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Everything posted by Thom

  1. I didn't get any creep vibes from Lando's final line. It sounded like the beginning of another journey for those character to help her, and the other deserters, find their families. 1) The signal was to help the Final Order Star Destroyers get out of the planet's atmosphere. Something with the atmosphere or the electromagnetics of the planet itself was futzing with their guidance systems while they were down low. During the attack, the Final Order realized what was happening and turned off the signal from the tower, and Ren's Star Destroyer, which was higher up, took over. Which of course meant they then had to attack that SD with their ground forces. The others shown being destroyed at the end were First Order Star Destroyers, showing that other systems were attacking now. Why they didn't at the end of TLJ..? But it wasn't a self destruct at all. If you recall the one destroyed over Endor, it was taken out with the Haldo Maneuver. 2) For Luke, he was projecting himself not just to another planet, but across star systems, and who knows how many! I'm assuming that takes quite a lot of energy to do and he just over-extended himself. I was very disappointed with that though. I think it would have been so much better if he had gone to the planet and did face Kylo. His death after that just seemed to come out of nowhere. For Leia, it was the same thing. But I think she did more. Kylo was being tempted by the light through all three movies, and I think when Leia contacted him she did more than allow him to feel her death. I think she latched onto him and gave him an anchor in the light. So it was more than simply overextending herself, it was making the choice to sacrifice herself to support her son. And unlike Luke, when she died her body didn't disappear until the moment that Ben's vanished. Which I think supports the theory that she bound them together in order to give him enough strength to stand against the Dark Side. 4) That one, I'm pretty sure, has to do with them being dyads. They were focal points across the Force and I think that allowed them to reach across it. Kylo realized first that they could do it and then so did Rey. 8 ) For that, I think those SDs were actually Imperial Star Destroyers. Especially considering their dated overall design, I think they were simply refurbished there in order to carry the super lasers. As for crews, I would assume skeleton crews for most if not outright automated for the majority. Now, do I think there were far too many, then hell yes! A dozen would have been more believable than a fleet of thousands. And I think one escaped... There was that one Final Order SD that destroyed Kijimi. I don't recall seeing it destroyed.
  2. Interesting. I wonder what they'll do to turn him into the Penguin? Kind of wish they went with a different villain though. Cat Woman. Joker. Penguin. Riddler. Two-Face and others, they've been done. Sometimes not well of course, but he's had other rogues to fight. Also interesting that Reeves wants to keep this out of the JL DCEU and more akin to Nolan's stand-alone series. That I hope doesn't come to pass, as I really want this tied into the WW and AQ and the Flash. Should Flash ever happen...
  3. Old Republic, High Republic, just different names for almost the same thing. With 10000 years to choose from, it's not out of bounds for them to try and make something 'new' to fit in somewhere. KOTOR or not, there are going to be Sith and Jedi battling it out and even a young Yoda which will be cool! I just hope they'll treat this better than they did the Skywalker Saga and plan it all out. And give us some cool new ship designs!
  4. Love is such a strong word... I like the Shenzhou and the Enterprise, the Enterprise more of course, but I hate the Discovery. The only reason I bought either kit in 1/2500 was to show interest to Round2 in the hopes of a larger scale Enterprise. I actually had little plans to make either until the idea to kitbash the two came along, changing the scale of the ship to /1000 in the process. For looks, she'll be little different than my USS Saber, seeing how they will be serving in Starfleet at the same time, post-TOS and pre-TMP. Light gray with lighter gray accents. I may do a little splash of Shenzhou's dark red for color, but I'm not sure yet.
  5. Some progress today. I finished the deflector housing and glued it into the recess. I may add a few greebles to dress it up a little. Also cut off the stern of the Enterprise and after widening am now test fitting it to the Shen's stern.
  6. Back in sci-fi, I'm kitbashing the 1/2500 Shenzhou and Enterprise into a 1/1000 scale Hopper class escort destroyer. The USS Sprite, NCC-1828.
  7. And I really hope somebody does that! Ep 8 felt like a black hole where all the anchors for the plot fell into. It feels like a trilogy without a middle arc. That being said, I really liked TRoS. With what we got, I felt it ended on a far better note than we could have expected. Taken without the baggage of TLJ and it's a good film.
  8. Understood. To be clear, I am fine with the time jumps. Once I realized they were happening I thought it was a neat choice. Certainly keep them in, but pace the story a little differently and use the majority of the flashbacks before Cintra fell, moving that to the middle of the season. Geralt and Ciri would still be separated by more than a decade as intended but I feel it would allow some more cohesive world-building, and have a greater impact with the audience when Cintra fell and Calanthe died.
  9. CrossAir, that is a nice looking root. Not familiar with the anime but it looks dang cool! Neptunesurvey, that is a good looking SD. Esp in the that small scale, it is well deserving of a metal. And Vifam7, that Skygrasper looks incredible! It would so fit in to the Macross universe. Heck, it even has a booster pack!
  10. Binged the whole thing and I liked it - for the most part. I never read the books or played the game, so I came in cold. I do think they needed to world-build a little more, esp for those who have no background knowledge of the material. Tossed in cold I was playing catch up with the names and places being tossed out. But I was liking it, especially those scenes with Geralt and Ciri, and damn is she a good actress! I will say that it doesn't feel as grandiose as GoT. It felt more like The Shannara Chronicles, in that the major powers didn't really seem to have any presence in them, except for Queen Calanthe. A bit of world building would have gone a great deal to strengthening them before the main story began. Which started with the first episode, but then stumbled under a sudden glut of side stories. I think that if they had progressed the story without any time-jumps it would have gone better. It would have introduced the characters, showed their troubles and triumphs and built them up more smoothly. Otherwise I was wondering where the main characters were, and why were we talking with elves in a cave and traveling with a bard who was too comical. At a number of times it was a little too campy, mostly in relation to Joxer. I mean Jaskier! Episode five or six could have been when Cintra fell, after we'd been invested with Calanthe and Ciri's life there. And after seeing Geralt on some of his adventures, and in that way keeping the time-skipping as all these events take place at least fifteen years before the main story. Otherwise, to me, it just felt like they were treading water with only a few episodes to progress the main plot. It also would have helped the threat from Nifgaard to have some more 'weight' behind it. And perhaps showed us what the 'white flame' is. I still don't know what it is or why Cahir is doing this all for, other than to 'get to the center of it all...' or some-such. Despite that though I really liked it! Again, especially when it was dealing directly with Geralt and Ciri. There were some great episodes and I really felt like it was starting to pick up some speed, but of course that was in the last two episodes! Aaargh! Kind of like the second season of Stranger Things, I kept waiting for Ciri and Geralt to meet up a lot earlier and was disappointed that it didn't happen until the last thirty seconds! Double aaargh! I'm wanting more though. I'll be there for a Season 2.
  11. Well, Rey did have both halves by the end of TLJ, so it is easy to surmise that she repaired it. Not so much. They were of note simply because we don't hear that so often in the Star Wars series. The first time I heard a woman speaking from a Storm Trooper outfit was in TFA when Rey broke loose on Star Killer Base. First time I heard one dying though. As to shooting the 'bad guys,' if they are not going to do that, then they might as well give up before they start. I get it though how these were kids who had no choice when the FO abducted them and trained them, but we have to consider that most, apparently, are fully indoctrinated and that Finn and Janna and Co. were aberrations. When given the order to fire on unarmed captives, most fired without hesitation. Sometimes, you have to destroy the System first before you can free everyone.
  12. Wow, that is a good looking Alpha (Legioss.) I agree with Arbit, the red is looking nice. Damn fine looking plane! Really like the scheme and it is certainly shiny enough for a show!
  13. All they'd have to do was retcon E8. Get rid of the stupid chase scene and the forced mutiny and the Canto Bight stuff, and replace it with finding out that Snoke was really just a big puppet, that Palpatine was actually alive and gearing up to move against the destabilized galaxy, that Luke didn't turn into an old curmudgeon drinking blue land-whale milk and was actually making moves to counter Palpatine, after discovering that he was still kicking... I liked 7 and 9, but 8 just feels like a giant hole that all the anchor points for the plot fell into.
  14. I really really liked this season! S1 was good, but S2 topped it up all over the place. A lot of fun, some great drama moments and awesome FX! Left me wanting Season 3.
  15. It's look could be fitting if Rey is at the low point of the fall of the Jedi. There is no grand order of Knights around anymore to teach her and influence her style. If she is the beginning of a new Jedi Order then I imagine, as times goes on, that they will progress back to the more polished look of the Jedi just a few decades earlier. Plus, if we do see her again that lightsaber might become more 'polished' as she grows in her understanding of the Force. Or perhaps she was simply limited to the materials on hand. Apparently she used pieces of her staff in its construction so that is part of the look there, and that too is a fitting to have an 'old' scavenger scavenge parts in order to make her first lightsaber. And looking at it, I think it is a double-ended lightsaber. The way the bottom part mirrors the top would seem to suggest that to me, even if they only showed one end lit.
  16. And a lot of hugging. It seems that every five minutes they are hugging each other. But that's only a small quibble.
  17. Thanks guys! Much appreciated! MechTech, that is a great looking crane!
  18. So far going good! Which is good because I liked the first season and I hope this does just as well.
  19. Some nice looking builds guys! Finally finished mine and it is off onto its new home.
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