't the Machines just lobotomize everyone when the first Matrix Paradise failed? Can't rebel without higher brain functions.
  6. Simple, but lovely and quite effective.
  7. Shows the short-sightedness of the 'bottom line' way of thinking. Watch any reaction clip where Spiderman shows back up on screen, hear the reaction from the audience about a much-beloved character - and then kick him out...
  8. The first Matrix was the best. The sequels were alright, but really only worth one watch for me, and that's mostly because Don't see how they can undo that, so they'll either be in flashbacks or clones.
  9. Whose going to be like a kid in a candy store! I'd say 'have fun', but I guess the words don't need to be said...
  10. I will say that Spiderman is not my most favored, so it's not hitting as hard as say, Captain Marvel. But still, after having such success with the Marvel movies, it's kind of sad that there first real cox-up is from the board room... Greedy bastages.
  11. It looks really good Pengbuzz. Love Bob!
  12. After the Saber, and to get primed for the Float Plane 2 GB on Britmodeller, I'm putting the S6B back on center-table!
  13. That looks great! And something you could add on to.
  14. Wow, imagine being so salty as to want to jilt the father of the franchise, and the whole reason they are getting any money based on it in the first place, simply because they want 100%. Even with Lucas' cut, they would still be making mad-money. Instead, they now have a tottering franchise on the verge of just being 'okay...' As to the younger cast, I think they had to be there anyway, not so much for story but for the audience. Like the characters, the originals were getting old and younger audiences identify more with their own age group, so having a new and younger cast seems only normal.
  15. With you there. I hate puttying and sanding.
  16. Wasn't this scene in TFA..? Oh, right, JJ was behind both scenes... I liked TFA and thought it was a good jumping off point for the trilogy, but yes, JJ doesn't seem to have much of a range of imagination. A quick fix for that would be to have the planetary destruction scenes on a view screen instead - or to try to not reuse the same plot device from movie to movie. A big problem with TLJ was that it was a sequel that appeared to have no prequel. TFA was leading down a different path than TLJ was taken down. I can imagine that Han was always looking for the Falcon, even when doing a cargo run. And if there is anybody capable of finding the Falcon (when she's in flight) then that's him. As to how fast he reached them though, that I got nothing but the same complaint you do. As was stated above, convenience was allowed to override good story telling.
  17. There were a couple lines of dialogue about the Falcon not being a 'clean' ship. So, if it can be tracked (because it has a tracking device on it) then Han finding it is not that hard to reconcile.
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