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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Subjectively though it will still feel like three years.Can't cheat time yet, though I like where you were going with that!
  2. That looks incredible. Great seeing some awesome looking Zentran ships being 'grown.'
  3. I have a few of these in the stash. Will be great seeing yours go together.
  4. Absolutely great looking effect. Love it!
  5. Love that display. Just full of action!
  6. That's a great looking dio! Great kit and scratch work.
  7. It can't. Johnson missed his chance to continue the arc but turned the middle chapter into a too long chase scene. The last movie in a trilogy is usually used to tie up loose ends and give a meaningful, exciting ending. Instead Abrams has to rush it in the final two plus hours, so of course they are going to be hitting the nostalgia button pretty dang hard and turning it into even more of a continuation of the OT, including the original main villain. I'll still be watching this in the theaters though. As a 'stand alone' movie TFA was very good, IMHO and I'm thinking (hoping) RoSW will be as fun.
  8. Don't show up for a week and everyone is putting out some incredible builds! Kudos guys, awesome stuff!!
  9. For me, the physics of how pieces of the DSII survived atmospheric entry are unimportant. Much less which way it was facing or how powerful on a nuclear-scale the explosion was or where exactly Palpatine's throne room was in relation to the dish's circumference, or... It's science fiction. If we want we could say that the construction materials used in the DSII were so strong that the magnitude of it wouldn't even be measurable by today's standard. It could be that, to us, it would be considered completely indestructible, and thus the fact that it was destroyed would be a confounding mystery to us hairless monkeys who have barely even scratched the moon's surface in our own dinky little star system, that in itself would be considered a backwater's backwater to a place such as Jakku. It's fantasy only based on science, and pretty loose science at that, that is more akin to magic than anything concrete. It really just kind of sucks the wonder out of it. Tell yeah, I would have loved even that little bit of an explanation for Snoke! They really screwed up the story arc by playing Blindman's Bluff with TLJ's plot.
  10. Well, I still got the zings from watching the trailer. It looks adventurous, dramatic and exciting which, honestly, the trailers have always managed to do. I'm looking forward to seeing it in theater a couple times at least. Yes, TLJ dropped the ball in a bad way, and by TLJ I mean Johnson, Kennedy and Abrams as well, but TFA was exciting and fun and I'm trusting Abrams to deliver that at least. I'm also hoping they've learned from the bad responses and do a few 'course corrections' that keep us out of the dreaded 'mystery box' complex. If I had my wish, Palpatine's return would have happened during TLJ, to really feel it grow organically. Have it happen in the background, with him subtly pulling Snoke's strings (and giving us an explanation for Snoke in the offing) with his final reveal at the very end. Not what we got though. So, is it going to feel a bit rushed then, throwing him in at the end and trying to get the answers that were never picked up after TFA? Probably. But I'm alright with that as long as I get good answers and an exciting ride, and a meaningful end to wrap it all up.
  11. For me it's feeling more contrived than anything else. Unless she's suffering from some kind of mental breakdown or acute psychosis, I find it hard to think that she can't understand or see how evil her intentions are. They say that this is a battle for Lena's soul, but I think it may be more a fight for her sanity. In that way, I'm really hoping this is more Hope's doing, seeing how often Lena is connected through the contact/interface things. Maybe Hope is subtly influencing her thoughts and action. But if she is in her right mind, then I see little way other than more contrivance for her to get away with an 'oh sorry, I was angry/hurt, my bad.' This is incredibly worse than Kara just not telling her she was Supergirl. This is Lex-level of criminal intent. I have to say I was much happier when she was just angry and wanting Kara to 'pay' for making her feel left out and 'betrayed.' At least that is more rational than Lena wanting to mind-control everyone.
  12. Same.. I've been liking it, in fact better than SG this season. Also wish they had more of a lawless look to Gotham. There are a lot of homeless around Wayne Tower, but very little evident crime.
  13. For the luv of all that Holey, get those cats some BIGGER boxes!!
  14. Arbit, that is a cool looking lil carrier!
  15. I got the final color on my Do 335. It's under gloss coat now and getting ready for decals and then weathering.
  16. Cool work on the elevator. Nice motion to it. Those Woody faces actually look a little freaky... That's cool. What scale is it?
  17. So, what did everyone think of Batwoman? Myself I though it was pretty good. It seemed to be standard CW fare which are good in their own way or I wouldn't be watching them. I think RR suited the role really well, both in and out of the suit and I'm looking forward to next Sunday.
  18. Not to get spoilery, but it was very slow and low energy, and anti-climactic. Great visuals though!
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